The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

One hundred and fifty-four, Mr. Chu, why don't you withdraw your shares?

On the way back, Chu Yao couldn't help but think about it.

I don't want to think about the story behind Tang Xiaoxing.

Can't even guess.

But it should be known soon.

The main thing I'm thinking at the moment is that my ability to pick up girls has declined.

Before, it was a straight home run that day.

The efficiency is high.



In fact, the main reason is that the level of the women I know is getting higher and higher.

This is also in line with Maslow's need theory.

After the money reaches a certain amount, the emotional stimulation that wealth can bring plummets, and the threshold continues to rise.

Of course, money is not useless.

But other aspects also need to be considered.

Of course, it may also be because the money is not enough.

For example, when you reach the level of Jack Ma or Bill Gates, you will find that the attraction of money has returned.

It is a curve that fluctuates back and forth.


the next day.

Arriving at Swan Castle after a morning run, Chu Yao asked Jiang Zhenhua for an impromptu meeting.

The main topic of discussion is-how much overlap will the future development space of our beauty industry platform have with the entertainment industry?

And...does it need to be laid out in advance?

Jiang Zhenhua was a little surprised by this topic.

In all fairness, he really didn't expect this field.

It is mainly a matter of the number of cards available in the hand.

In his opinion, 2.5 billion is almost the limit to build a platform.

Going to cross borders and seek cooperation in another field is a matter of another dimension.

This moment.

For the first time, he felt that Chu Yao's layout and handwriting tended to surpass his own.

Of course, the reason is still - money is self-willed.

"If we can have an entertainment company of our own, it will definitely be a tiger with wings."

"Whether it's celebrity endorsement, or advertising placement, or even custom-made variety shows, TV dramas, and movies, they can all complement each other."

"However, cost is the most important issue. Will the price be too high?"

"Moreover, this part must be operated separately from the platform."

Jiang Zhenhua analyzed from a purely objective perspective.

The beauty industry and the entertainment industry naturally have genes for cooperation.

It's just that the entertainment industry is too deep, and he really doesn't understand it.

If you really want to grow bigger, the resources and funds invested are no less than the current platform.

Chu Yao's attitude is——

"Don't worry about investment, you only need to consider the direction and execution, or the same sentence, money is enough."

It's just... domineering.

With this attitude as a foundation, Jiang Zhenhua began to enter a familiar thinking mode.

Talk on paper.

Conducted brainstorming and logical deduction, and put forward some ideas and plans.

Entertainment companies, whether they are stars or all the literary and artistic works produced, can essentially belong to the "traffic entrance."

The Meiye platform is essentially an e-commerce platform.

The former can provide flow for the latter.

The latter can provide cash for the former.

In the early stage of platform development, celebrities can bring traffic to the platform and form consumer trust endorsement.

In the later stage of platform development, it can feed back stars and achieve a win-win commercial value.

The difference in execution is——

The platform has to be bigger.

If the platform is not large, it will be difficult to form a scale effect and survive.

But entertainment companies can be rich and thrifty.

For entertainment companies, the core resources are people, works, and a collection of project systems.

If you have the money and the resources, do it.


His analysis was similar to what Chu Yao thought.


Chu Yao called Xu Yan again and called her over.

Institutions are entertainment companies in the new media era.

Internet celebrity brokers are essentially no different from star brokers.

The Internet celebrity circle can be said to be the novice village in the entertainment circle.

And the boundary between the two is gradually blurring.

Especially the income of some top anchors, even in the entire entertainment industry, is quite affordable.

Big Coffee Entertainment, a company that has been in operation for several years, has a certain foundation. As an entry point, Chu Yao thinks it is feasible.


When I bought the shares of this company, I didn't think so much.

Just spend your money as you go.

It didn't cost much anyway.

But now, it was used unintentionally.

It can only be said that the merits are worthless.


before lunch.

Xu Yan came over.

It has only been a few days since I saw her, and Chu Yao found that she seemed to be much haggard.

The young woman who was originally glamorous, elegant and gentle, now has an unattractive complexion.

Dark circles and tiredness can't be completely concealed even with a good amount of makeup.

"What's the matter, Mr. Xu?"

"what happened?"

Didn't talk about business.

Chu Yao cares about personal matters first.

"It's okay, just a little insomnia recently."

Seeing Jiang Zhenhua present, Xu Yan didn't say much, and simply put it in a perfunctory manner.

Chu Yao glanced at her, but didn't say anything else.

have eaten.

Chu Yao proposed the idea of ​​letting Daka Entertainment get out of the Internet celebrity novice village and get involved in the celebrity brokerage business, and proposed that he could increase capital, and then asked Xu Yan for his opinion.

According to Chu Yao's understanding of her, he felt that she had no reason to refuse.

What's more, it's yourself who pays.

However, to Chu Yao's surprise, Xu Yan hesitated for a long time and refused.

Ask why.

She seemed a little embarrassed.

After hesitating again and again, he still said it.

"President Chu, it's not about career, it's mainly because of family."

" husband cheated, and I...may be facing divorce recently."

"We didn't do property notarization before marriage, and the company was founded after marriage, so we may have to face the problem of property and equity division."

"It's not a good thing for you to enter the game at this time."

"On the contrary, I have something else I want to tell you, why don't you withdraw your shares first?"

"Because it hasn't been divided yet, and there is enough money in the company's account, you can withdraw first. When the situation on my side is straightened out, we can talk about other things."

Xu Yan's expression was slightly sad, but her attitude was quite firm.

That's what he said.

Her company was originally a mom-and-pop shop.

Later, Chu Yao took a stake as a strategic investor.

This happens now.

Whether the company can continue is still up for debate.

If the couple really wanted to fight, the company would at least suffer greatly.

"Have you made up your mind to leave?"

Chu Yao thought for a while and asked calmly.

Xu Yan's eyes were cold and she nodded.

"I have already found a lawyer, and I am collecting evidence and dividing the property."

"He was at fault."

"It's just that I was blind at the time. Fortunately, I didn't have any children."

With this gesture, Xu Yan obviously became determined after eating the weight.

Chu Yao glanced at her, and said in a still calm tone: "Okay, then you leave as soon as possible, divide the property, keep the big coffee entertainment, and it's okay to suffer appropriately in other places."

"For this matter, we must look forward and move quickly. Time cost is the biggest cost."

"In terms of money, I can make up for the part of the loss."

This attitude made Xu Yan slightly taken aback.

Glancing at Chu Yao, I don't know what to think, and subconsciously look away.

"Ok, I know."

"But now there is a divorce cooling-off period, no matter how fast it is, it will take at least a month."

she says.

Hearing this, Chu Yao looked at Jiang Zhenhua.

"Mr. Jiang, how long will it take to develop our online platform?"

Jiang Zhenhua quickly replied: "About two and a half months."


Chu Yao nodded and looked at Xu Yan again.

"I'll give you two months to deal with your own affairs, sort out your mood, and then prepare to start a new sail."

"Three-legged toads are hard to find, but there are many men with two legs."

"As long as you have money, you can keep fresh meat every day."

Chu Yao made a joke.

Xu Yan forced a smile, nodded, but didn't speak, just let out a long sigh of relief.

Can't think of...

I just passed thirty.

She is still a young girl psychologically, but she is also a young woman in reality, and in Chu Yao's eyes, she is about to run in the direction of a "rich woman".

She couldn't help looking at Chu Yao, wanting to say something.

He hesitated, but held back.




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