The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

One hundred sixty-four, the man you can't get

"Wang Sihui?"

Chu Yao repeated the name and sipped the toothbrush lightly, feeling a little pained.

If Gao Jing became Wang Sihui's student, she would definitely meet Yu Meiren in the future.

What is this called?

However, after thinking about it, it seems... nothing.


What am I hurting?

Subconsciously, it seems... as if...




"What's the matter?"

"do you know?"

"I chose it on the official website of Pengcheng University. I have also read her books, as well as the official account, Douyin, various theories and trading records. She is a very powerful teacher."

"And...the female professor."

Gao Jing explained the reasons in detail, and it sounded like she had really thought about it carefully.

Especially the last reason.

very conscious.

Chu Yao glanced at her, thought for a while, and said nonchalantly, "The Yu Meiren who called me a few days ago, Wang Sihui is her mother."

" it inconvenient?"

Gao Jing asked very understandingly.

She didn't know exactly what the relationship between Chu Yao and that woman was.

Sounds like a business partner.

And it seems that the woman is not very old when she hears her voice.

Chu Yao smiled and said: "It's okay, that woman is not easy to mess with, a rich family in Hong Kong Island, I'm afraid I will fall out with her in the future, and you will become a hostage."

After saying this, Gao Jing was silent for a while.

After thinking about it, he said softly, " decide."

Gao Jing is very clear that everything in this world is fair.

If the test is based on strength, then naturally there is no problem, and you can choose whoever you want.

However, since it is necessary to choose a mentor based on the relationship, since it enjoys the convenience brought by the "relationship", it is natural to consider the negative impact of this "relationship".


Go back to Pengcheng and have a good rest for a day.

Chu Yao still called Yu Meiren and made an appointment to meet her mother.

One yard owned by a yard.

Now that Gao Jing has already selected a teacher, this is a serious matter, so don't affect your studies because of messy reasons.

Chu Yao can still tell the severity.

Besides, it's not necessarily a bad thing.

On the phone, Meiren Yu was not surprised when she heard Chu Yao's request, and she didn't ask the reason in detail, she just said that she had to ask her mother first.

After hanging up the phone and asking about it, she called again.

He said that he had made an appointment, and that he could visit at ten o'clock tomorrow morning, and he also specifically asked not to bring gifts. Mom didn't like this.

Generally speaking, the attitude is still very good.

This belongs to the after-sales service of "100 million donation".

What Chu Yao didn't know was that in the Yu family's family motto, the most important one was that no matter what kind of personality you have in life, you will never pull your hips when doing things.


On a sunny morning, Chu Yao took Gao Jing to the employee's family compound near the back gate of Pengcheng University according to the address given by Yu Meiren.

I didn't bring any presents.

Just brought a book.

It is the old lady's classic book "Comparative Research on the Financial Market System of China and the United States in Thirty Years", a group of high-ranking students, and I just went to buy it yesterday.

Naturally, this book was not a gift for the old lady, but asked the old lady to sign it.

It's flattering.

However, the flattering of scholars, can that be called flattering?

It's called... Fengya.

Last but not least, it's arty.

Unit 1, 602, has an elevator. Although it is old, it is very clean.

It is worthy of being the family home of university faculty and staff.

Chu Yao was surprised by the advertisement posted in the elevator.

What is the family debate competition of the Law Research Association, what is the appreciation and analysis of Cantonese opera classics, what is the discussion and research of various disciplines and methods for the complete eradication of cockroaches...

Inexplicably interesting.

"When you go to school, I will buy you a house here."

Chu Yao glanced at Gao Jing and said with a smile.

Champagne International is still too far away from the school. It is okay to drive, but it is too time-consuming.

Gao Jing's lips twitched, she thought for a while, then nodded lightly, she didn't know what she thought of, and laughed out loud.

"What are you laughing at?"

"It's kind of... a weird feeling. I just thought of my dad sending me to kindergarten when I was young."

Holding her hand, Chu Yao couldn't help laughing softly.


Go to the floor and enter the door.

The identity and qualifications of the old lady can be called the old lady, but after seeing the real person, Chu Yao immediately called "Teacher Wang".

If it weren't for her seniority, it's hard to say, she should be called Sister Wang.

According to official data, Wang Sihui is fifty-five years old this year, but only when she meets the real person will she know that she is well maintained and looks just like a woman in her early thirties.

To use the description of "mature old lady", I feel a bit old.

Perhaps it should be described as "goddess of frozen age".

The appearance is more than five points similar to the poppy, except that he wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, which adds a bit of elegance and a good temperament.

"Xiao Chu, come in quickly."

"Girl, hello, this is... your girlfriend?"

At the door, she held Chu Yao's hand kindly and kindly, as if treating her own children and nephews, without distinction at all.

Holding her hand, the skin was delicate and smooth, which made Chu Yao's heart tremble for a moment.

Forced to calm down, she was pulled into the door.

Only then was it released.

Poppy was sitting on the sofa, wearing a simple pajamas, with two long white legs, curled up and reading a book.

Seeing Chu Yao enter the door, he took a casual look and asked, "What tea do you want?"

But his eyes sized up Gao Jing for a long time.

In the previous phone call, Chu Yao didn't mention this to her.

After Gao Jing called Teacher Wang softly, she entered the door gracefully, and now she looked at Yu Meiren and smiled slightly.


After exchanging pleasantries and looking at each other.

"Ms. Wang, my name is Gao Jing. I took the liberty to come here. I hope that I can study with you in the future. I didn't go to college because of family reasons. Now I have made up the high school courses. Last year's national exam, I can achieve 650 points. above."

"I hope you will give me a chance."

Gao Jing looked at Wang Sihui, bowed while holding the book, and said in a neither humble nor overbearing way, explaining her situation clearly.

She is a woman who "can go to the hall".

In such an occasion, speaking will not be stage fright.

Chu Yao led himself into this door, but the real and substantive communication came by himself.

Wang Sihui was stunned for a moment, then quickly smiled, and said, "This is a good thing, come with me first, and chat in the study for a while."

"Xiao Chu, sit down first, Xiao Mei, please say hello."

She took Gao Jing's hand and walked towards the study.

Teacher Wang is a very pragmatic person, not so much polite, but revealing sincerity.

He immediately dragged Gao Jing into the study.

The door closes.

Sitting on the sofa, Chu Yao saw Yu Meiren's half-smiling eyes.


"What are you looking at me for?"

Yu Meiren still had the teasing and teasing tone of the superior: "I can't see it, Mr. Chu, who has a big air, would come to my mother for the sake of my little girlfriend."


"How did you know each other?"

"Which family's girl?"

At this moment, Chu Yao suddenly found that he was much calmer when facing Yu Meiren.

More peaceful than ever on a yacht.

At that time, there was a bit of licking.

Because I was struggling to find a project, my future was uncertain.

Now... probably because of Meiye's project foundation, the future is promising, and she doesn't feel so mysterious and dazzling.

Just an ordinary, rich, beautiful woman.

"Acquainted in the bar, ordinary people."

After thinking about it, Chu Yao said lightly, without concealing Gao Jing's background.

In the future, we may have to get along with each other for a long time, and we can't hide it.

No need to cover up either.


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Yu Meiren was extremely astonished by this answer, she quickly came back to her senses, and said with a smile: "It's not bad, at least she's pretty, and her figure is also good, although she's only a little worse than me."

She said so, but in her heart she felt that Chu Yao was a little stupid.

Chu Jinyu and Xiao Xiao are all Bai Fumei.

Are you worth going to a bar to find a girl?

Didn't even go to college?

Not from the same world at all, okay?

Hearing her words, Chu Yao still smiled, looked straight into her eyes, but his eyes were serious, and his tone was also serious, and said: "She is more beautiful than you."

Yu Meiren froze suddenly.

His eyes turned slightly cold.

After taking a deep look at Chu Yao, she regained her composure.

"Do you know that with all the cards in your hand now, you can find a better one. Don't get on top, women will always age, and no matter how beautiful they are when they are young, they will also age."

Poppy said earnestly.

A look of hating iron but not steel.

"What kind of person is she, and what kind of person are you?"

This word...

There was a thorn in Chu Yao's heart, he shook his head and smiled, and imitated her teasing tone and said: "She is my woman, and I... am the man you can't get no matter how rich you are."

Poppy: Choked.

But it also inspired her sharpness, revealing an almost mocking smile.

"You've got fat guts."

"Stimulate me?"

"Teasing me?"

Her scrutinizing eyes were like sharp swords, her eyes and will were focused, she looked directly at Chu Yao, and accurately grasped the real purpose of Chu Yao's words.

"Are you kidding? You are only allowed to make fun of me, but I am not allowed to make fun of you?"

"If that's the case, then stop chatting as soon as possible and block each other."


Chu Yao said calmly.

If you don't want to be strong.

But the attitude is very clear - if you can be friends, then talk on an equal footing, put away your arrogance, and let it go.

Yu Meiren stared at Chu Yao for dozens of seconds, the aura of scrutiny dissipated little by little, and she returned to her appearance when she first entered the door.

Did not speak.





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