The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

One hundred and sixty-seven, emphasizing sex over friends


It's a nice house.

Ten years ago, it could be called luxury, and it is also very good now.

All wooden floors and spotlessly clean.

It appears to be maintained regularly.

A full set of high-end imported furniture, even the bathtub has a massage function.

The bed and sofa were all covered with protective covers. It must have been a long time since no one lived there.

In the house with three bedrooms and one living room, no personal belongings were left, just like a model house that had just been decorated by the developer.


Chu Yao said softly, from behind, stretched out his arms around Gao Jing's waist, buried his head in her long hair, and took a deep breath.

"What are you doing?"


She was like a soft cat being held by the neck, her spine was obviously tightened, her neck was shrunk, and her earlobes were reddish.

Because he is not at his own home, he is still very nervous in an unfamiliar environment, and even more nervous, Chu Yao may behave more "Teddy" in the future.

"I just hug and don't do anything else."

"I wronged you just now."

Chu Yao said softly.

Gao Jing's tone was cloyingly sweet: "I'm not wronged, didn't you almost make her cry?"

"She's the kind of person who can cry?"

"No, poppies and poppies belong to the same family of plants, which are coquettish but dangerous."

"Also a bit of a chameleon, not a nice guy anyway."

Chu Yao said her "bad things" and stood firm.

Gao Jing's breathing was a little short, feeling her butt being pushed by something, she said softly: "Okay, don't talk about her, I... I'll clean up the house, don't you have to go out this afternoon?"


Only then did Chu Yao let her go, smiled, straightened his pants as if nothing had happened, pulled off the protective cover, sat on the sofa, and lit a cigarette.

Thinking of what Poppy said just now—going to see... Rebus?


That's pretty awesome.

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From a genius programmer to the head of a listed company, to a late blooming top entrepreneur, it is even more rare to be humble and peaceful, never drifting.

Regardless of talent, strength, or character, they can all be regarded as role models.

And it's still a business.

Whether it's his first pot of gold or his subsequent worth of hundreds of billions, it's all clean money, and he can live by his ability.

In Chu Yao's mind, the admiration for this big man far exceeds that of the two horses.

If we can meet each other, I'd love to see you.

A little expectation.


It was around three o'clock in the afternoon.

Poppy called and said she could go now.

She didn't even go upstairs herself.

Chu Yao and Gao Jing explained and went downstairs.

At this moment, Chu Yao inexplicably thought of Su Yuechan's sentence "I want to live downstairs in your house", and felt a little strange for a while.



Shaking his head and smiling, he suppressed his strange thoughts for the time being, saw Poppy at the door, and walked into the elevator together.

"Is the house okay?"

she asked.

Chu Yao nodded and smiled, "Very good, so the house you live in?"

"Yes, I was rebellious when I was in junior high school. I didn't want to be under the same roof as my parents. I bought it with New Year's money."

Poppy's normal chatting tone.

Still so Versailles though.

But Chu Yao keenly noticed that her posture at this moment was different from that just now.

It seems that...the feeling of aloofness is gone, and it is much more peaceful.

"Has the school in Sanya been decided?"

Chu Yao thought for a while and said casually.

Yu Meiren mentioned this before, and Chu Yao also said to donate to her.

At this level of wealth and wealth, giving a house as a gift is actually nothing. It is almost like having a dinner with friends and going out to buy a bill.

Deliberately withdrawing money is meaningless.

However, it still means meaning.

Simply bring up the old matter again.

Yu Meiren glanced at him, thought for a while, and said, "Success, I will give you an account number later."

So this topic came to an end.

Favor is smoothed out.

go downstairs.


Chu Yao left the car keys of Big G to Gao Jing, and now he directly got into Yu Meiren's car.

As for the version of the Porsche logo, Chu Yao really couldn't recognize it. Anyway, it was different from the normal one.

Until now, Chu Yao didn't know much about cars.

"What does Rebus want from you?"

When the car drove out of the campus, Chu Yao chatted about business, very curious.

Poppy did not answer the question directly: "You will know when you arrive."


Just after leaving the campus, she slammed on the gas pedal and started racing wildly.

The engine was roaring, the tires were rubbing against the ground violently, and the strong push back made Chu Yao blurt out.

Drag racing girl!

Catch shrimp!


"Slow down!"

Chu Yao couldn't help but remind him that his life is important.

However, she is even more rebellious.

In places with monitoring, the speed of the vehicle is slightly controlled, and on roads without monitoring, the accelerator is stepped on more recklessly.

"I'm calling the police."

Chu Yao took out his mobile phone and said without joking.

Poppy glanced at him, slowly slowed down the car, and sneered, as if saying that you are so cowardly, but she didn't say it.


All the way to the destination.

A five-star hotel in the city center, going straight to the twenty-eighth floor.

Seems like a place for afternoon tea.

After getting out of the elevator, entering inside, and arriving at the location, Chu Yao realized that it wasn't Rebus at all.

There was a four-person seat by the window, and Chu Jinyu was sitting there.


He looked at Poppy in doubt.

She brushed her hair, smiled confidently and said, "I lied to you, do you really believe it?"

"Like men?"

"Drinking afternoon tea with two beauties is better than seeing a fifty-year-old old man?"

Chu Yao: ...

For a while, I was speechless.

I really have the urge to slap her ass.

Take a deep breath.

Hold back hard.

Looking at Chu Jinyu, Chu Yao smiled and said, "Long time no see, the dress today is so beautiful, and the earrings are also pretty."

Chu Jinyu smiled, but pretended to look away, looking arrogant.

"Come on, it's really hard to see you."

"I didn't reply when I sent a message, did you do such a thing?"

Her attitude is obviously a girl playing petty temper.

But the scale is just right, not annoying, but rather provocative.

The second-generation little princess in the Beijing circle needs to be coaxed.

Chu Yao smiled, sat down next to her, and deliberately squeezed his buttocks to let her in for a while.

"I've been busy with dating recently, so I really can't take care of playing with you guys, hahaha, blame me, blame me, I value sex over friends."

"I'll treat you to this meal today, and I'll add another big meal tonight."

Let me coax you?

Want to fart.

In front of girls, Chu Yao is becoming more and more confident, unrestrained and careless.

In a word, directly put her in the "friend" camp.

Not even ambiguous objects.

Girl, if you want to flirt with brother, you have to use your strength.

At these words, Chu Jinyu was slightly taken aback, a little confused.

Prefer sex over friends? I am a friend?

It seems to be quite... quite reasonable.

She wanted to say something, but stopped talking.

I don't think it's appropriate to say anything.

No matter what you say, it seems to be proving, explaining, and taking the initiative to make progress.


Obviously not like this.

It is obvious that he occupies the moral high ground and wants Chu Yao to speak well.

How did it become like this in a blink of an eye?




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