The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

One hundred and seventy-five, against Rebus

Early the next morning.

When Chu Jinyu woke up, she found herself lying on the bed alone, a little thirsty, so she got up to drink water.

At the same time, she was curious and puzzled, where did Chu Yao go?

It was only after leaving the living room that Chu Yao and Yu Meiren were having breakfast.

Soy milk, eight-treasure porridge, deep-fried dough sticks, steamed buns, etc. are the take-out orders.

Both of them should have taken a shower.

Poppies changed clothes.

Chu Yao was wrapped in a white bathrobe that could be worn by both men and women.

Both looked slightly tired, but they were in good spirits, excited and joyful.


Chu Jinyu said softly, looking at the two of them, but didn't know what to ask.

And, how to ask the export.

"Morning, let's eat."

Chu Yao said as if nothing had happened, his face was not red, but his heart beat slightly faster.

Still a little exciting.

Chu Jinyu sat down and ate the buns silently.

"Boss Lei said, from 6:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., he has time and can have dinner with us. Do you want to catch up on sleep?"

Yu Meiren sucked the soy milk slowly, and after swallowing, she said to Chu Yao.

Hearing this, Chu Jinyu looked up.

It seems that the two were talking about this just now.

Talk about... work?

Chu Yao said: "Yes, sleep until twelve o'clock at noon, and help me buy a set of clothes in the morning."

"it is good."

The conversation between the two was normal.

However, Chu Jinyu still heard that she could interrupt, and couldn't help asking: "You...haven't slept all night?"

"Yeah, you snore so loudly that you can't sleep." Chu Yao teased with a smile.

Chu Jinyu: ...

He pouted.

No snoring!

"I chatted with him all night last night. I can't take you with me when I go to see Mr. Lei this afternoon. You can go home and think about how to arrange for the evening?"

Yu Meiren looked at Chu Jinyu and said, she was explaining the "all night" thing, and by the way, she changed the topic naturally.

In front of Chu Jinyu, she has the "final right of interpretation".

"I... listen to cross talk?"

"I'm looking for a friend to buy a ticket."

She said softly, already being brought into rhythm.

"Okay, if you can't get a ticket for cross talk, happy twists are fine."

Chu Yao added with a smile.

I knew it was hard to get a ticket for Deyun Society.


Chu Jinyu agreed.


After breakfast, Chu Yao went back to Chu Jinyu's bedroom to catch up on sleep last night.

Lying on the bed, undressing, rolling over, looking at the ceiling, thinking about everything that happened last night, I can't express my feelings in words.

There are countless kinds of human nature in this world.

There are countless desires.

The so-called "chaos" is just this kind of chaos.

Right now, I'm in a bit of a mess.

Taking a deep breath, Chu Yao turned on the cross talk selection on his phone, preparing to fall asleep listening to it.

I used to live in a rental house as a single dog. I had no money and no women at night. When I was so anxious that I couldn't sleep, Teacher Guo slept with me every day.

Later, when I lived with Gao Jing, I hardly listened to her.

It has to be brought out again today.


Soon fell asleep.


living room.

After Chu Jinyu finished her breakfast and cleared everything on the table, she saw Poppy lying on her side on the sofa in a lazy and restive posture.

After hesitating, she still walked over.



She summoned up her courage and asked a little nervously.

"What you should do with Chu Yao, or what you should do, has nothing to do with me, and I don't care."

Poppy seemed to have expected her to ask such a question, and replied in a calm but unquestionable tone.

After a pause, he said, "I have not forgotten what I promised you. After you get home in the afternoon, you can tell your father that you are ready to bid."

Chu Jinyu looked at her with complicated eyes, nodded silently.


at noon.

Chu Yao was woken up on time by the alarm clock.

Get up, shower, get dressed.

After everything was ready, the three of them went out together and went downstairs to a nearby shopping mall for dinner.

On the first floor of the shopping mall, there is a Xiaomi store.

After thinking about it, Chu Yao walked in, ready to buy a mobile phone.

It should be considered polite to go to someone's office to meet someone and take a mobile phone from their company, right?

At least not wrong.

Probably because Chu Yao had been a "dog licker" for many years before, and Chu Yao's thoughts in these aspects were relatively delicate.

What's more, the screen of my mobile phone was broken when I smashed the camera on the plane.

Just got a new one.

However, after asking the clerk, the latest mobile phone is out of stock, and I need to make an appointment first.

This made Chu Yao extremely want to complain.

But there is nothing to say to a clerk, he waved his hand and went out.

hunger marketing.

This is not the first initiative of Xiaomi, but in the hands of this company, it has been developed to the extreme.

At the same time, it is also a point that has been complained by countless users.

However, the product itself is strong enough and really fragrant.


while eating.

Chu Yao took the time to check Xiaomi's information to be prepared.

The company established in 2010 has grown from scratch to nearly 20,000 employees in 11 years, with a market value of 650 billion Hong Kong dollars, ranking among the top 500 in the world.

It is already a very good and very successful company.

A behemoth.

The speed of growth is comparable to... a cheating.

With tens of billions of cash and ten years, can you create a company comparable to it?

Chu Yao asked himself.

Estimate it, it may not be possible, doubtful.

I couldn't help but gnawed two bites of ribs.

It's not that I feel inferior, it's just that I inevitably feel a little unreasonable frustration.

Maybe I can ask Mr. Lei later this question.


Although he was already very successful at the age of twenty-six, he certainly never imagined that he would be so successful at the age of fifty.

People will grow.

Chu Yao quickly adjusted his mentality.

Neither humble nor overbearing, neither drifting nor dry.

Not blindly arrogant, nor self-deprecating.

Be friends with time.

Be on the right track.

Walk with smart people.

This is the right attitude to do business.


When going to see Rebus, Chu Yao didn't have too high expectations, he could gain some benefits from it, and even cooperate with others.

That's not realistic.

It's not necessary either.

But seeing him itself is quite valuable, and it is part of my "experience".

The collision of thinking, vision and mind is the spark of wealth.

Maybe a word from others unintentionally can benefit you a lot.


Five thirty in the afternoon.

Chu Yao and Yu Meiren arrived at the downstairs of Xiaomi Group's headquarters half an hour earlier. After verifying their identities, they entered.

Under the leadership of the administrative staff, he walked towards the president's office.

After waiting for about ten minutes and drinking a cup of coffee, Chu Yao saw this entrepreneur who could be said to have been "a god".

Typical programmer dress up.

Sneakers, jeans, plaid shirt, slightly messy hair, but not bald, simple appearance, clear eyes.

"Mr. Lei, hello."

Poppy stepped forward and greeted with a smile.

Rebus took the initiative to get up, polite and thoughtful, greeted the two respectively, greeted them to sit down, and poured water.

He doesn't have any aura of calmness, nor does he have any so-called "reality distortion field", he is very peaceful, like an uncle next door.

"I have to catch a flight at seven o'clock, so don't be polite. If you have anything you want to talk about, you can say it. If I can help, I will definitely help. If I can't help, then there is no other way."

He cut straight to the point, took the initiative to speak, very frank and straightforward.

Time is the most precious thing.

No amount of money can buy extra time.

If you divide the worth of a billionaire by the time left in your life, then do the math, in fact, this half an hour is really not cheap.

"I have prepared three questions that I would like to ask Mr. Lei."

"First, if I have 10 billion cash on hand, what should I do to make a company that is close to Xiaomi's size, or at least half the size of Xiaomi, in ten years' time?"

Chu Yao didn't greet him politely, but spoke directly.

This question is...a bit wild.

But the gold content is not low.

Rebus was obviously a little surprised, subconsciously straightened his back, and looked a little more serious.

According to his understanding of Poppy, the Yu family must have the strength of "10 billion cash".

Well, this young man...

He wants to prove his own strength... Chenglong and fast son-in-law?

Or... the successor?

Or, just a simple question?

He bowed his head in thought.

Considered it for about a minute.

"Technology must be technology, and technology is always the outlet."

"Xiaomi's experience is to make technological products that are cost-effective and make people's lives better. Now that we have decided to get involved in car manufacturing, this is the next strategic choice for me and the board of directors."

"As for you, what kind of track do you want to choose, please combine your core strengths and play steadily."

"I can't give you any more advice on this."

"I can't see through the future."

"I'm not Jobs."

He finished his proposal seriously, and at the end, he made a joke and laughed lightly himself.

Chu Yao nodded.

It can be heard that what he said is the truth.

Even with reservations, it's normal.

"second question."

"If I take 10 billion cash to buy Xiaomi's stock, does Mr. Lei think it's okay?"

"I said what if."

Chu Yao asked the second question.

If you can't handle it yourself, let someone who is awesome do it.

Take capital and let others make money for you.

Anyway, my money falls from the sky.

Not for Xiaomi, but for other companies as well.

As for shares, as long as the company itself is valuable and has growth potential, it will not lose money.

this problem……

Rebus did not show any surprise.

However, at this moment, he had completely ignored Yu Meiren, and focused all his attention on Chu Yao.

Ten billion, even for a listed company with the size of Xiaomi, is not a small number and requires careful consideration.

"In principle, Xiaomi welcomes any investor."

"It's just that the partners will be screened to a certain extent, not only the amount of funds is considered, but also the investment background, cooperative relationship, etc.."

"If you are really optimistic about Xiaomi's long-term development and want to hold it for a long time, you can go to the secondary market."

He took out a business-like, more tactful, but more obvious attitude of refusal.

This is also normal.

People are not short of money.

Even if you really want to accept an investment of this scale, it will not be finalized at the first meeting.

Chu Yao smiled again.

His response was also within his expected range.

Pay attention to the public account: Book Friends Base Camp Pay attention to get cash and coins!

"The third question, I want to buy Xiaomi's latest mobile phone today, but I really can't buy it in the business hall, Mr. you have it here?"

Chu Yao asked with a smile in a relaxed tone.

It was already a half-serious, half-joking tone.

Ridiculous boss, this feeling, is still a bit cool.

If you can't get the phone, go directly to Boss Lei?

It is estimated that Mr. Lei has seen such a show operation for the first time in his life.

Rebus: ...

Sure enough, I was shocked.

wry smile.

This time, he glanced at Yu Meiren, then at Chu Yao, and said with a speechless smile, "I'll ask the secretary to bring in two for you."

After speaking, he got up immediately, walked to the door, and gave some instructions to the secretary.


Two of the latest cell phones were brought in.

No matter how hungry and thirsty marketing is, there are still goods here.

"Boss Lei, I have a small request at the end, please add a WeChat account?"

Glancing at the time, it was almost time, Chu Yao finally said with a smile, and took out his mobile phone.

Rebs naturally did not refuse this small request.

He took out his phone and added Chu Yao's WeChat.


Chu Yao's next move made him slightly stunned.

Chu Yao sent him a transfer of 13,998 yuan, which happened to be the price of two mobile phones.

Not much.

Not a lot.

Fair trade, no bullying.




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