The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

One hundred and seventy eight, unexpected surprise

Chu Yao's words caused the audience to roar with laughter.

The next step is the performance culture allowed by cross talk, which is highly interactive.

If it is well set up, it will show the level of the audience even more.

Chu Yao's words can be said to have created a new style, a new routine, and the level of coquettishness is unmatched.

It has been more than ten years since the birth of this routine, and no one dared to say it.

Not to mention the audience at this moment, the actors on stage were all dumbfounded, laughing so hard that their back molars were exposed.

As soon as I heard that this person was an old steel wire, even the tone and tone of his speech were similar to that of Master (Master).

As for...the truth?

Of course no one takes it seriously.

Crosstalk...that's all fake!




Yu Meiren and Chu Jinyu were both blushing with embarrassment, wishing they could find a way to slip in.

To be made such a joke in front of so many people is quite powerful.

Angry and ashamed and laughing.


If nothing happened with Chu Yao, the most he could do was smile and scold a hooligan.

But the key is...there really is!

Under the public view, this is inexplicably very guilty.


After the audience's laughter died down, the actors on stage worked hard to bring the rhythm back to the show itself.

This pair of actors is better than the pair just now, with more experience and a higher level.

Chu Yao also came alive, smacking the taste, listening with gusto, gradually getting better.

The next couple of pairs,

The level is getting better and better until the end.

My stomach hurts from laughing.

The atmosphere of this scene is really amazing.

Deyun Society deserves to have such a high popularity.

The level is really high.

Pengcheng is a cultural desert. Everyone is focused on making money. In terms of cultural heritage, it is really not as good as the imperial capital.

Until the end of the show and getting into the car, Chu Yao was still thinking about it.

Think of Deyun Society.

Think of happy twist.

Think of talk show conventions.

Think of all kinds of funny variety shows...

In this society, in this era, everyone's life pressure has been increasing.

The aesthetics of culture are also more inclined to be relaxed and funny.


——Whoever masters the skill that makes people laugh, masters the code to unlock the treasure of wealth.

Selling... selling laughing?

Can make money!

It's more profitable than selling yourself!

Selling one's body is a one-shot, one-shot deal.

And selling laughs, the level is enough, can last a lifetime.

It seems that if you want to get involved in the entertainment industry, you can start with this idea?

Chu Yao couldn't help but lit a cigarette and entered a state of deep thinking.

From the awakening system to the present, Chu Yao found that his way of thinking had undergone a subtle change.

If it was more than a month ago.

Even if you watched a cross talk or a comedy, laughed at the time, had a good time, and had fun, forget it.

just relax.

Just an ordinary consumer.

And now.

After reading it, I will involuntarily think about it and dig deep into the objective laws behind it, as well as the laws of wealth.

Has become a caring person.

Those who work hard, rule people.




This can be done!

Really can do it!

Take out 500 million and play for a while, it's right to practice your hands.

I had such an idea yesterday, and now it is becoming more and more firm.

Lost everything at most.

Moreover, this belongs to the entertainment industry, even if it loses money, at least it can make a name and make some noise.

Money, for me, is that called money?

Not at all!

Thinking of this, Chu Yao let out a long sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, this trip to the capital was originally a mentality of traveling, but there were unexpected surprises.

read more, walk more.

It seems that people really need to come out and walk around more, to gain knowledge and understand by analogy.



Poppy was driving the car, but it had stopped now.

Chu Yao didn't look at the road, and was about to open the door to get out of the car, but was pulled by Yu Meiren.


Only then did I find out.

The car was parked at the gate of Chu Jinyu's community, where she was picked up just now.

back row.

Chu Jinyu was a little confused for a moment.


Does this throw me off?

Don't let me go to Jinmao Mansion?

Hesitating in the back row, but she didn't open the car door, her's hard to describe.

"Get out of the car, why are you still standing there?"

Yu Meiren turned her head to look at her, her tone was calm but strong.

Chu Jinyu: ...

At this moment, I can't help but think of the way I told my dad in the afternoon when the Yujingyuan project was completed, and he was smiling, and he reminded me that I must have a good relationship with "Sister Yu".

Can't help but sigh slightly.

"Oh, then, then you drive slowly and pay attention to safety."

"I... I'm going home first."

Shaking and cold!

Wronged Baba!

But there is nothing to do.

What can be done?

Dare to tear your face apart with Poppy?

dare not.

Dare to tear yourself apart with Chu Yao?

I dare not.

It's like a "little concubine" who was pissed off in an ancient big family.

At this moment, she really regretted it a little.

But it's not regret, what happened with Chu Yao on the plane.

but regret...

I was drunk last night, what did I miss?


When Yu Meiren "fixed" Chu Jinyu, Chu Yao didn't speak the whole time.

What's the matter with me?

Originally, this incident was caused by Yu Meiren, and Chu Jinyu was on fire.

Now that it has reached this point, it is naturally handled by their girlfriends "internal".

I have enough to deal with.

Poppy this very strange.

Of course, it is not surprising to her class or circle.

Her attitude towards men and other women is that it is okay to lose the kidneys, but not to lose the heart. It is okay to give less money, but it is not okay to give too much.

In a sense, this is also the alienation of capital towards people and the relationship between men and women.

She has been influenced by her ears and eyes since she was a child, and she has been thoroughly educated to be like this.

deep-seated beliefs.

I can't change it even if I want to.


"You really like listening to cross talk."

On the way back to Jin Mao Mansion, Yu Meiren said with a smile, she seemed to be in a good mood.

Chu Yao nodded, hummed lightly, tapped his knuckles rhythmically on the car window, and was still thinking about his comedy career.

"May I make an appointment with Teacher Yu for you?"

"Teacher Guo can't make an appointment."

"It's just that the teacher has a property, and there seems to be a horse farm in the suburbs, I remember."


Hearing this, Chu Yao suddenly became more energetic.

Not unfamiliar.

I often hear it when listening to cross talks, thunder strikes from the sky, oh no, heaven and earth are beautiful.

"Okay, let's make a date."

Mr. Yu is very friendly, a big player, a comedian, and a master of rock and roll.

It would obviously be very interesting to play with such a person.

Seeing that Chu Yao nodded in agreement, Yu Meiren immediately started calling.

I don't know who to call, but I made a request anyway.

After a few minutes.

The other person called back and said that they had made an appointment, and they would go directly to the racecourse for dinner at noon tomorrow.

Chu Yao asked her curiously, who was she calling?

She said nonchalantly, a leader of the Cultural Administration.

Chu Yao: ...


Good evening to reward you.



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