The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

One hundred and eighty-two, it can be properly supported

When the plane landed at Pengcheng Airport, Chu Yao immediately sent a message to Gao Jing.

Having said that, now go to Schwanstein Castle for a meeting and go home at night.

She replied, okay, I'm at Pengcheng University, what time will I be back? Do I need a meal for you?

Chu Yao said, no, it will be after ten o'clock, and we can go to the night market at the back door of the school when we go back.

End chat.

Go straight to Swan Castle.

Only then did Chu Yao discover a reality that he had to face.

Ruanfan is indeed delicious.

But there is a price to pay for eating.

That is, Lao Jiang must be made aware of Poppy's existence.

In fact, this is not a big deal.

But... it was a small breakthrough.

Before, I had always separated work and life very clearly, and Lao Jiang had never met Gao Jing.

And now...

along the way.

Chu Yao was thinking about the words "a dike of a thousand miles is destroyed by an ant's nest".

At the same time, I was thinking about the six words "fire cannot be contained in paper".

no way.

It's like playing a game of Go. All the previous moves have already been made. The further you go, the more calculations you need to consider.

Now... the difficulty of the game has been upgraded.

But the good thing is that after this period of high-intensity "friction", I have also upgraded a lot.


all will be good.

talk later.


The two went straight to Jiang Zhenhua's office together.

Tonight's supplier meeting is held in Hall 1 of Schwann Castle, and of course it hasn't started yet.

in the office.

Besides Jiang Zhenhua and Jiang Lingyun, there were three other people Chu Yao didn't know, two men and one woman, all relatively young, about thirty years old.

They were probably in a meeting.

Seeing Chu Yao enter the door, Jiang Zhenhua immediately got up and introduced to them that this is the chairman of the company, Mr. Chu.

Then he and Chu Yao introduced the three of them respectively.

They are all newly recruited people, the heads of various departments, they are at the director level.

The three of them showed a certain degree of shock at the chairman's youth, and were polite and respectful. Chu Yao also nodded with a smile.

After exchanging pleasantries, Jiang Zhenhua told the three of them to go out first, and then...

Only then did he formally look at Chu Yao and Yu Meiren.

He actually vaguely recognized Poppy.

But not sure.

Just feel like it.

But he couldn't open his mouth to ask.

What if not?

For example, say something like a twin sister.

So I was waiting for Chu Yao to take the initiative to introduce.

He always felt that although Chu Yao was rich, he was still far behind the people of that class.

Hundreds of millions, billions?

Even if this company is listed, the expected market value is only about 50 billion. Compared with the Yu family, it is also the gap between a small fishing boat and an aircraft carrier.



Jiang Lingyun was also dumbfounded.

Looking at Yu Meiren who was standing behind Chu Yao, who had a faint feeling of "little bird cuddling with others", she felt that something in her heart was broken.

She recognized it very clearly, it was definitely a poppy.

She also clearly remembered - Chu Yao knew about "Mei Yu", and she was the one who told her.

It was in Sanya at the time.

Because of Weibo.

My own thought at that time was: Are you not a bull fork? Aren't you... a scumbag? Aren't you particularly good at picking up girls?

Now, here's the hardest one.

Would you like to take a look?


Now... less than a month.



At this moment, an idea popped up in her mind that made her feel ridiculous—Mr. Chu, why don't you go to a training class for flirting with girls, men of the right age all over the world are your potential customers.

Of course, this can only be thought about.


Seeing Jiang Lingyun's expression, Chu Yao also thought of his previous relationship in Sanya, so he greeted her with a smile.

"Old Jiang, you have worked hard during this time."

"And you... as you wish."

These four words... no brains.

Others couldn't understand, but Jiang Lingyun knew it very well.

She took a deep breath, bowed slightly to Chu Yao, with a gesture of bowing her head.

you win.


Then, Chu Yao began to introduce Yu Meiren.


"Oh, it seems that I don't need to introduce you, you should all know each other, right?"

"Then sit down."

The relaxed and freehand tone, firmly controlling the atmosphere in the office, also reveals the unusual relationship with Poppy.

It just didn't explain.

Chu Yao sat down directly, sitting next to Jiang Lingyun.

Poppy sat on the other side as if nothing had happened.

"Boss Chu and I met by chance. For this project, he asked me for help, and I agreed."

In front of others, Poppy spoke words that fit her "personality".

How else can I say it?

Said that I took the initiative to post it upside down?

Want to give it to him, but are you afraid that he won't want it?

Chu Yao smiled, and naturally wouldn't expose it, and repeated the three points she said on the plane with Jiang Zhenhua again.

After listening, Lao Jiang was completely dumbfounded.




I was so excited that I wanted to give someone a knock.

Poppy's handwriting...

What is it called?

It's called cutting melons and cutting vegetables.

With her almost huge influence and resource blessing, to do a project with two billion plates, that is really... flat push.

At least early on it's a flat push.

Tianxiu started.

Save too many things.

After all, as a platform itself, cold start is the most troublesome.

Jiang Zhenhua initially estimated that this would save the company three to six months of time and at least 100 million in publicity costs.

I said a lot of thanks, and the four of them drank tea and chatted casually until after five o'clock in the afternoon, when almost all the suppliers came and went downstairs to hold a meeting.

There are a total of about 100 suppliers participating in this meeting.

They will be the providers of the first batch of products and services in the early stage.

This is Jiang Zhenhua's biggest work achievement during this period.

At the venue, Chu Yao saw many acquaintances.

All kinds of people she had met before, as well as Jiang Qingzhu, Xu Yan, and even Bei Xiaoxin, she would come over with her face licked.

Greeting all the way, under the attention of all the people, Chu Yao sat at the main table.

Looking at the dense crowd.

Chu Yao was inexplicably emotional.

This is the first non-"eating, drinking and having fun" circle gathered around him.

The circle of doing business.

It can even be said to be a small "community of interests".

Compared with those big ecological chains, it is naturally inconspicuous, small, and fragile.

Still, at least it's a start.

Have a meal.

Push the cup and change the cup.

Between toasting and interlacing, chatting and laughing.

Chu Yao was toasted by various people, and he called him Mr. Chu.

Also said various words, polite and appropriate.

At this moment, Chu Yao only felt that this was his graduation ceremony in Xinshou Village.

I can already control this kind of life, I can control this amount of wealth, and I can almost start to move towards the next goal.

And in life, it can also be properly supported.

Act a little louder.

Step faster.

Build up your reputation a little bit more.

There should be no problem.

Even if the occasional step may be too big, a small mistake may be made, and the risk cost is controllable.

Just take the simplest example...

In the past, if the bank wanted to check the flow of funds, it must be trembling.

And now...


Let you check.

Just check.

In the economic field, when the cost of finding out a matter far exceeds the benefits it can obtain, basically, the matter will not be found out.



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