The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

One hundred and eighty-six, it is better not to get married

At ten o'clock in the morning, Chu Yao drove to Swan Castle.

The rooms have been arranged for them before, and the per capita double bed room is only about 30 people anyway.

As for whether something will happen at night, to be honest, I really don't know.

As the saying goes...


"Classmates reunion, classmates reunion, breaking up a pair is a pair."

think about it...

Chu Yao could only let out a long sigh.

What happened to the strange classmate?

"Will" is simple.

It's not simple, it's classmates, it's people.


Chu Yao arrived at Swan Castle before dinner.

In the morning, a total of more than a dozen "eating activists" came to make a big table.

I have been classmates for four years, and I haven't seen each other for a long time. Naturally, it's all kinds of small talk, asking about the current situation.

When I was in school, there were no particularly rich second-generation rich children in the class, and everyone was from ordinary families.

The poorest is Chu Yao, whose parents both died.

The richest are just ordinary small businessmen in the city.

And six years after graduation, judging from the current situation of these dozen or so people, it is still in line with the 28th law.

Hou Xiaohui took the postgraduate entrance examination, studied for a Ph. D., and worked as a counselor at Pengcheng University. She is considered an intellectual.

Liu Fei opened a company in Qiongdao.

There is also a classmate who opened a Taobao store. He was lucky and earned tens of millions of dollars.

Except for these three who are regarded as "good mix", the rest are all ordinary migrant workers.

The difference is nothing more than what kind of job you do, whether it is a state-owned enterprise or a private enterprise, and the salary is 5,000 or 10,000.

When I was in school, many things were invisible.

But after graduation, the short five or six years are the most critical five or six years.

By the age of thirty or so, most people's life course has almost been settled.

If there are no special circumstances, life is probably like this.

Society and reality are like a huge sieve program, in which many program elements are set.

"Personal efforts", "family background", "luck and opportunity", "guidance from noble people", "fashion trend of the times", "marriage", "demolition"...etc.

Then it turned into a furnace of heaven and earth, letting everyone roll inside.

But the pass rate is strictly checked.

In the end, only a small number of lucky ones stand out.

thinking about this...

At this time, Chu Yao couldn't help but think of the phrase "One is fate, two is luck, three is geomantic omen, four is accumulation of yin virtue and five is reading".

This is the summary of the ancients.

As for the modern saying: "Small wealth depends on hard work, moderate wealth depends on virtue, and great wealth depends on fate."

Which is more correct?

have no idea.

All make sense.

But they can't tell clearly, not all are right, and they can all give counterexamples.

this problem……

Everyone is destined to spend his whole life to give his own answer.


No matter what, I am the one most favored by fate, the cub that God's father loves the most.


Ren Siyao also came.

She was dressed in a white dress that looked like a student's, with long black straight hair and light makeup. She didn't carry any big-name bags, just a canvas bag, fresh and clean, just like her appearance back then.

At her age, to paint such a girly makeup look is actually far more troublesome and careful than light mature makeup.

When she saw Chu Yao, she greeted him lightly.

When chatting, we always talk about music, current affairs, not the past.

As if nothing had happened before.

Chu Yao mentioned the "bottom line" in the group before. With this line as the bottom line, it is more or less a curse, so everyone's posture and chat content are more or less closed at this moment.

Among the people in the room, the couple Chen Lei and Li Man attracted more attention.

The two seemed to really "break up peacefully".

There is nothing like the kind of tension that divorced couples should have, or never communicate with each other.

When we meet, we will say hello.

Talking to other people will also make trouble for each other.

Looking at each other, they still smile peacefully.

Chen Lei was very thin when he was in school, but now he has a beer belly, but he didn't bring the "new wife" he mentioned in the chat just now.

Li Man was beautiful when she was in school, not much worse than Ren Siyao, even taller and in better shape.

Now, she has the charm of a mature young woman, wearing a dress similar to a "cheongsam", protruding forward and backward, like a plump and juicy peach.

In Chu Yao's impression, the family background of these two people belonged to that relatively well-to-do, well-off family.

The development after graduation also seems to be good.

One worked for the Tobacco Bureau.

One is a teacher in middle school.

Looking at these two, Chu Yao was more or less curious about their stories.


In the morning, this wave of people is full, and dinner is ready.

Wine is of course indispensable.

Don't force it, you can drink it if you want, and you don't want to drink any fruit juice.

But this first cup, everyone raised it up.

White wine and red wine collide with each other, and the crystal and scarlet liquids respectively turn into sour and hot, and slide into the throat.

There was a slight silence on the field for a while.

"Chu Yao, say a few words?"

Hou Xiaohui said with a smile, she blushed instantly after drinking a glass of wine.

Chu Yao took a deep breath.

"Respect youth."

"Continued Cup."





Originally, Chu Yao's seat was Liu Fei on the left and Hou Xiaohui on the right, but when the meal was about the same, sitting and sitting was messed up.

Find someone you can chat with, and get together in twos and threes.

The boys began to toast and fight for wine.

Girls talk small things.

Chu Yao was toasted three glasses of wine per person, both men and women, a bit cruel, but no one refused.

As the organizers themselves, they toasted to express their enthusiasm.

Since you've already drunk it, there's no need to carry it.

Just drink it.

Anyway, upstairs is the room, drank and fell asleep.

There's another one tonight.


The most ruthless toast was Ren Siyao.

Three big cups, one or two cups, white wine.

When everyone had finished toasting, she held up her wine glass and said almost pitifully, "Chu Yao, I will also toast you three glasses of wine. I'll do it, you can do whatever you want."

Then, regardless of the dissuasion of the people around him, he drank three glasses of 53-degree liquor.

Without waiting for Chu Yao to respond, after three sips, he showed a posture of vomiting, covered his mouth, and staggered towards the door.

It can be regarded as giving a small embarrassment.

it seems...

It was as if he had done something to apologize to her.

It also leaves room for the imagination of others.

this woman...


Looking at her back, Chu Yao's eyes were awe-inspiring, slightly cold, and he didn't explain anything. He poured wine by himself, drank three glasses, and then turned his head to show a smiling face.

"It's okay, let's continue."

After the atmosphere in the box was slightly silent, it became lively again.

Since Ren Siyao went out, she never came back.


I drank this wine for about three hours.

Almost to the limit.

The atmosphere in the box was once chaotic.

Chu Yao drank several glasses of wine.

The final climax belongs to Li Man and Chen Lei.

Chen Lei was a little too drunk, leaning back on the chair.

Li Man also drank a lot, her face was flushed, and she was charming.

I don't know who started it, and the two finally talked about the topic of divorce.

Chen Lei held his wine glass and began to chatter.

"The two of us, from the third year of junior high school to college, and then to graduation, we got married after graduation... Isn't this the most beautiful love?"

"How many things happened in the first two years of marriage?"

"His father is sick and has terminal cancer. My mother is also sick and has dementia. We are as busy as a spinning top every day. We get up early and return late. We don't even care about the birth of our children, and we have never quarreled."

"Girl, am I right?"

"Will I be okay for those two years?"

"When I just got married, I took on such a big responsibility as a man, and my spine was almost bent."

Speaking of this, his eyes were slightly red, he took a sip of wine, and his eyes moved elsewhere.

Tears were almost uncontrollable.

Li Man took a deep breath, her eyes were a little red, and she nodded.

It is an acknowledgment of his past efforts.

After taking a sip of wine, she glanced around, and she also shook her head and smiled: "Okay, it's the same as if I'm not tired. I've done a lot of the work you do, and I've done more than you."

"Do you know why we divorced?"


"You have to say this too!"

Chen Lei couldn't help shouting.

hear this...

Chu Yao and Liu Fei looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths curled slightly, inexplicably wanting to laugh.

What's wrong? no?

However, Li Man's next words stunned everyone in the room.

"He doesn't like washing socks."

"My feet are smelly and sweaty, but every time I go home, I throw my socks on the sofa, on the bed, or in the washing machine. How many times have I said this? Clothes and underwear can't be washed together, you wash them by hand Can you die?"

"I'm your nanny?"

"Follow your ass every day, and Diandian will wash your socks for you?"

"You could still wash it two years before you got married, but did you wash it later?"

"Others, I don't want to mention them any more. A bunch of stinky problems in life, no matter how many times I tell them, I won't change them. Smoking, talking while eating, going to bed without taking a bath, not wearing condoms..."

Li Man counted them one by one.

The men present were a little stunned.

Listening to this, Chen Lei let out a gurgling sound from the depths of his throat. He didn't know whether it was crying or laughing.

"Hehehe, this is a woman."

Li Man couldn't bear to show weakness and replied: "This is a man!"

A group of people: ...

When each other's love and passion are wiped out by the trivialities of life, the only thing left is endless quarrels.

"Marriage is scary."

Liu Fei couldn't help but say.

Hou Xiaohui: "Yes, getting married is really scary."

Others who were not yet married also joined in.

"too terrifying."

"Brothers, you guys are almost the same. I just got engaged, and I gave 300,000 as the bride price."

"It's still too late to run now, before it ends."

"You already have 300,000 yuan, and you're getting married!"


A group of people roared with laughter.

Chen Lei and Li Man were also crying and laughing.

With sadness in my heart, I think about the past, but I can't see the end of the day.

"Chu Yao, what about you?"

"What do you want from a wife?"

Someone asked.

Chu Yao scratched his head.

"In my opinion, the requirements for a woman are to be educated and sensible, to be rich in family, to be gentle and well-behaved, to be coquettish and charming, to be able to do housework, and to be able to cook, that's about it, that's all."



"Your uncle!"

A group of people raised their middle fingers.

Both men and women.

Chu Yao laughed again.


"I'm not done yet."

"This is definitely not the standard for a person, who can satisfy so much?"

"This is the standard for five people. Find five different women, and then...don't let them meet."



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