The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

Two hundred and forty, the Battle of Angler

Chu Yao quickly figured out right from wrong:

First of all, this incident is not the fault of the poppies.

The engagement was presumably a family arrangement.

The divorce is her own decision.

very clear.

As for what other people are going to do, it's going to rain, and my mother is going to get married, no one can control it.

Secondly, she didn't dare to say it by herself, and even specially asked two girlfriends to be lobbyists.

This should have happened before you knew yourself.

Now because of his high-profile and famous nouveau riche, he is known by that family.

Third, these two girlfriends are obviously here to help the scene.

There is no doubt that Tang Xin's energy is red and professional.

This Su Su, although I don't know what she does now, but she can sit on an equal footing with Tang Yu and not fall behind, obviously she is also a "good big sister."

As for implementing it on your own side, it's even simpler.

You don't cause trouble yourself, but when things come, don't be afraid of them.

What's more, this is still a "Battle of Peace Grad", whether it is the 358th regiment or the new regiment...

The sister groups present are all friendly troops.


This moment.

Su Su's hand was grabbed by Chu Yao.

She glared at him, a little surprised at this guy's audacity, and scolded with a smile: "Zaw, what are you doing, get up!"

It was Chu Yao's tone in the afternoon.


"I have to hold on to my good sister so that I don't run away."

"Tell me, what's the matter."

It is impossible to release it once you catch it, Chu Yao asked with a smile.

This girl's hands are really beautiful, she is definitely qualified to be a hand model.

Although Chu Yao didn't control it by hand, it was unavoidable that he was playing tricks.

Without rushing to answer Chu Yao's question, Su Su looked at Yu Meiren and said angrily, "Do you care?"

Poppy bit her lip, looking aggrieved.

"The concubine wears the body of a crime, so I dare not take care of it."

Chu Yao laughed out loud.

Su Su was helpless.

With a backhand shake, in a gesture close to shaking hands, he quietly compared hand strength with Chu Yao.

She didn't even say hello, and her five fingers gradually tightened. The fingers were slender and slender, but they were surprisingly powerful.

It made Chu Yao feel pain.

Under normal circumstances, women's strength is definitely not as good as that of men.

But this one, whose figure is extremely protruding in the front and extremely upturned in the back, obviously exercises a lot, and his hands are really strong, almost as good as himself.

Chu Yao contended with her for a few seconds, looking at her provocative eyes.


If it wasn't for the fact that he had already added two points of enhanced attributes, he might not be as strong as her.

Now, it's pretty much the same thing.

Where is this tofu?

Obviously an iron hand.

Resolutely withdrew.

"Your hand is for twisting steel bars."

Chu Yao couldn't complain.

Su Su raised her eyebrows, with three points of pride in her eyes, and said with a smile: "The one who carries the gun."

Chu Yao: ...

I wanted to drive on a regular basis and say "Where to carry it", but I still felt that this was too profane and disrespectful, so I asked instead: "The one who carries the gun still has tattoos?"

In fact, at this moment, Chu Yao could see that Su Su seemed to be deliberately changing the subject.

It seemed that the "retired man" was an indescribable existence.

So much so that she hesitated a little and couldn't speak out immediately.

But since she was going around in circles, he simply followed her around.

Not in a hurry.

"This tattoo... used to be a bullet wound."

She smiled and said in a leisurely tone.

Chu Yao was slightly taken aback, but quickly replied: "Hey, it's a medal now."

This mouth is sweet...

Su Su smiled again, and after examining Chu Yao for a few seconds, he sighed slightly.

"You are really good."

A nonsensical sentence.

Chu Yao didn't understand very well.

But when she uttered the next sentence, she immediately understood.

"Let's be honest, that man is my brother, my own brother. He is very fierce, has a hot temper, has a lot of face, and has a lot of money."

She said a little helplessly.

Only then did Chu Yao fully understand why she was the one to talk about this matter.

It turned out to be a "field liaison officer".

It can be seen that her position is obviously neutral, and she even leans slightly towards the poppies.

One side is a brother, the other side is a girlfriend.

It can't be said that inside and outside are not human, but she has something in mind.

Taking advantage of the crew's round, I also want to test my own strength.

"He's also carrying a gun?"

Chu Yao asked again, with a serious tone.

"Retired early. It's been several years, but I still exercise regularly. You will know when you see her. She is 1.85 meters tall, weighs 200 catties, and her body fat percentage remains below 15 all year round."

"Doing business now is very complicated, with various investments in a mess."

Chu Yao imagined that body shape.

Polar bear.

But when I heard about the business, I was completely sure.

Then there is no problem at all.

Glancing at her, Chu Yao said with a smile: "Your family has really good genes and abundant martial arts."

"Let's talk about it, why don't you just fight? If you win, you'll be hospitalized. If you lose, you'll go to jail?"

Talking to women is real ink.

Not at all slick.

Information is pulled out bit by bit, like shit and constipation.

Su Su took a sip of beer and spoke in a slightly complicated tone.

"I just don't know. My brother has a weird personality and is ruthless. I can't tell what he is thinking, but he can do anything."

"Just a little bit of principle to be a human being, never suffer a loss, don't eat at all, the kind that those who follow me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish."

"There is also a little principle in dealing with things. If you want, you must get it, no matter what the cost."

It seems that she is a really cruel person and a villain for her own sister to say this kind of evaluation in front of outsiders.

Chu Yao glanced at her, picked up a piece of meat, dipped it in sesame sauce, put it in his mouth, and chewed slowly.

After a while.

Open your mouth.

It was in the tone of cross talk, but he didn't laugh.

"Is this a coincidence?"

"me too."



The three women looked at Chu Yao's expression and eyes, very calm, but there was an indescribable subtle aura inside.

Not domineering.

It's not without anger and prestige.

It is the tenacity and determination of ordinary people.

But it reveals an undeniable message - you can try it.


"Go back and tell your brother, anyway, if he is really stubborn, I will go and invite my grandpa."

"There are a lot of bad things in your family. If you really expose it, just ask him if it hurts."

"If you don't want to live a good life, everyone should not live it."

Yu Meiren said softly.

The tone is not heavy, and the attitude is very firm.

Su Su glanced at her, smiled, and said angrily: "I know, I just said it, but I haven't reached this level yet, why are you doing..."

"Aren't I still here..."

Then she looked at Chu Yao again, her expression and tone of inquiry: "How about I organize a dinner? Talk?"

Chu Yao smiled.

"Okay, it's better to be a dragon."

Su Su: ...

You have a big heart.

Also in the mood to joke around.

"Master, how many companions do you want?"

She said angrily.

Chu Yao smiled and said: "Hey, I don't choose, it doesn't matter how many, as long as you are there."


"I'm full, there's still a meeting tonight, let's go first."

"If you really want to have a dinner, you can call me, it's fine if you don't have a seat."

At this time, Tang Xin, who hadn't spoken much the whole time, stood up and said calmly, and walked outside.

Passing by Chu Yao.

She paused slightly.

"I'll sell you that building at the original price, and the formalities can be done at any time."

"You two are going to get married in the future, you should follow the gift."

"If not, you owe me a favor."

She looked at Chu Yao and said this, as meticulous and detailed as ever, which gave Chu Yao a sense of "godfather" inexplicably.

Very... fierce.

"Success, let's say that first."

"I'll look for you in your office tomorrow, and I have other things to look for you."

There are a lot of information that can make money in the system mall, but many of them are inconvenient to operate, or cannot be operated.

It would be much easier if I borrowed Tang Xin's hand.

"Ten o'clock in the morning."

She thought for a while, said, and turned to go out.




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