The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

Two hundred and forty-eight, isn't this much more beautiful than mathematics?


When Chu Yao drove out, he suddenly felt some subtle changes.

That is, I seem to be extremely sensitive to numbers, distance, time, speed, relative speed, and everything that cannot be quantified normally.

Shuttle in the crowded traffic, it seems that there is a model diagram in my mind.

What's even more painful is...

During the whole driving process, I was thinking about some inexplicable ideas.

Number groups, probability, topology...

Drip, drop, drop.

It's all about numbers, and all kinds of theories.

As if everything else was boring.

Money is dull.

The dopamine secretion system in the brain is completely occupied by it.

Mathematics is indeed a very addictive science. Once you get into it, it is not only addictive, but addictive.

There is an unparalleled sense of accomplishment that you can play with yourself.


A dangerous idea came to my mind that I was already so rich that I should engage in academic research.



Chu Yao was soberly aware of this.

This phenomenon is similar to the curse of knowledge.

That is, once a man knows a thing, he finds it difficult to imagine what it would be like not to know it.

Curiosity, thirst for knowledge is a kind of spiritual instinct.

And extremely noble.


Chu Yao took a deep breath.

After taking a few deep breaths, I pulled my thoughts back to the right track of money and women.

Calm down!

Obsessed with math, you are not really happy!

It is just a tool.


to the office.

Chu Yao immediately dialed Gao Jing's video chat.

Need to...neutralize.


"What are you doing?"

Chu Yao asked with a smile.

In fact, I saw that she was exercising, yoga.

She raised her arms, holding her phone.

Clearly emerges from the lens...

Wearing a pure black yoga suit, with a slender and soft figure, and a graceful and light posture, there is a kind of beauty after a lot of tempering, which makes people involuntarily imagine.

"I just went to deliver meals to my dad in the morning, and now I have to make up for exercise, and I will have classes with Teacher Wang later."

Gao Jing said softly.

He closed his posture and pointed the camera at his face.

Get serious about video chatting.

Chu Yao often video-videos with her at night, but it is quite rare in the morning.

Maybe something happened?


"Keep doing yoga,

The phone is fixed there, just point the camera at me. "

Chu Yao said a little "shyly".


Weird request.

"What's the matter with you? What are you doing?"

Gao Jing asked with a smile.

Feeling... a sense of being molested.

In the past, he often made some shy requests during videos.

But now, in broad daylight...

Chu Yao also couldn't help laughing out loud, explaining: "Recently, I was thinking about a problem that required the use of mathematics, and then studied it, but found that I was fascinated, and I had an urge to dedicate myself to science, and I urgently needed a female benefactor to give me beauty." color rescue."

This word...

Gao Jing was speechless for three seconds, but couldn't help laughing out loud.

She immediately understood Chu Yao's situation.

Wild ideas.

But really interesting.

Like a child.

"Okay, so what pose do you want to see?"

She changed her tone, and her voice suddenly became alluring.

Chu Yao: ...

Hastily said:

"Ordinary is fine! Don't be too tempting!"

"Water far away doesn't quench thirst near you!"


After a while.

Looking at the picture in the video, Chu Yao lighted up a cigarette happily, feeling that his whole body and mind were occupied by a vulgar and vulgar idea.


Numbers have the logical beauty of numbers, and women have the beauty of women.

Compared with the former, the latter made me worry more.


This is life.

No matter how good things are, they can only be part of life, not the whole life.

Myself... well.

About half an hour later.

Gao Jing finished her work, her face turned reddish with sweat, but she looked even more sexy.

"Is it okay?"

"If it doesn't work, I'll give you another dose of medicine? Huh?"

She laughed and teased, but it was a deliberately seductive gesture.

Chu Yao laughed again, couldn't help but heaved a long sigh, and suddenly said seriously: "I miss you so much."

I really want to.

What did you say?

——When a man is tired from playing, he naturally wants to go home.

Although she is not married yet, Chu Yao really has such an experience.

For things like learning mathematics by myself, in my subconscious mind, I have no idea of ​​talking to Poppy at all.

But in the face of Gao Jing, she was able to speak out confidently and very frankly.

"I miss you too……"

Her voice also became extremely gentle, crisp, like a dog's tail scratching her heart.

"However, sometimes I also think that if two people stay together for a long time, they will get tired of it. I would rather have a long flow of water."

"Look, isn't it... that it feels fresh again?"

Chu Yao smiled and nodded.

"Let's go in two days, go back in two days, things are not over yet."

At this time, Chu Yao said goodbye to her briefly when she heard the knock on the door, and then hung up the video.

Shouted in.

Sure enough, it was Jiang Lingyun who entered the door, holding a document in her hand, and sat down opposite the desk.

"Mr. Chu, I made a form for the message you sent me last night. It's just... I don't quite understand why?"

In the early hours of the morning, Chu Yao left her a message, saying that he wanted to go to a graduate school and then a doctorate, preferably from the Department of Mathematics, and asked which school was more suitable and what conditions were required.

"It's okay, I had a convulsion for a while, but it's much better now, let's leave it for now, I'll wait and see."

"You look beautiful today."

"Huh? It seems that you still wear perfume?"

Chu Yao said with a smile.

Today, Jiang Lingyun is still wearing business formal attire, but it is light-colored, and has more feminine elements, dignified and elegant with a bit of liveliness.

As for the scent...

Faint, an unknown, delicate fragrance.

Not familiar with perfume, Chu Yao couldn't smell what brand it was.


It smells good.

Not very sweet, like some kind of mixed fruity aroma.

Chu Yao just praised casually.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Lingyun blushed inexplicably, which was rare, and she looked coy.

After being stunned for a moment, Chu Yao quickly came back to his senses.

Without mentioning some sensitive topics, he said nonchalantly: "It's good, girls should dress up more."

She took a deep breath.

It seemed that he wanted to say something, but he still couldn't say it, so he hummed lightly.

"Okay, that's all right, you can go to work."

Chu Yao got up and prepared to make tea.

She then stood up and walked out the door.

to the door.

Inexplicably, Jiang Lingyun couldn't help turning her head quickly, like a thief, took a sneaky look, then hurriedly opened the door and went out.

Seeing her little action, Chu Yao's mind moved slightly, and he smiled. be pleasing to oneself?

A little girl's thoughts.

Isn't this much more beautiful than mathematics?




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