The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

Two hundred and sixty-three, do whatever you want without exceeding the rules

Chu Yao ate a few grapes.

On the other end, the poppies glanced at this side during the interval of singing, and the lyrics they were singing immediately went out of tune.

What are you doing?

King Zhou!

Also feed the grapes!

If you want to feed, I will feed you. Is it your turn?

I feel a little bit apprehensive in my heart, but it's hard to do anything in front of so many people.

What's more, what can be done?

After all, Chu Jinyu was her weakness.

This matter is difficult to pass, until now Chu Yao occasionally makes fun of it.

And she didn't know how to face this best friend.

After all, she is... a best friend.

This kind of bad debt cannot be calculated.

With all kinds of thoughts in her mind, Poppy restrained her mind and continued to sing, but she couldn't concentrate on the song anymore.


Others on the field, it is inevitable that they will be a little bit confused and burst at the moment.

Swipe from the beginning.

In this game, it was obvious that Young Master Chu and Meiren Yu were a couple in name.

The girl who went out just now introduced herself as Chu Yao's assistant, no matter what kind of assistant it is, I won't mention it.

And what is going on with the one who is feeding the grapes now?

In front of the poppies, feed the grapes, and the poppies still have nothing to say?

Has it really reached this level?

Even people who have seen many chaos in the entertainment industry can't tell what it feels like at this moment.

Hugging left and right is not impossible, but it depends on who it is.

In a business K or a nightclub, if you are facing a group of girls who are working hard for a living, it is no problem to hug left and right.

And now...

One of the left and right is a poppy.


What kind of god does it take to do this?

This Young Master Chu, what kind of fairy?

The god who drank Su Heng down.

A god worth tens of billions.

This is still revealed on the surface, as for the secret...

Sure enough, the young and old in the imperial capital are not the most awesome, only more awesome.


"President Chu, I wanted to offer you a toast, but I drank a lot just now, so just juice? Is that okay?"

Someone came up first, holding two bottles of soft drinks to go with the wine.

If you toast again at this time, it will inevitably be suspected of "provocation".

Afraid people aren't drinking enough?

The gesture of taking juice is to declare in advance that there is no malice and no trouble.

Of course, if you're going to drink, that's perfectly fine.

Chu Yao glanced at her.

Low-cut evening dresses.

Very chesty.

The makeup is not too heavy, but very delicate, and it is not a facelift. After all, the facial features are already prominent enough, and it is quite exotic.

It's rare that there is no wind and dust, not coquettish, but rather elegant and intellectual.

A very familiar face.

Gu Lixian, the leading actress of Silver Horse Entertainment, is currently considered to be a top-notch player, and among everyone on the field, she is considered to have a relatively high status.

"What's the point of juice? Drink wine, okay?"

Chu Yao said with a smile, his tone was very kind.

The posture on the body is soft and hard, all with one heart, it was too hard just now, it is no problem to soften now.

If you want to keep going, they really can't continue playing.

It is estimated that little sister Xia Die will also have to scare away.

"Okay, then... pour wine?"


As she was pouring the wine, Chu Yao stood up and said loudly, "That friend had a little conflict with me just now, but now it's resolved and disturbed everyone. Play as you want, I'm still willing to make friends."

"Shall we have a drink together?"

With a friendly gesture, Chu Yao started the rhythm.

The proportions and scales are well grasped.

If you just came in just now, it would not be appropriate to just say this, as it would make you feel very licking.

But now, after sitting for a while, someone came over on his own initiative, so it was just right to take the opportunity to say something.

Hearing Chu Yao's words, everyone present secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately took their wine glasses.

The party atmosphere warmed up again.

Each poured wine.

Yan Yan laughed.

A few cheerful ones came up and completely praised Chu Yao as the focus of the crowd.

Chu Yao, however, was holding the wine glass, walked towards Yu Meiren, exchanged a smile with her, and then looked at Xia Die who was holding the drink.

"Come on, little birthday star, I respect you, happy birthday."


Xia Die thanked with a very polite and reserved smile.

In her mind, Chu Yao seemed to be an "arrogant and evil man", with extremely cruel methods and extremely arrogant arrogance, a villain who should be "kept at a distance".

Chu Yao: ...

Looking at the zero favorability, he shook his head and drank with a smile.

After a round, she was the most unbecoming.

"Go back and say hello to your father for me, and just say that I have time to ask him for a drink."

Chu Yao said with a casual smile.

Xia Die: ...


While drinking fruit juice, the little girl choked immediately, covered her small mouth and coughed, a few drops smeared on her face, she was a little embarrassed, and stared at Chu Yao with big black and white eyes, very frightened.

"My dad doesn't drink!"

She spoke hastily, her voice a little louder.

Scared the baby!

You drinking monster, don't come here, don't look for my papa!

Chu Yao laughed loudly, didn't say much, and turned around with a smile.

This glass of wine, drinking a kind of carefree.


for the rest of the time.

After another round of drinking, Chu Yao chatted with anyone casually.

Let's talk about the entertainment industry.

Ask the person "is the scandal true".

Or Ming Kua.

Or secretly.

Or drive to tease.

Feel a kind of freewheeling.

It's a wonderful feeling.

Speaking of which, it was the first time I had such an experience.

When I was a classmate before, although I was also crushing the game, I still have some friendship from school days, and I retain restraint, not as wanton as I am now.

In this kind of occasion full of strangers, being completely yourself, and seeing other people's accommodation and pandering, is really... floating.


Until ten o'clock in the evening.

Get ready to leave.

In fact, it was quite early, not even twelve o'clock.

However, Xia Die has already sent a message to ask her driver to pick it up.

The drivers are all here.

In fact, she was not very happy to have such a good birthday.

But there is nothing to do.

He could only express his dissatisfaction with the small means of leaving early.

Poppy stayed a few polite words to no avail, and it was logical to announce the end.

Up to this point, it is actually quite complete.

The main reason was the wine competition between Chu Yao and Su Heng, which completely broke the original planning process.

Saying all kinds of farewell words, the crowd left separately.

After more than half an hour of chaos, there were only four people left in the entire hall.

Chu Yao held the microphone and sang as if nothing had happened.

Chu Jinyu and Jiang Lingyun sat on both sides, but they were silent.

They want to go.

Especially Chu Jinyu.

But Chu Yao firmly held him down.

When Poppy came back from sending people off outside, this was what he saw.

For a moment, she couldn't help being slightly taken aback.


What do you mean?

"Okay, now we are all on our own."

"Where's your wine, come on, take it out, let's drink some more."

Chu Yao stopped singing, and looked at her with a smile, with a hasty and teasing tone.

poppy:! ! !

His face was burning hot.

There is a feeling of being at a loss.

She knew that Chu Yao drank a lot of wine, but she never expected that she could say such "drunk words".



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