The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

Two hundred and eighty-three, negotiating is like flirting with girls

Chu Yao naturally didn't know what the three women in Pengcheng were talking about. It was already two o'clock in the morning, and he was still chatting with Rebus.

The specific technical details have already been discussed.

Rebs' evaluation: This is a battery management system that is absolutely top-notch in China.

However, he only commented on technology, and did not involve more things.

Therefore, the two tacitly took technology as the origin, and the topic extended to the upper and lower industrial chains.

Industry and the Internet are different.

The battery management system has already involved the combination of software and hardware, but in order to be truly implemented, batteries are also needed as the cornerstone.

When it comes to batteries, it's a more complicated area.

"Our battery is currently investigating two partners, one is CATL and the other is BYD."

"It's still under consideration."

This topic is nothing to shy away from.

Because in this field, there are really not many options to choose from.

After all, what Xiaomi itself does is only industrial chain integration. Although there are a large number of upstream and downstream supply chain companies, it is essentially driven by Internet + marketing.

In the industrial field, there are still more specialized companies.

Especially batteries, which require both technology and extensive testing experience.

Hearing this, Chu Yao nodded and smiled.

All giants.

In terms of market value alone, Xiaomi has more than 600 billion.

In the Ningde era, nearly 900 billion.

BYD, more than 800 billion.

One is more fierce than the other, and the technology in my hands, if I want to play it well, I really have to spend a little effort.

It is necessary to consider not only the landing of the battery, but also the matching degree with the car.

In the middle, a complete set of customized integration solutions is required.


You also need to beware of being taught by being stolen, taking things out, being learned by others, and being kicked away by yourself.

This made Chu Yao inexplicably feel like a snake swallowing an elephant.

But, that's industry.

Interlocking, extremely meticulous and complex.

Nothing can be taken for granted.

However, as long as you use it well, perhaps this fulcrum in your hand can really move the earth.

However, if one fulcrum is not enough, then add a few more, a dozen, or even hundreds.

"Tesla uses Panasonic's batteries. In fact, the technology itself is not very high. It is nothing more than a good customization and optimization."

"Since Xiaomi's products pursue the ultimate price-performance ratio, I think it is more suitable for this route."

Chu Yao said with a smile.

It is still reserved.

The cards have to be played one by one, don't worry.

Battery technology, I also have here.

In fact, if you really want to start from scratch, it’s not impossible,

But if you can combine vertical and horizontal, it is best to combine vertical and horizontal.

One is the cost of time and effort.

The second is the patent issue that may be involved. After all, my technology is "free prostitution" from abroad. If I don't recruit a few allies, I may not be able to handle it with my small body.

As an ally, there are many people and strength, and they can block guns at critical times.

Hearing Chu Yao's words, Rebus was silent for a moment.

Although Chu Yao didn't say it clearly, the meaning in his words seems to have an understanding of battery technology?

Think about it too.

Since a complete battery management system can be produced, it must be familiar to all kinds of batteries.

"With Mr. Chu's current technical level, it's no problem to go to Xiaomi to be the vice president in charge of technology."

Rebs couldn't help but said with a smile, a bit suspected of exaggeration.

Of course, it is also asking for directions.

Let alone the battery problem, the battery management system technology in Chu Yao's hands still makes him covetous, and it can save a lot of unnecessary "wheel-making" behaviors.

And this is a core competitiveness.

If you don't have this set of technology, you may have to use the whole package solution of the battery manufacturer.

But if you have this set of technology and can hold it in your own hands, you may come up with your own plan and go to the manufacturer to customize the battery.

These are two completely different concepts.

Joining to be able to include Chu Yao, he also really wants to be included.

Doing business is nothing more than those few key resources, capital, technology, talent, market, relationship...etc.

You take out yours, I take out mine, cook a big dish together, sell it, and then sit around and share the money.

However, who gets more and who gets less depends on the individual level.

"You think highly of me. I am a pragmatic person, interested in money, high-tech, and strategy. But if I really want to implement it, it depends on my execution ability. I can't."

Chu Yao smiled modestly, and had a very clear understanding of himself.

It can be regarded as a polite refusal.

I want to become a shareholder of you, not be incorporated by you.

"A handsome talent is more rare than a general talent."

Reb immediately understood what Chu Yao meant, said something along the way, and fell silent again.

He was waiting for Chu Yao to ask the price.

Chu Yao revealed before that he wanted to invest in Xiaomi's car manufacturing business, but declined at the time.


It can be reconsidered.

After all, shares are reserved for investors.

With technology and capital, this standard has fully met the qualifications of investors, and it is still a very high-quality one.


To his surprise...

"Okay, let's do this today first, it's getting late, let's rest first."

"I'm going back to the imperial capital on weekends, we can get together again."

"I recently set up a small company here, and I want to research something different. If you have time, Mr. Lei can come and have a look."

Rebus's posture was loose, but Chu Yao became reserved instead, and did not show an overly urgent posture.

More haste less speed.

So with that said, take the initiative to end the topic, and leave a hole for the next "date" by the way.

In fact, negotiating is similar to flirting with girls, you have to push and pull.

If you don't take the initiative, you deserve to be played by others.

As for whether this cooperation will run away?

Run and run.

People who are afraid of losing have a high probability of not winning.

"What kind of small company?"

Rebus stood up and was about to leave, but he still asked casually.

Chu Yao said it was a small company, but since he could say it, it must not be "small".

"It's a laboratory. It's researching space, chips, robots and other cutting-edge things. Hey, I don't expect to produce any results. It's just for fun."

"A laboratory that may be able to verify and implement your various whimsical ideas, the ultimate romance of a man of science and engineering."

Chu Yao laughed.

Rebus: ...

I was speechless for a while, and even inexplicably felt a little envious.

This is called... just playing?

Playing so tall?

But think about it, it's really idealistic.

Of course, only young people are willing to toss about these.

When I really come to my position, I have to be responsible for investors, shareholders, financial reports, and employees for everything I do. How can I have such a leisurely time?

"Then I really have to go and see."

"Saturday or Sunday?"

Chu Yao smiled: "At two o'clock in the afternoon on Saturday, see you soon, I will send you the address later."




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