The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

Two hundred and ninety-two, the ultimate test of poppies

When the sky was just getting bright, Chu Yao returned to the courtyard, had breakfast outside, and packed a copy to take home.

Chu Jinyu just woke up.

The whole room is bewildered.

what's the situation?

When he woke up, he was gone.

Am I missing something again?


Why do you say "again?"

Glancing at her, Chu Yao said in a deep voice, "The old man of the Yu family was gone last night and early in the morning, so she rushed back overnight."

With an extremely surprised "ah", Chu Jinyu immediately got up from the bed, feeling sorry for her.

Just... suddenly.

"You eat first, don't worry about her."

"Oh...then...won't you go and have a look?"

"Let her deal with it first, I will only add to the chaos when I go."

Chu Yao said calmly.

From an objective point of view, the old man disappeared suddenly, and Yu Meiren, as the only heir, was still his own woman. It really had a sense of... the sight of a full banquet in the soft rice world.

However, Chu Yao's mentality is extremely Buddhist.

Money or not, it really doesn't matter.

In a few years, it will be more than enough for him to develop to the level of the Yu family.

Yesterday, I said "eat soft rice" with Yu Meiren, mainly because of the influence of the Yu family to escort her, and she didn't need to pay a penny.

"How about... I go to Xiangjiang to see her? I'm a little worried about her, her father..."

Chu Jinyu knew a lot about the Yu family's situation.

It's confusing anyway.

With such a big thing happening now, it always feels like Poppy needs help.

Even if I can't actually help her with anything,

But at least it's okay to relieve some emotional pressure.

Chu Yao glanced at her, thought for a while, and nodded.

"Okay, go if you want. You didn't say it earlier, I just came back from the airport."

She held a meat bun and showed a bun-shaped smiling face: "I'll just go by myself later, you go to sleep."

"No more sleep, no sleep."

Chu Yao waved his hand and went to wash up.

When you take a shower, let your mind clear.

Chu Yao still inevitably thought of this, and two thoughts came to mind.

First, I called Yu Xianghua myself to see if I could find a way to delay him for two days, but I didn't know if he was in the imperial capital now.

The second is to contact Yu Meiren's girlfriends, Tang Xin and the like, and ask them to help out, so as not to be really bullied.

However, after taking a shower, Chu Yao flushed both thoughts down the drain.

never mind.

The layout is too small.

no need.

Everything comes naturally.

Even if she really "failed the struggle", she just came back in despair.

I can really afford it.

As for the danger to life, even if Yu Xianghua was willing to do it, Wang Sihui wasn't dead yet.

Not so.


Therefore, in the next two days, Chu Yao did not deliberately pay attention to the news of the Yu family, but only occasionally had a phone call with Yu Meiren.

She was still in a bad mood and was holding on.

But this matter, after two or three days of silence, quickly became an uproar on the Internet media.

What kind of family is the Yu family?

No less than the family of the gambling king.

In particular, the old man of the Yu family is a figure of the Taishan Beidou level in the world of Xiangjiang's rich.

With this death, the current situation of the Yu family, whether it was intentional or unintentional, was completely exposed immediately.

And mostly negative news.

All the misdeeds of the old man of the Yu family were listed one by one. He is a textbook capitalist.

When alive, no one dares to say anything.

Dead, one by one jumped out to make a fuss.

Also normal.

After all, to put it bluntly, every person like the old man of the Yu family counts as one, and his ass is not clean.

That is to say, after making a fortune, I started to wash my whites.

However, now, behind the massive amount of negative news, traces of human manipulation can still be clearly seen.


There was also the news that Yu Xianghua and Yu Meiren's father and daughter were at odds, and they were now vying for the inheritance, which also turned upside down on Weibo.

That is hundreds of billions of assets!

It is said that in the old man's will, most of them were given to his granddaughter.

But for so many years, Yu Xianghua has been in charge of the group's work.

And all the melon-eating people with great powers also completely uncovered the incident that Uncle Yu Meiren jumped to his death in the imperial capital.

So, the context is very clear.

——The elder brother forced the younger brother to death, was disliked by the father, lost the right to inherit, and now he is fighting with the daughter for the family property.

What a rich family.

It's addictive.

These public opinions are not the most critical.

After all, being scolded will not lose a piece of meat.

The most important thing is - in the past two days, the stock prices of the Yu family and the three listed companies related to the Yu family have plummeted.

An average of one down limit per day.

While chatting with Yu Meiren, Chu Yao heard her say that this is a financial sniper war jointly launched by several other families in Xiangjiang and several funds in the mainland.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he severely suppressed the stock price, and waited until the stock price was suppressed to a certain level to attract money at a low price, sucking blood from the Yu family.

If the situation gets worse, if they attract enough bargaining chips and unite with enough small shareholders, the Yu family may even change hands.

The wall fell and everyone pushed. Now, the situation of the Yu family suddenly became precarious.

Although the emaciated camel was bigger than a horse, it couldn't bear to be surrounded by fierce tigers and wolves, all waiting for an opportunity to move.


The internal situation at home is really not optimistic.

Even though foreign enemies are around, father and daughter are still at odds.

According to the will, most of the family property basically belonged to Poppy, and Yu Xianghua wished that "new troops" would come in from outside.

Even seeking skin from a tiger is better than eating only a little clear soup and little water.

Maybe... he can fish in troubled waters, and use this to find his own way of life.

Fortunately, before the old man died, he still retained a group of people to support the situation.

The two sides used the financial market as a front to see-saw repeatedly.

Yu Meiren has already called Tang Xin, and she has now arrived in Xiangjiang, as a new force here, helping the Yu family.

However, the final result depends on the game level of both parties.


In all fairness, this was the first time that Chu Yao realized the danger of the struggle of the rich.

In the face of astronomical wealth, any light of human nature is weak and dim.

Blood ties don't work well.

Chu Yao originally wanted to provide her with some money, and if he pooled it together, he could still get tens of billions in cash.

After all, supporting the stock market also requires funds.

But Poppy said the money is not needed at the moment.

The Yu family's capital reserves are sufficient, Tang Xin can also borrow a lot here, and there are various credit lines.

The most important the human heart.

in herself.

Get rid of internal troubles.

We must block the foreign enemy.

And this all takes time.

More choices are needed.

Need blood and courage.

Really... Do you want to "kill" your father mentally?

Even if he is a bad guy.

This is the ultimate problem poppies face.

She is still hesitating.

"Do you need me to go to Xiangjiang?"

Chu Yao finally asked, still in a very calm tone, even with a little smile.

Poppy thought about it for a while, then declined.

"not needed for now."

"If I can't support this game with my ability, then I really don't deserve to be in charge of the Yu family. Whoever wants it will want it. I won't play anymore."

she said so.

In this situation, she had a certain kind of awareness in her heart.

This is her "ultimate test" for taking charge of the Yu family.

If you can't make it through, then An An can be a little girl with peace of mind, so what should she do? Anyway, she will definitely not be short of money.

And if it survives, then maybe it will be another realm of life.



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