The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

Three hundred and thirty-four, two big brothers

Seeing Huang Lin's obsessed with technical documents, Chu Yao shook his head and smiled.

In fact, this kind of person is very good.

True technical talent.

No personal relationship is required, everything speaks for itself with results.

The results are awesome, and we are good friends.

If the result is not good, friends are exhausted.

It's that simple and pure.

Leaving him to read the documents in his own room and tidy up briefly, Chu Yao went downstairs to attend today's dinner.

While waiting for the elevator, Chu Yao met Yang Rong again when he entered the door.

Walking from far to near, the two looked at each other, and then smiled at almost the same time.

"Hello, Elder Yang."

Chu Yao took the initiative to say hello.

This person's position in China's commercial history is worthy of this title.

You know, Huaxia's first stock listed in the United States was successfully operated by him. Although it was based on the policy and the dividends of the times, it was also awesome enough.

Yang Rong nodded and smiled.

"Don't call me old, I'm still young, just call me by my name."

He said in a very characterful manner.

Chu Yao nodded, still smiling, pressed the elevator button, and asked, "Come to investigate?"

Because of his commercial conflicts with the local government, he was wanted for economic crimes and had to avoid going abroad.

But now nearly twenty years have passed, and the times have long passed.

Wanted or something, without the conflict of core interests, will naturally become a dead letter.

It's just that the company that was thriving in the past, but because of the founder's misfortune, lost all its feathers, and was later picked by BMW.

"It's not a survey,

It's just learning and watching around. "

Yang Rong said calmly.

Chu Yao couldn't remember his age clearly, but he was over 60 years old. It was quite touching to say such a thing.

If this is a world of martial arts, this is probably an old man at the level of "Feng Qingyang", the first batch of entrepreneurs with an international perspective.

But in the commercial world, there is no seniority ranking, let alone long-term prosperity. There are only backward waves, and there are endless backward waves.

If you miss it, you really miss it.

Perhaps looking back, you will find that what you missed was an entire era.

Chu Yao's politeness and respect for him now is largely due to the element of "sadness" in him.

"how old are you?"

After entering the elevator, Yang Rong sized Chu Yao up and asked calmly.


Twenty-six years old, twenty-seven imaginary years old.

Hearing this number, the muscles on Yang Rong's face twitched slightly, his eyes looked away, and he remained silent.

After a while, he laughed softly.

"Solve the affairs of the king and the world, and win the name of life and death."

He muttered softly, deeply moved.

When the elevator arrived at the stop, he didn't say much, and finally took a deep look at Chu Yao, and walked out.

Looking at this tall but slightly stooped figure, Chu Yao was silent for a while, then couldn't help shaking his head and smiling.

Yang Rong had no intention of getting acquainted, and left without leaving a business card, and he didn't have to get to know him.

However, it is inevitable to feel a little bit emotional in my heart.

Of the two verses he chanted just now, the last one is—poor thing happened in vain!

Time, or youth, is the greatest capital.

That's the redundancy for starting over.



Ordinary staff eat in the lobby outside, while the bosses eat in the box.

Under the introduction of Rebus, Chu Yao realized that there was an unfamiliar face at the banquet, and the new one was a famous person.

It's almost going to snatch Mr. Lei's C position.

Cao Dewang.

Fuyao Glass is one of the suppliers. Although the scale of cooperation is small, this company is an out-and-out giant.

Two of the glass used in every three cars in the world are produced by Fuyao.

The world's first.

Nearly 70% of the market share.

Lao Cao has only become popular on the Internet in recent years. Before that, he had always developed in a low-key way. He is seventy-three years old, but he is very energetic.

Under Rebs' threading, the conversation proceeded in a friendly and polite manner.

Talking about the wonderful science and technology laboratory...

Only then did Chu Yao know that this veteran Mr. Cao had just announced a plan to invest 10 billion yuan to build a university related to the glass industry.

The project has already been approved.

The idea is the same.

If manufacturing companies want to maintain their market leadership for a long time, it is necessary to explore and deploy upstream.

Compared with the name of a laboratory, a university is much louder and more generous.

It can be regarded as a small comparison.

However, there is no competition.

Moreover, he has been developing for many years and has been in this industry all his life. At his current age, he has accumulated all kinds of resources, which can be called massive.

Chu Yao didn't chat with him much, and it wasn't a one-on-one chat, it was just superficial and superficial communication.

To be honest, there is still a generation gap.

Because of the different backgrounds of the times, there is an insurmountable gap.

Chu Yao didn't intend to have any in-depth communication.

After dinner.

On the way back, I chatted with Chen Dongsheng about this again, and casually chatted a few words about Fuyao's "self-made business" myth.

Only then did Chu Yao learn from Chen Dongsheng that Cao's elder brother was a local provincial leader.

These two brothers are really good.

One is in politics, the other is in business, and both will be prosperous for a lifetime, and they will reach the top with glory.

Comparing with Yang Rong whom he had just met, Chu Yao also thought of some indescribable things, and his heart was filled with emotion.

At this stage of my own development, I should seriously consider this extremely important matter.

However, there is no need to worry too much.

After all, the current business environment is much better than it was twenty years ago.

Secondly, there are more and more purely commercial allies.

The Yu family alone can hold up half the sky to some extent.

Regardless of Lao Jiang or Rebus, they both have deep connections.

It does not stick to the pan itself.

If something happens, whether it's a good thing or a bad thing, just let them deal with it.


back to the room.

Huang Lin was still reading the materials, turned on the lights, and worked hard at his desk, probably because his brain cells were consumed so much that his face was covered with oil, and he looked more "greasy" under the lights, but he was in good spirits.

"Is this the research result of Qipa Technology Laboratory?"

After Chu Yao entered, Huang Lin temporarily suspended his research and couldn't help asking.

He was startled.

Technology, of course, is extremely powerful technology.

But the source channel, he has doubts in his heart.

This technology requires nearly massive experiments to obtain detailed and accurate data, and requires application-level support.

At present, Mitsubishi is the only one that can do it in the world, and there is no semicolon.

It's not that he looks down on the strange laboratory, but from the perspective of objective scientific research laws, the strange science and technology really does not have such realistic conditions.

Chu Yao took a serious look at him and patted his shoulder.

"Boss Huang, if I say yes, then it must be."

"Trust me, and... trust, the organization."

It has nothing to do with what he said.

After all, this person is also a member of the establishment, and the political review must have been strictly confirmed, and the country has already strictly checked it. organize?

Huang Lin's pupils widened suddenly, and he looked at Chu Yao in shock, his sharp Adam's apple twitched.

After a long silence, he nodded.

"Your technical strength is really too strong."

"Can I take this document back?"

"Some parameters, I hope to do experiments as soon as possible to confirm."

Chu Yao smiled.

"of course can."

"I will give you the following information when you need it."

Huang Lin looked solemn, nodded again, thought for a while, and said in an extremely solemn tone: "I will do all the confidentiality work well. I will speak on my side, and you will be responsible for your side. As for disputes that may arise in the future, Let's think of another way."

"This matter is meaningful. Although there are immoral factors in the spirit of scientific research, righteousness comes first. If you lose the small details, you will lose it."

This word...

It made Chu Yao think that Mr. Huang is an extremely smart and powerful person.

Well, it was.

Who can reach this level, who is not a genius?

"I think so too."

Chu Yao nodded and smiled.




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