The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

Four hundred and seven, conditions

Chu Yao and Jin Tao talked calmly, but Han Feng next to him was inexplicably terrified.


He didn't know if Chu Yao was really drifting away, or if he had no desire to be strong.

In short, this kind of operation cannot be done by any businessman with a little brain.

If he came to the door by himself, even if he was more than one round older than Jin Tao, when they met, he would respectfully call for leadership.

Of course, it is also possible that the relationship between these two people has really reached this level.

But, it's not like that either.

Based on years of experience in the Korean style, today's meal is not that delicious.

Enthusiasm reveals temptation, and behind the smile is calculation.

It was inevitable that he would feel some inexplicable emotion in his heart.

The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead.

Of course, these two people must belong to the top group of young people.

In contrast, I am the kind of old man, but not very qualified, who has accumulated experience forcibly.


"The last time I saw you was still single, yes, you can do it quickly enough."

Sitting on the sofa, Chu Yao peeled the lychees casually, still in the attitude of an old friend talking heart-to-heart, without any restraint.

The best way to face the sense of restraint is to break it completely.

Han Feng was right about one thing.

That is... no desire is strong.

As long as I don't beg you for anything, then I can do whatever I want, and do whatever I feel comfortable with.

As for... getting revenge?

Really not.

If there is only this little capacity, Jin Tao will be like this in his life.

What's more, he doesn't have the energy yet.

For him,

His restraint speed is much higher than his own.

"Yes, it's a bit fast. The main reason is that I'm getting old. It would be nice if someone could ask for it. I finally came across a blind house sparrow. Why don't you hurry up and take it home?"

Jin Tao said with a smile, his voice was neither high nor low, even Yang Hui in the kitchen could hear it.

He said it beautifully too.

Under thirty years old, in this position, he is definitely a rich man in the eyes of many mothers-in-law. Will he be short of women?

It is impossible to think about toes.

Confident in heart, but also humble in mouth.

This is very... Jin Tao.

"Siblings, why did you fall in love with my squad leader? Tell me a story."

Yang Hui happened to come over with a plate of crabs, Chu Yao took advantage of the situation and asked with a smile.

She said with a smile: "I defeated thousands or eight hundred competitors, which was harder than the civil servant exam, and finally succeeded in getting the job."

Jin Tao laughed out loud.

Chu Yao: ...

These two, let alone, are a little sweet.


The dishes are served one by one.

Although it is a home-cooked dish, it is still quite hearty, mainly seafood, chicken and duck.

"Eat first, since you're drinking beer, I'll bake some skewers for you later. The ingredients are all ready-made, made in the oven, not smoky, but with my secret dipping sauce, it will definitely be delicious."

Hearing Yang Hui's words, Chu Yao was speechless for a moment.

This is too virtuous.

Before Chu Yao could continue to ask questions, Jin Tao took the initiative to ask: "What about you? When do you plan to get married? I read your gossip every day on the Internet. When do you plan to stop?"

Chu Yao: ...

"Okay, eat."


Jin Tao's kung fu of hiding the needle in the cotton is quite in place.

In all fairness, Chu Yao felt that his rank in dealing with people and accidents was higher than his own, after all, he was a professional eater.

I have willful qualifications.

He didn't.

The routes are different, and the skill trees and talent points of the key points are also completely different.

After teasing and probing each other, the topic changed from short stories about parents to serious business.

"By the way, I haven't introduced you yet. Mr. Han, brother, you can be regarded as my nobleman. I got my first pot of gold under his care."

Chu Yao smiled and mentioned Han Feng, giving him a lot of face and adding weight from the side.

Han Feng hurriedly humbled himself.

Jin Tao followed up: "I've heard about Brother Han, and I've seen it. At the National Financial Summit last year, there were too many people and there was no chance to chat. The article you published "Beware of the possible damage caused by the innovation of the mutual fund industry model" "High Leverage Risk" is well-known, and my previous leaders praised it by name."

This word...

I don't know if it's true or not, anyway, Han Feng said so well, he couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear.

If you still care about it, you will be chaotic.

"Are you familiar with Donghai Bank?"

Chu Yao asked again in a pretentious manner.

See the poor dagger in the picture.

It's time to talk here, after all, I still have to talk.

It depends on Jin Tao's attitude.

"Familiar, too familiar. Mr. Han and I should have a common language on this point. We can talk in detail later."

"Hui, are you going to grill some skewers?"

Jin Tao didn't take it seriously at all, he directly agreed and took advantage of the situation to drive the woman away.

"Okay, you guys eat first."

Yang Hui also got up quickly, got up and walked towards the kitchen. When the range hood was turned on, the door was half closed, and there was a whistling wind.

Jin Tao gnawed a crab slowly.

"Let's put it this way, I have a lot of say in that matter. After it works, I'm 60% sure. However, I have a condition."


The meat show is coming!

Chu Yao didn't speak, but stared at him directly, waiting for the next sentence.

"This company has certain problems at the headquarters. Comrade Han Feng, you have to be mentally prepared to collect more information and clues. The fourth round of inspections, the financial sector is a key area, let's first regulate the internal."

"If you can check yourself first, don't go out and shame yourself, otherwise there may be something big."

"This matter is very stressful, time is tight and tasks are heavy, and it offends people..."

Having said this, Jin Tao's voice stopped abruptly.

Chu Yao remained expressionless, picking up vegetables and eating meat.

Han Feng's face didn't change much, but it was obvious that there was a certain battle between heaven and man in his heart.

He really didn't know that the position of promotion this time would have such a big relationship.

The old leader before me has already stepped back. When I was inquiring with him, the old leader said that taking a step back would lead to a brighter future.

This is already the meaning of persuasion.

It's just that I am not reconciled.

Thinking about going one step further.

But I didn't expect that to advance to this part, I was going to be an internal response + spy + demining engineer.

Is this not only difficult?

If you are not careful, you can blow yourself up.

Even if Lei is eliminated, life may not be easy in the future, and he will be labeled as a twenty-five boy.

Compared with my current princes, if I really want to take this step up, it will be glory to glory, but it will be more intrigue, swords and swords.

"If you want to do something, how can you not be under pressure?"

"People are light and light without pressure."

Gritting his teeth secretly, Han Feng said word by word.

He still made a decision and did it!

Let's go up first.

The risk belongs to the risk, the pressure belongs to the pressure, but more importantly, which side of one's butt is sitting on.

As long as someone is covering it, it's not a big deal.

Jin Tao glanced at him, smiled, and looked at Chu Yao again without saying a word.

"Shall we drink something then?"

Chu Yao nodded.

"Drink it."

But I thought in my heart, this game is really hard to say, whether I took advantage or suffered a disadvantage.


drinking wine.

The skewers also come out of the oven.

I have to say that Yang Hui's craftsmanship is really good, and the dipping sauce is also delicious.

She also joined in again, drinking skewers and having fun.

When the dinner party is about to end.

Yang Hui spoke suddenly.

"Brother Chu, you are a big boss and an old classmate. We just met today. Can I consult you about business matters? Help me out."


At these words, Chu Yao was slightly taken aback, and looked at Jin Tao calmly.

Fuck you, one size fits all, and there's an extra size?

Originally, the matter of Lao Han was already a matter of mutual use, after all, it was a risk.

Now, back to business.

I mean to your mother.

Just want to make some money.

Thoughts flickered in Chu Yao's mind, but he smiled: "Okay, of course, but I drank a little wine today, and I'm afraid of talking loudly, why don't you go to the office to find me tomorrow?"



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