The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

Four hundred and thirty nine, playing

late at night.

Chu Yao was also insomnia.

Of course, there was no need to sleep.

Sitting on the sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the hotel, with a glass of cherry blossom beer and a peace cigarette, watching the bustling night scene of the whole city, sorting out your mood and thoughts.

Mainly about the follow-up to "Pet Card".

Needless to say, this matter is dirty and sinful. The most difficult thing is that I have to be 100% careful and vigilant.

Once it is discovered, it is really beyond the reach of God.

However, how to use it, to what extent, and how to finally obtain benefits, is an extremely test of operation.

Risks and benefits always coexist.

This is a gold mine, but it is also a hidden mine.

Of course, how to do it, and to what extent, the initiative is entirely up to you.

It's not impossible to never activate this card if you want to.


At this moment, in the control interface of the pet card, Chu Yao could clearly see that Lao Sun was trying to communicate.

"Who are you?"

"What the hell is it?"

"what are you going to do?"

It's a very routine question, I guess he is also confused now.

No matter how rich people are, when they encounter this kind of "surreal power", they will probably react in this way.

But then again.

It seems that for the image of "God", only China has completed a comprehensive transformation of atheism, and most places in the world have devout beliefs.

Chu Yao didn't know what kind of attitude Sun Zhengyi would have towards this situation.

However, now, I feel a little bit tempted.

"The Chosen One,

In the season when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, I will wait for you at the top of the snow mountain. There is no other shore, everything is vain. "

In a very relaxed state, Chu Yao spoke specious words and sent them out through instructions.

Very nonsense stuff.


Most of the so-called "oracles" are like this.

That's right if you don't understand.

Self enlightenment.

The more mysterious it is, the better.

After leaving a word, Chu Yao directly closed the communication channel without leaving another word.


In the ward.

Sun Zhengyi was completely dumbfounded.

It was still the same voice, and it seemed to be more specific, which made people think about it, but it was still unclear what it meant.

Like a promise.

The season of cherry blossoms.

The top of the snow mountain.

However, the specific time and specific location were not stated at all.

The Chosen One?


Countless thoughts appeared in his mind, and there were many things he didn't understand.

I don't understand where the sound came from and what its purpose is.

I don't know whether I should obey or refuse.

I don't even understand's me.

After thinking for a long time with his eyes closed, he rang the bell at the head of the bed, got up and got out of bed, and then walked out of the hospital under the protection of his entourage.

Think twice, or go to Sensoji Temple.

This is the temple with the most incense in Tokyo. It has never been cut off for more than 600 years, and there are eminent monks and great virtues.

For mysterious and mysterious things, I can only ask Yu Xuan.


Chu Yao didn't pay attention to his follow-up actions.

This thing must be submerged.

Can't be exposed, can't be frequent, irregular, communicate occasionally, create disappointment for a long time, even despair, like boiling an eagle, come to a tug-of-war in the dimension of spiritual will.

Anyway, I am not in a hurry.


Early the next morning, some club staff came to the door in person.

With a few gifts, I apologized respectfully, saying that something unexpected happened on the field last night, and I am sorry for causing you trouble.

In the meantime, ask a few questions by the way.

Although they didn't go very deep, Chu Yao could see that their purpose must be to investigate Sun Zhengyi's "accident" last night.

Currently, it is still in the extensive investigation stage.

A lot of work has obviously been done over there, too, so let's find out.

At this time, I can't act rashly, I will wait for it first, and slowly adjust it.


"Tell me, could this matter be done by the old horse?"

While eating, Liu Fei suddenly said something, looking mysterious.

In their field of vision...

The ins and outs of the whole thing are - Sun Zhengyi and Ma Yun attended the event together, Sun suddenly fell ill, and the situation is unknown now.

The horse was the closest person to him at the time.

It's not impossible, and it's very likely.

After all, the two parties have many connections in the capital market. Softbank sold a large amount of Ali stocks before, which caused quite a bad impact.

The gossip thinking of the masses has always been very imaginative.

"It's none of your business, eat your meal."

Chu Yao cursed with a smile.

After a pause, he said again: "Let me tell you something, well, after three days, I'm going to withdraw, you stay here, the general direction to do, just follow what we discussed before, as for how to do it ,I do not care."

It's almost time to withdraw.

Been having so much fun lately.

From street visits, to hot spring dinner tables, big sex, to masquerade parties, navigation girls, pet cards...

This extravagant life, joyful body and mind, broaden horizons.

However, too much is also boring.

"okay, I get it."

Liu Fei nodded immediately, very crisp, even a little impatient, and it was clearly expressed.

Chu Yao glared at him.

This gesture is like a bear child who especially wants to watch TV and play games, and hopes that his parents will leave home early on business trips.

Think about it too.

This kind of emotion is common to all people.

Liu Fei, the most important thing is truth.

"Well, before you leave, let me tell you about the plan."

Liu Fei said with a hippie smile, took out a tourist map of downtown Tokyo, and pointed it to Chu Yao with a smile.

"Look, here is the Imperial Palace, where the members of the royal family live. Inside is the city, and no one is allowed to enter. Outside is the garden, and there is a park."

"To the south, the Palace Square, the Double Bridge, and the famous scenic spots are no longer under the royal family's control... Going further outside, the nearest one is a villa area, there are not many, there are dozens of them, but the location is absolutely perfect. "

"My plan is to buy a house here and hold a party every day without doing anything else."

"Who do you want to be able to live here? The royal relatives, the big capitalists, it won't take long, and they will definitely be able to break into the enemy's interior."

This idea...

Chu Yao made a nasal sound and snorted.

"Is this the life you dreamed of? Now you have your wish?"

"Where is it, isn't it still for work? Besides, then I can't help you gather, girl group, loli, twins, etc., leave it to me, your most loyal transnational gold medal harem manager, I will With my own efforts, I will seek the gospel for all women in Tokyo."

Liu Fei ran the train with his mouth full, his glib tone out of shape.


What is the face?

Chu Yao: ...

"Success, I agree, all public relations expenses will be reimbursed, and I will give you an account later."

It doesn't cost much.

From ancient times to the present, in ancient and modern China and foreign countries, the best and the shortest way is to cultivate relationships, play tricks, and run business, all of which are eating, drinking, whoring and gambling.

I spend money, you make it.

Come and go, don't care about friends, as long as the money is still there, the power will be there.



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