The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

Four hundred and sixty six, let yourself fly

With Chu Yao laying the groundwork and leading the rhythm, the atmosphere gradually became confused and frenzied.

These few groups of people at the scene, who originally came to drink, were relatively "affordable". Now that someone is playing the rhythm, it will be even more powerful, and they will start to let themselves go.

In all fairness, it was the first time for Chu Yao to participate in such a game.

When you are poor, you have no money and no organization.

When you have money, you have no time and no opportunity.

Now, just right.

Actually this situation...

The point is not how big the scale is.

Mostly... just for fun.

Let your imagination run wild as much as possible without taking off your pants.

Having said that, the imagination of young people in this area has always been extremely rich, and it is quite unlimited.

As big a heart is, so big is the stage.

Coupled with the influence of alcohol, before drinking, you belong to the imperial capital, and after drinking, the imperial capital belongs to you.


"how long?"

"How many boyfriends have you had? What happened to the most violent one?"

"Do you still believe in love?"


Strange questions kept popping up.

After playing, the atmosphere became more and more exciting, and the groups of board games next to them were a little attracted by the atmosphere here, and actively chose to join.

But for others, after the whole process, they have fully seen Chu Yao's crazy side.

really flowers.

The old pilot who flew the plane.

"Here you go, girls, right? Find a girl who is willing to cooperate with you on the spot, kiss and draw."

Once again it was Chu Yao's turn to sit in the manor, and the big adventure was escalated again.

The target object is naturally the one who picked up the matter just now.

This thing, in the wine market, is more or less vengeful.

If I don't serve you well today, I'm sorry for the ten glasses of wine I drank just now.

Anyway, the character design of the prodigal son has been thrown out, and there is no positive image to speak of.

Of course not.

"Wow, no, it's kind of disgusting. I'm straight, not lesbian."

The girl feels a little bit broken.

Kiss is fine.

Also draw a kiss?

Think about all that...

A group of men laughed, waiting to see a good show.

The main reason is that this girl is also extremely arrogant all the way here, and she has punished many people just now.

Almost made a man and a woman run to the bathroom to exchange underwear.

It's that wild.

Seeing her being punished by Chu Yao now gave me the pleasure that a wicked person still needs to be tortured by a wicked person.

Chu Yao laughed:

"No women, so you choose a man?"


Not to mention. It’s okay to kiss, isn’t it a bit too much to draw a kiss? "

"Is it too much? Have you never eaten popsicles?"


The car drove very fast, all kinds of blushes.

Whether it's blushing from drinking, or blushing from laughing, or blushing from being molested...

In short, no one is innocent when the crab's claws are raised quietly.

So much so that Zhong Xiaoling was a little terrified.

I've had similar parties before, but it's really not as crazy.

The main one is Chu Yao, who is crazy and rhythmic, like the king of parties.

She felt that the whole atmosphere was completely spoiled by Chu Yao.

However, she was also inexplicably...happy.

It can also be seen from the expressions of these participants that they are completely carried away.

When Chu Yao was in the manor, he attacked fiercely, and when he was targeted by others, he naturally suffered the most severe blow.

At the beginning, I made up my mind that if I don’t tell the truth, I won’t take too many risks. In short, I can just drink by myself.

Later, it was also collectively protested by the crowd. Drinking alone is not enough, and there is more work.

You are quite good at it.

You can't just prank others, but make yourself a coward.

After drinking all the wine, there was no difference in status, so he couldn't bear it, and Chu Yao was helplessly dragged into the water.

Start with big adventure undressing.

He took off his upper body T-shirt and was half naked. When he saw this scene, everyone on the field fell silent for an instant, their eyes straightened, and their breathing became short of breath.

Sexy Male Model is online.

The sharp-edged chest and abdominal muscles are not very big, but they are very clear, especially the abdominal muscles, like an old-fashioned washboard, making people feel the urge to rub them.

"I... grass!"

Someone couldn't help swearing, she was still a girl, her eyes were dull, and even when she was talking, her eyes didn't leave her eyes.

After tens of seconds of silence, the atmosphere on the field quietly became a little weird.

"No, have you seen enough?"

"Hey, hey, can you think about my face? This is my private property?"

"Cover it up."

Zhong Xiaoling took the clothes with a smile, and tried to cover them, but was rushed by two girlfriends with their teeth and claws, and held down their hands. Because of the close distance, Chu Yao felt that he was being pulled, and a head was hit on his chest, and the lipstick marks were printed up.

There are also some white marks of foundation cream.

Chu Yao pushed it away with a smile and cursing, and made a few jokes with no seriousness.

The scene fell into chaos for a while.

It took a while to calm down.

However, it became more undercurrent and turbulent.

The wine is still going on.

Truth or Dare continues.

But the minds of the girls at the scene seemed to be a little ethereal, and there was only polite perfunctory for the original male companion CP next to them.

It was.

It's like among a group of men, a top-notch beauty appears, and his mind is inevitably fluttering.

Men are the same.

Women are not much less lustful than men.

The power of temptation from abdominal muscles is no less than that of uniforms and stockings, not to mention their good looks.

At this time, Chu Yao was naturally very sober. After playing for a few more rounds, he felt that he really couldn't continue playing. If he played again, he would be single and have a big party, and he would really become a single and have sex.

Very punishing.

Very judgmental.

It belongs to the crowd and cannot be described.

So I still proposed to end it, it was almost done, and I should brake when I was happy, anyway, I have someone to accompany me tonight.

Immediately got dressed and prepared to get up and leave.

Check the time, it's two o'clock in the morning.

The mood is just two words, comfortable.

It feels good to play this kind of game once in a while.


Under the staring eyes of a group of girlfriends, Zhong Xiaoling held Chu Yao's arm tightly, hanging almost half of her body on Chu Yao's body, pretending to be so drunk that her whole body was limp, and was carried away by her arms.

very happy.

Happy as if to fly.

It's really tonight, I have both face and face.

Just looking at the eyes of those girlfriends who were so jealous that they were about to burst into flames gave her an extremely strong pleasure from the bottom of her heart. It was as refreshing as eating ginseng fruit, and her internal organs revealed comfort.

It wasn't until I went downstairs that I looked around and saw no one around, and my footsteps returned to normal.

Holding Chu Yao's hand, shaking it, rubbing his chest even more, full of seduction.

Chu Yao couldn't stand it any longer. Before he could fully recover from the atmosphere just now, he recalled the split horse he saw during the day, and his mind became more and more turbulent.

"where to?"

"To... the underground garage?"




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