The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

Five hundred and eleven, win numb

“The Richest Man Starts in a Relationship ()”

While drinking tea, Chu Yao began to settle accounts with him, in a literal sense, to make an assessment of the overall value of the silver carriage.

Xia Changzheng sat upright, his face full of seriousness.

This is already a more formal attitude.

"What do you think is the company's biggest asset right now?"

Chu Yao lightly tapped the table with his knuckles, asked casually, and looked at Xia Changzheng.

Speaking of this, Xia Changzheng also took a deep look, and then sighed slightly.

"Experience. Or a group of experienced employees up and down. The mistakes they made, or the mistakes I made, were all piled up with real money."


These words made Chu Yao inexplicably stunned for a moment, but he did not expect that he would have such a cognition.

"Now this stall, tell me what mistakes you have made?"

Chu Yao suddenly couldn't help but asked, smiling, slightly teasing, and of course it was kind.

In business, the experience of failure is very important.

"The entire pan-entertainment industry plan of Yinmache was laid out by me 15 years ago. At that time, we planned to be a super content provider, through TV and set-top boxes, to make paid program subscriptions, but the hardware and Internet speed died. Overestimated the market's acceptance of paid content. This is the first turning point."

Xia Changzheng said so.

These words really made Chu Yao slightly taken aback.

In all fairness, this plan still sounds quite impressive, very advanced, and has a large scale. I vaguely remember that there are other big shots who seem to want to do the same thing, but they didn't succeed.

The reasons may be various.

After all, there are too many interests here, and the game of interests is too complicated, from management departments, to TV stations at all levels, to other content producers, to hardware, to software, to network resources, and even sales channels...

The link chain in the middle is too big, there are too many things that need to be controlled, and a huge amount of money needs to be invested.

Even if the business has developed to the present, this model is destined to lag behind the times, and no one can do it.

Just because no one made it, doesn't mean it was a failure.

Possibly, changing the packaging, changing the model, and changing the path can also achieve success.

For example, Xia Changzheng’s plan, if he sticks to it now, and with the improvement of network broadband speed, and the hardware cost is reduced to the price of Xiaomi TV, then the copyright of the massive high-quality content he owns will definitely be in the world. Higher than the three major video sites.

Of course, this is just a logical deduction.

Not done.

Xia Changzheng glanced at Chu Yao, saw that he was lost in thought, the smile on his face gradually subsided, he also took a breath, and continued:

"The second turning point, we used to hoard a large number of copyrights in our hands, and tried to take the route of video websites, but the money wasted too much. After burning for five years, we lost at least 5 billion, but we didn't go. In the end, of course, even now, today, it is still doomed to lose money, but as long as there are users, there will definitely be a capital market to transfuse.”

He sighed again.

It's like a game of poker, whether it's Texas Hold'em or Fried Golden Flower.

In fact, your cards are good at the beginning, but it's just that you don't have enough chips in your hand, and you can't follow after a round of follow-up.

The opponent's cards may not be stronger than yours, but they are richer than you, backed by giants, and have a steady stream of blood transfusions.

This kind of bloodletting battle is really too tragic, reaching a certain level, it is really difficult to advance or retreat.

Come on, no money.

If you don't follow, the previous investment is equivalent to a total loss.

It's good to be able to find the receiver, but if you can't find it, it will really fall into your own hands.

"Then you are decisive enough to give up abruptly and not continue to be kidnapped by these sunk costs."

For the second point, Chu Yao looked at him in surprise, with a bit of surprise and appreciation in his tone.

Persistence is hard.

But giving up is harder.

Giving up an investment of up to 5 billion yuan to prevent the entire group from being dragged down in exchange for the current existence of the Silver Horse Carriage, to make such a decision really requires great courage.

"There is no other way if you are not decisive."

"Didn't they sell the copyright library later on? This kind of meat cutting was the most painful one this time, but it was completely relaxed after cutting it."

"At that time, the price of copyright hadn't risen yet, and when it did, I regretted it. But, when I look back, I don't know whether it was a profit or a loss. At that time, I had money on hand. I bought various stocks, such as Moutai, Apple, and Tencent, and have been holding them until now.”

Chu Yao: ...

For a moment, he was speechless.

Looking at him speechlessly, he picked up his teacup and took a sip.

"Then you are rich, why don't you just sell some stocks?"

In fact, there are some emotions.

Their generation really wins every minute. As long as they don't do anything and don't step on the big thunder, whether it's buying a house or investing in stocks, there are too many spaces and opportunities.

Unlike now, there are too many liars and not enough fools.

"This...uh, I can't cash it out. I washed it out with great difficulty and left it to my girl. In case I go bankrupt or close down, there is also a way out. Besides, the company hasn't reached that point of desperation yet. If you really can’t, discuss it with the bank, mortgage, debt-to-equity swap, or simply find someone to take over the deal, it’s all fine.”

"The company is already like this, so don't mess with my clean money."

"Hey, I'm telling you the truth, the company's company's, your own is your own, you have to consider these in the future, and do asset allocation early. Those who spend all their wealth to build a company, there is a calculation One, all of them are big fools!"

When Xia Changzheng said this, he was quite honest.

In the matter of crossing the bridge, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, and there is no intentional deception.

He does have other money outside, and there is no need to hide it.

For a businessman like him, it is indeed very clear that what belongs to the company belongs to the company, and what belongs to him belongs to himself.

The company is a listed company, a public asset, and a social resource. You can take money from the company to support yourself at any time.

But the money that goes into your own pocket is private property.

Even if the company is really poorly managed and goes bankrupt, as the boss, he only bears limited liability. As long as he avoids risks in advance, he will not break down his asset allocation.

Hearing what he said, Chu Yao was speechless again.

These, I also know.

But it was quite novel to hear someone tell me face to face for the first time.

Bad guy.

All bad guys.

And... that's class.

The pity that he missed the two biggest opportunities at first has completely disappeared at this moment.

Oh shit!

Still have mercy on others?

Everyone wins!

This time, let's see if there is a chance, and give him a good time...



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