The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

five hundred and sixty five, happy birthday

565、happy birthday

Birthday or not, it doesn't matter.

The important thing is, how did Comrade Gao Jing dig out these three?

It's easy for Chu Jinyu to say, she knew each other before, and belonged to the "comrades" who carried guns together, where did the other two come from?

Hmm... Probably, it's because they are all in Pengcheng, right?

This is the biggest commonality between Jiang Qingzhu and Guan Juer.

Well, that doesn't matter anymore.

Most importantly, what does she want to do?

To be honest, even now, Chu Yao dare not say that he is completely sure of Gao Jing's thoughts, and can guess all of them.

She is a woman who can surprise herself anytime, anywhere.


"Everyone sit down, what are you doing in a daze? Sit down first, I'll make tea."

Gao Jing fully showed the hostess attitude here, greeted grandly and enthusiastically, and was busy serving water to make tea.

Looking at the other three, although they didn't show anything on the surface, judging from their actions, they were obviously cautious.

Judging from the degree of letting go, Chu Jinyu\u003eJiang Qingzhu\u003eGuan Juer.

"Originally, I should have invited everyone to come to my house a long time ago. They are all family members, so we should keep in touch with each other. However, some time ago, I was not in a good state, and I couldn't take care of it. Just taking advantage of today, everyone Lively and lively."

Gao Jing came out with a pot of scented tea, and asked other unrelated people in the family to go out first and pour water, and then said with a smile.

For a moment, everyone in the room focused their attention on her.

It's a bit awkward.

Also somewhat embarrassing.

However, it is still within the acceptable range.

It's just that there is inevitably some apprehension.


Gao Jing didn't take this topic any further, but instead talked about trivial matters between women. Chu Yao sat beside her for a while, a little confused, and her daughter fell asleep, so she got up and went to the bedroom to make arrangements for the younger ones.

In the bedroom, by the way, I checked carefully, what exactly does she want to do.

But to be honest, I didn't want to understand.

The only thing that is certain is that the favorability of the five women in this room has not changed much compared to before.

for the rest of the time.

In the afternoon, they became active.

It's like the kind of family gathering that is very common among rich wives. After drinking tea for a while, admiring the jewelry at home, wearing them each, chatting about yoga, Gao Jing also demonstrated in person, explained the movements, and popularized science by the way. Postpartum care for pregnant women...

A horse with a harmonious atmosphere.

It was so harmonious that Chu Yao felt that Yoo Mo was a little weird.

Of course, this kind of harmony is also related to Gao Jing's control, not neglecting anyone.

Natural "big woman" demeanor.

It is very strong.

At two or three o'clock in the afternoon, mahjong started again. Four people gathered at a table, and Jiang Qingzhu was the only one left to watch.

When she came out to breathe, Chu Yao chatted with her.

"what's the situation?"

"how did you guys meet?"

In fact, to a certain extent, Jiang Qingzhu's aura strength is no less than that of Gao Jing, but most of the time he is restrained and does not show it. In the eyes of outsiders, he even appears taciturn.

During the whole process just now, she also talked the least.

But not uncooperative.

"She called me, and I don't know, how did she know."

Jiang Qingzhu said in a low voice, but he didn't seem to resist.

Chu Yao asked again: "When did it happen?"

"Just a few days ago, I should have found it from you, the phone..."

Jiang Qingzhu is still sensible.

For her, she still has confidence.

After all, people who practice martial arts have a resolute temperament.

The main thing is that Gao Jing's attitude is also very good, which makes her calm down and wait and see what happens.

Chu Yao glanced at her, thought for a while, and said nothing.


Time will settle many things.

Let the happy no longer be so happy, the sad no longer so sad,

Those who can't see it, gradually see it.

If it was me a year ago, when I encountered this scene, my mentality would probably explode.

But now...

Take one step at a time.

What did you say?

There's a crack in everything, but that's how the light gets in.

They played mahjong for several hours, until after five o'clock in the evening, a table reserved by Gao Jing arrived, and the food at a nearby high-end Cantonese restaurant had a pretty good reputation.

So leave.

Clean up the dishes and prepare to eat.

Not long after the meal started, the cake that was ordered also arrived. The three-tiered cake cart was next to it.


Chu Yao felt somewhat happy as a beautiful wife and concubine.

Of course, only on the surface.

If this is the case, that would be wonderful.

Gao Jing opened the wine and walked away with white wine. This kind of "family banquet" interest, naturally no one pretended not to drink it, so they toasted each other.

"We can be regarded as coming from all over the world, for a common... huh, get together, I am from Guangdong Province, the beauty Xiangjiang, the imperial capital of Jinyu, Guanguan is from Bashu, right? Where is Qingzhu?"

A bottle of wine was almost finished, everyone's face flushed a little, the atmosphere was in full swing, Gao Jing said cheerfully with a smile.

"I... oh, I have been in a state of flux since I was a child, and I am home everywhere."

Jiang Qingzhu laughed at himself.

Gao Jing said smoothly: "It's all over, that's why you are so successful and outstanding now."

He raised his glass and clinked with her, both of them drank it down in one gulp.

Looking at this picture...

Chu Yao was a little dumbfounded for a while.

Don't say it.

Gao Jing really belongs to the kind of "Although I am a girl, but I am very good at picking up girls", maybe it was because I was with her before, and suppressed part of my nature.

It reminded Chu Yao again of the girl on the motorcycle when she first met her.

After drinking a bottle of wine, open another bottle, and then there will be a steady stream.

Once drinking in the wine shop of the sister bureau, the level of vigor is no less than that of men, only a little more refined.

Have a meal.

Filled with portion cakes in between.

With some kind of strange psychology, Chu Yao was covered with cream, very naive and slightly crazy, like returning to his youth, having a carnival with a group of female classmates.

Of course, Gao Jing is the most rhythmic.


After dividing the cake and singing, there is a theater and singing room at home, and the privacy is very good.

Change liquor to beer, and then hi.

Then it couldn't hold it anymore.

Chu Jinyu was the first to fall.

Poppy was also rarely drunk.

Jiang Qingzhu wobbled a little while walking, hugged the toilet in the bathroom, vomited once, and became a little more awake.

The most sober one is Guan Ju'er, she is timid and dare not let go completely.

As for Gao Jing...

Chu Yao also couldn't understand whether she was drunk or not. Schrödinger's drunk made her feel confused, but when she occasionally said a word, she was rational and logical.

very powerful.

I drank too much and didn't leave. Anyway, there are enough rooms in the house, so I sent them back to the room one by one.


After tidying up, let Chu Yao keep in mind the worrying things, and the final showdown never happened.

After feeding the baby, I handed it over to the nanny to take care of it carefully, and inspected each one one by one to prevent anyone from vomiting, and I vomited myself. After the inspection, Chu Yao returned to the master bedroom.

After Gao Jing took a shower, she was lying on her back on the bed with no clothes on, the bath towel was thrown under her feet, her eyes were slightly closed, and her breasts were half exposed.

No headlights, only night lights.

Under the dim light, she turned over, and she was talking in a daze, like drunken talk or dream talk.

Chu Yao listened to it several times, but couldn't understand what she was talking about.

He leaned over, listened more carefully, and asked, "What did you say?"


It is to hear the eight characters like a mantra.

"happy Birthday."

"You are free!"



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