The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 113 Drinking Tea

Yang Fei said: "It's just to make people laugh! Once you laugh, you'll remember it! The audience laughed, which means that they only think it's a joke, it's a joke played by ignorant children, and no one will imitate it. The whole The advertisement not only looks relaxed and lively, but also shows strong family affection and a touch of warmth."

Wan Aimin heard it in the kitchen, poked his head out, and said, "I think it's great! Such a good idea, thanks to how you came up with it, it's great! I haven't seen the commercial yet, just what you said , it has a sense of imagery, and I feel very warm, I am a mother, and I am absolutely moved after watching it."

Jiang Ziqiang said: "Can this also move you?"

Wan Aimin said: "You don't understand! As mothers, what we need is our children's understanding and actions, and we don't care how much they can do."

Yang Fei asked: "Probably that's the content, do you think she can participate in the filming?"

Jiang Ziqiang mused, "Will it affect Xiaojia's studies?"

"No." Yang Fei patted Jiang Xiaojia's head and said, "With her expressiveness, I estimate that the filming can be completed in at most two days. If she has a strong comprehension ability, it is not impossible to pass one."

Jiang Ziqiang was still unwilling to let his daughter debut at such a young age, and said: "Is it better to find a younger girl? Look for a five or six-year-old girl who is still childish. This makes more sense. Xiao Jiadu is so big, don't you know that washing powder can't be used to wash cabbage?"

Yang Fei said: "We use an absurd technique of expression. It seems unbelievable, but this is how we can achieve the effect we want."

Wan Aimin wiped her hands on her apron, came out of the kitchen, and said, "I agree! What a great opportunity? Let Xiaojia try it. It won't take a day or two."

Yang Fei said with a smile: "That's good, you two, husband and wife, one of you is against it, the other is in favor, and the remaining vote will be given to our hero, okay?"

Jiang Ziqiang thought for a while, and finally nodded: "Okay, Xiaojia, you have thought clearly. Would you like to participate in the shooting of this commercial?"

"I am willing!" Jiang Xiaojia raised her little hand high, like a salute when raising the flag, her little feet kept jumping, as if she was happy to pick up the stars in the sky.

Jiang Ziqiang looked helpless after being defeated by you: "Okay! That's it. Let me explain first, if your grades fall behind, I will spank your ass!"

Jiang Xiaojia tilted her little butt and twisted it: "Dad, I'm already this old, and you still spank my butt? Are you ashamed?"

"Haha!" Yang Fei couldn't help laughing.

Jiang Ziqiang still felt that it was a violation of socialist values ​​for such an older girl to use washing powder to wash her vegetables. At the dinner table, while drinking, she suggested that Yang Fei change to a heroine.

It is impossible to change, and I will never change in this life.

"However, you can change the content of the ad." Yang Fei suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and smiled while sipping his wine, "Let a cute puppy knock over the washing powder bag, pour the washing powder into the into the choy sum bowl. How about this idea?"

"Yes! Yes!" Jiang Ziqiang praised repeatedly, "Brother Yang Fei, I now know why you can get rich. You have a good brain! A person like you should start a business and make a fortune!"

Yang Fei chuckled: "Brother Jiang, don't flatter me. I am doing everything for the sake of customers. You are right, in order to prevent children from imitating, we should be more thoughtful."

Wan Aimin said: "To be honest, you let the dog into the camera, it's a stroke of genius, it's more visual and friendly."

Yang Fei said: "If you want to gain the attention of the audience, there are three things. That is, the three B theories."

Wan Aimin said: "What are the three B theories? We are all big bastards. Please spread it to us."

Yang Fei said: "The first B, beautiful. It can be understood as beauty and beauty.


Jiang Ziqiang smiled and said, "That's for sure, otherwise, all advertising stars are beauties?"

"That's all you know! You usually look at beautiful women, don't you?" Wan Aimin yelled at the opportunity.

Jiang Ziqiang said: "I'm complimenting you, my daughter is as you are, like you, she is a beauty, so are you."

"Damn!" Wan Aimin glared at her husband.

Yang Fei coughed lightly and said, "The second B is beast, an animal. The third B is baby, a child."

He put down his glass and said again: "Pretty girls give us happiness; funny pets bring joy to the audience; cute and innocent children give us hope. These three things are what we pursue in life. Yes, the audience is naturally happy to hear it. Any product that develops in these three directions will not be too bad."

Wan Aimin smiled and said, "So it's the three B's! Yang Fei, your English is pretty good. I sound much better than ordinary English teachers. Xiaojia, have you learned these three words yet?"

Jiang Xiaojia said: "I know!"

Jiang Ziqiang raised his cup: "Brother Yang Fei, I would like to toast you. The first time we met, I thought you were different, you are really extraordinary!"

Wan Aimin said: "Yang Fei, I heard you say that you only have a technical secondary school degree, why don't you continue your studies? If you study for a few more years, it will be even more serious."

Jiang Ziqiang said: "He is so powerful, what books do he still study? How many doctoral students can compare with him?"

Yang Fei said: "I don't want to go to school to study, it's a waste of time."

Wan Aimin said: "Learning is to recharge energy and make friends. Don't just get a diploma. University professors and doctoral supervisors are all intellectual elites in the industry. If you communicate with them more, you will definitely improve. Go with the mentality of learning knowledge.”

Yang Fei pondered and said: "Sister Wan is right. In fact, I also have ideas. I don't know enough about economics and international trade. And this knowledge will definitely be needed for future business expansion. If you can enter a A better university, even if you don’t have a diploma, it’s fine to go in and attend lectures.”

Wan Aimin said: "That's right. Today's young people all regard Bill Gates as an idol, saying that he dropped out of school and started a business, and how good he is. They don't even look at which school he dropped out of?"

Jiang Ziqiang asked, "Which school?"

Wan Aimin said: "Harvard! I dropped out of school when I was a sophomore! They have the foundation and capital! If you want to drop out, you must have the ability to get admitted to Harvard before you talk about it!"

Jiang Ziqiang smiled and said, "So he's a genius."

Wan Aimin said: "Brother Yang, in my opinion, it's better for you to learn more knowledge. If you don't take the diploma exam, go in and study hard for a few months, or you can simply go to those colleges and ask them to teach you alone."

Jiang Ziqiang said: "The professor's doctoral supervisor will teach you alone? Do you really think that if you have money, you can do everything in this world? The host of CCTV is not allowed to accept private work!"

Yang Fei laughed and said, "I've been really busy for a while, so I can't find time. In fact, I'm reviewing every day. When I'm free, I'll find a high school, put my student status in, and take the college entrance examination next year?"

Jiang Ziqiang said: "If you really have such an idea, we will definitely support you. I know the principal of No. 1 Middle School. Would you like me to find him for you?"

Yang Fei said: "That's even better. Thank you Brother Jiang."

Jiang Ziqiang said: "Don't say thank you between us. It's too far-fetched!"

Yang Fei knew that he had really integrated into Jiang Ziqiang's circle.

Jiang Ziqiang actually set up this line for his brother Yang Jun.

But after getting in touch, he felt that Jiang Ziqiang's family was very easy to get along with, whether they were neighbors or friends, they were very good.

At noon that day, Yang Fei drank a few more glasses, returned home, turned on the CD player, and immersed himself in the beautiful music.

The phone in the house suddenly rang.

Not many people knew about this phone number, except for family members, only a few people around him knew about it.

Yang Fei grabbed the microphone.

Surprisingly, it was Shi Si who called.

"Did you eat?" Shi Si asked.

"Just ate."

"So early? Then come out and drink tea. Zhao Wenbin treats you."

"Hehe, it's rare. But I'm not thirsty."

"Then what should I ask?"

"You can drink a few cups aggressively."

"Pi! Opposite the Friendship Store, next to the Xinhua Bookstore, there is a Zhuang Yu Tea House, do you know?"


"We'll meet over there."

Zhuang Yu Tea House is located on the bustling Wanhua Road.

Yang Fei drove by countless times, and it took only ten minutes to drive from home.

Shi Si has arrived, together with Zhao Wenbin.

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