The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1,291 A surgical acquisition case

Of course Yang Fei is not so generous.

10% of the Panda Factory shares, even if they are depreciated now, are still worth tens of millions!

With Yang Fei's greedy and money-loving character, he would pluck out his feathers if a goose passed by. How could he give up so much money to others?

Chen Ruoling smiled and said: "To P\u0026G? What do you want?"

Yang Fei said: "It's very simple, I want the Panda brand."

Chen Ruoling said: "Take 10% of the shares and change the brand?"

Yang Fei said: "Yes, I don't want anything else. I just want the right to use this brand."

Chen Ruoling said: "Permanently?"

Yang Fei said: "It's back to Phoenix!"

Chen Ruoling: "..."

Yang Fei said: "If you talk to them, just say that 10% of the shares can be given to P\u0026G for free, but in exchange for the right to use the Panda brand."

Chen Ruoling said: "Then I guess P\u0026G won't agree."

As early as 1993, when Yang Fei's factory had just started, P\u0026G spent a huge amount of money to buy the 50-year right to use the Panda brand.

At the same time, P\u0026G invested and cooperated with Panda Factory to establish a factory controlled by P\u0026G.

Now, P\u0026G wants to acquire all of Panda Factory, and it also takes a fancy to other assets of Panda Factory.

Six years ago, P\u0026G spent 140 million to complete its cooperation with Panda Factory.

Now, Yang Fei uses 10% of his shares to get the right to use the Panda brand?

If this transaction can succeed, in Chen Ruoling's opinion, it will be unless Yang Fei is crazy!

Otherwise, P\u0026G is crazy!

"Yang Fei, this is impossible." This was Chen Ruoling's first reaction.

"Whether it can happen or not, it doesn't matter what I say, nor does it matter what you say." Yang Fei smiled and said, "P\u0026G has the final say."

Chen Ruoling said: "Don't forget, Procter \u0026 Gamble is the world's number one daily chemical giant, and they are very ambitious for our country's market! The acquisition of the Panda Factory is just one of their many acquisitions. It will definitely not happen because of us. Compromising.”

Yang Fei said: "Because P\u0026G is the number one in the world, it has deep pockets and is domineering. Whoever they want to acquire must succeed. Therefore, their acquisition of the Panda Factory is a task that must be completed."

Chen Ruoling said: "However, it is impossible for them to hand over the right to use the brand."

Yang Fei said: "Think about it, why did they buy the right to use the Panda brand six years ago?"

Chen Ruoling said: "They said it was to better develop the brand, but in fact they were duplicitous. They did not bring any benefits to the brand. Instead, they hid the brand."

Yang Feidao: "You are right, they acquired Panda because it is one of the largest laundry detergent brands in my country. If they want to occupy our market, they need channels and destroy local brands. The acquisition of Panda can kill two birds with one stone. "

Chen Ruoling said: "Yeah, why were the Panda Factory at that time not as smart as you and didn't see through P\u0026G's conspiracy?"

Yang Fei said: "Because what Procter \u0026 Gamble is doing is not a conspiracy, but a conspiracy. They signed the agreement openly and openly, and promoted it with great fanfare. How can it be called a conspiracy? It's just that people turn their hands to make clouds and turn their hands to make rain. And we have just been ups and downs in the business world. How many years? Can it be a rival to this century-old brand?"

Chen Ruoling said: "Then you still haven't made it clear.

Why is P\u0026G willing to hand over the Panda brand? "

Yang Feidao: "We have just analyzed that P\u0026G acquired Panda just to destroy this brand and use Panda's channels to launch its own brand. Now, they have completed this plan."

Chen Ruoling said: "Are you saying that the Panda brand is completely useless to them?"

Yang Feidao: "A washing powder brand with an annual sales volume of only a few thousand tons, what does it mean to the huge P\u0026G? It is not even as good as a third-rate brand!"

Chen Ruoling: "..."

Yang Feidao: "And I own 10% of the shares of the Panda Factory. This 10% may not seem like much, but you have to know that after P\u0026G completes the acquisition, the Panda Factory will belong to P\u0026G, and we will become shareholders of P\u0026G. P\u0026G will definitely I will not agree to let a local company restrict his decision-making and development. Especially with such a powerful force as your Chen family!"

If Yang Fei or other ordinary companies acquired this 10% stake, P\u0026G would certainly not take it seriously.

But now that the Chen family holds these shares, the meaning is different.

The Chen family is powerful and has a say in both political and business circles.

Of course, Procter \u0026 Gamble is not willing to partner with the Chen family, otherwise it will only be suppressed by the Chen family. In other people's territory, although Procter \u0026 Gamble is strong, it cannot overpower the Chen family, a local snake.

Therefore, Yang Fei concluded that in order to gain complete control, P\u0026G would definitely buy back the 10% shares, even if it cost a lot of money.

If P\u0026G really didn't care about the shares, there would be no need for them to execute this acquisition plan.

After listening to Yang Fei's analysis, Chen Ruoling had to admire Yang Fei's mind.

She only occasionally mentioned to him that P\u0026G was acquiring the Panda Factory.

As a result, Yang Fei thought of a way to snipe P\u0026G, and rationally and shrewdly used Chen Ruoling and the forces behind her!

I really don’t know what’s inside the melon in his head, why does it work so well?

Chen Ruoling followed Yang Fei's instructions and asked P\u0026G to exchange 10% of the shares for the right to use the Panda brand.

She thought that P\u0026G would definitely not agree.

What was surprising was that P\u0026G actually agreed!

Yang Fei's expectation was good. The current Panda brand is almost like waste to P\u0026G.

Because the Panda brand has completed its historical mission and helped Procter \u0026 Gamble successfully seize the domestic market.

Procter \u0026 Gamble is happy to exchange this waste brand for a 10% stake in real money.

At the same time, P\u0026G can also get to know the Chen family behind this transaction.

Chen Ruoling felt incredible until the transaction was completed.

Why could Yang Fei guess what P\u0026G was thinking?

In the practice of business warfare, the most terrifying and frightening behavior is to anticipate the enemy's opportunity!

If you can think of what your opponent is thinking and plan ahead, you can definitely kill him!

Yang Fei's ability is so terrifying!

The next development of events dazzled P\u0026G and caught it off guard!

Meili Group successfully acquired the shell company controlled by Chen Ruoling!

In other words, the Panda brand that had just fallen into Chen Ruoling's hands changed hands again and became a brand under the Meili Group!

All transactions are so natural and reasonable!

Through a series of negotiations and acquisitions, Yang Fei successfully took back the state-owned brand Panda from P\u0026G.

And he only spent tens of millions of yuan!

This kind of surgical operation made P\u0026G dizzy!

And when they came to their senses, the Panda brand had become Yang Fei's possession!

P\u0026G finally understood that Yang Fei was the man behind the acquisition of the Panda brand!

However, they understood too late.

How could the angry P\u0026G respond?

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