The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1,338 Year 0 Bug Crisis

The date for the listing of 666 Company was determined, and it was scheduled to be Wednesday, January 5, 2000.

Going public is a great event, so of course you have to check the almanac.

January 1st and January 2nd are both weekends, so we can only schedule later.

The third day of the first lunar month was a day not to do anything else, and the fourth day was not suitable for opening the market and trading. This was a big taboo for businessmen, so the fifth day of the first lunar month was chosen to go public.

The bell of the new millennium is ringing!

On January 1, 2000, Yeltsin announced his resignation as President of Russia and transferred power to Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

The vast majority of the people are more concerned about the Y2K issue than the accession of Emperor Putin to the throne.

Fortunately, on this day, when the Millennium Bug, which worried many people, came, all other countries except The Gambia had a smooth transition without major problems.

The millennium bug was a very primitive mistake.

When computers were invented, it was still very early in 2000, and storage at that time was very expensive. In order to save resources, the last two digits were used to represent the year.

The year 1999 is counted as 99 years.

People were horrified to find out, what if it comes to the year 2000?

Does the system just record the year as 00?

Although the RTC-real-time system clock uses four digits to represent the year, the first two digits of the century information in the year data, such as "19", "20", etc., are not related to the last two digits, that is to say , when the last two digits change from "99" to "00", it cannot be forwarded to make the first two digits change from "19" to "20".

In this way, the next year should be 1900, thus causing the year 2000 problem.

People are worried that by the year 2000, computers in banks may interpret 2000 as 1900, causing confusion in interest calculations and even automatically erasing all records; ATMs will reject ATM cards dated "00".

Insurance companies may miscalculate the age of each policy.

Someone makes a three-minute call at the end of the month, but the bill from the telephone company may show "-100 years + 3 minutes."

The tax office's computers may think you owe 100 years of back taxes and send you an astronomical back tax notice.

Due to the failure of the computer controlling the radar, air traffic control was completely paralyzed and the flight was grounded.

The Hawaiian Electric Company of the United States once conducted a practical experiment and entered the year 00. As a result, the power plant automatically stopped operating.

The U.S. Federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission is even more worried that instruments in more than a hundred nuclear power plants across the United States may go out of control due to problems in 2000, causing disasters such as nuclear radiation leaks.

In the years before the year 2000, some governments and companies spent countless funds to solve the Y2K problem.

Meanwhile, horrifying predictions about Y2K caused companies, agencies, schools, stores, and ordinary citizens to spend billions of dollars to avoid the impending disaster of the year 2000.

At the moment after midnight, many people felt complicated and excited.

What happened next made everyone feel a little disappointed because of their high expectations.

The millennium bug did not end the world as we predicted, and we did not even hear news of a major disaster.

On the contrary, boys used the gimmick of the millennium to make many girls complete some kind of growth and transformation on this day.

After all, it’s the millennium!

Only encountered once in a thousand years.

If two people are lucky enough to cross paths together, what else can't they do?

On this day that crosses the millennium, Yang Fei's life is not romantic.

Su Tong was pregnant, and her belly was getting bigger day by day, so she could only rest at home in Taohua Village.

Chen Mo and Ning Xin are both preparing to go public in Shanghai.

Chen Ruoling, on the other hand, is preparing intensively for the upcoming battle with Gaoyi. In order to avoid suspicion, the two of them have not even talked on the phone for a long time.

On the surface, the Chen family wants to maintain cooperation with the Gao family. The two families are "plotting" on how to deal with Yang Fei!

Yang Fei is not idle either, because his huge business empire is also suffering from the millennium bug crisis!

Although Yang Fei had long known that the so-called millennium bug would not have much impact.

However, he also knew that at the dawn of the new millennium, many old-fashioned computers would indeed have problems of one kind or another.

The millennium bug incident in 2000, a vulnerability that paralyzed almost all electronic devices, also caused the Beauty Group to encounter unprecedented chaos.

No panic, just hectic!

The Meili Group's computer system was also damaged by vulnerabilities, and malfunctions of one kind or another occurred.

This global vulnerability cannot be avoided by Yang Fei alone.

The millennium bug problem was a major event at the turn of the old and new centuries.

This incident is a good lesson for humans, computing or technology.

Before 2000, Yang Fei was prepared and led the technical staff to urgently back up the data of all the computers in the group.

Therefore, on January 1st, all computers of the Meili Group were turned on normally to clean and repair data, and the information department was asked not to relax their vigilance to prevent the millennium bug from causing trouble again.

As Yang Fei expected, on the morning of the 3rd, the computers in the group failed again one after another. When they asked the software supplier company for help, they found that more than 100 companies' databases had been paralyzed. They suspected that this was The Millennium Bug is at work again.

The Y2K bug not only attacked computers, it also caused the stock machines to go out of action and wiped out the phone numbers in electronic notebooks!

After three days of intense prevention and repair, all the group's information work finally returned to normal.

On January 4th, Yang Fei flew to Shanghai.

In order to witness the magical moment when the company went public, Su Tong ignored the inconvenience of a big belly and insisted on asking Yang Fei to pick him up in the provincial capital and go with him to Shanghai.

Sitting on the plane, Su Tong asked: "Yang Fei, didn't you say that the two private jets you purchased will be delivered by the end of the year? Our company is about to go public, why haven't they arrived yet?"

Yang Fei smiled and said: "I asked them to postpone the delivery. The Y2K problem will also affect the operation and control of the aircraft, so I want to wait until this hurdle is passed and they have solved all related problems. It won’t be too late for me to receive the goods.”

Su Tong said: "That's okay, anyway, I can't take too many planes now."

Yang Fei laughed and said, "You! This is what you were thinking about?"

Su Tong said: "Of course, can I not ride on the plane you purchased?"

Yang Fei held her hand tightly and said, "I wanted to spend New Year's Eve with you, but I didn't expect that I would be troubled by the Y2K problem for several days."

Su Tong said: "For us, which day is not Millennium Day? As long as you are here, I will feel like celebrating the New Year every day."

Jiang Xiaojia and Chu Xiu, who were sitting next to them, lowered their heads to talk and glanced at Yang Fei and Su Tong from time to time.

Yang Fei knew that the two of them must be chatting, so he didn't bother to pay attention.

The plane rose to an altitude of 10,000 meters and drove smoothly for a while, when suddenly there was a strong turbulence!

All the passengers on the plane became nervous.

Su Tong said: "Yang Fei, isn't the Millennium Bug causing trouble again?"

Yang Fei shook his head and reassured: "It's okay. The stewardess just said it was just a strong airflow."

Just as he was talking, the plane shook violently again!

The passengers screamed one after another!

No matter how much the flight attendants explained, some people still panicked, and even an old man shouted: "Give me a pen and paper, I want to write my last words!"

The old man's shouts aggravated the passengers' panic...

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