The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1,475 Pay off the debt

Jin Dabao came back from Africa, and Yang Fei invited him to drink in the alley behind him after dinner.

Sometimes, Yang Fei feels that the bd office building is a high-end prison, far away from life.

Therefore, after sitting in the office building for a long time, Yang Fei became more and more fond of this small alley with a strong market atmosphere.

Here you can see traffickers and pawns, and see the various conditions of the world.

Jin Dabao didn't care. After coming back from Africa, every girl he looked at seemed to be pretty and radiant, and every street he looked at felt friendly and prosperous.

Yang Fei took him to the small bar where he had a drink with Han Yiyi last time.

This time, he saw clearly the sign of this small bar: "use."

When Jin Dabao saw Yang Fei looking at the sign, he also looked over and asked with a smile: "What does this mean in English?"

Yang Feidao: "Muse is the general name for the goddesses of literature and art in Greek mythology. They represent the myths and legends expressed through traditional music and dance, and the poetry handed down from the times. They like to sing and dance, show off their grace, and prepare for the party. Bring joy and joy.”

"A name like this for a bar? It doesn't match the boundaries."

"We don't understand the petty bourgeoisie sentiment."

"As long as you have wine."

"Haha, I've drunk the wine here, and it's okay. Come in."

There were not many people in the bar, so the two of them came upstairs and occupied the best private room by the window. They ordered wine and fruit plates and chatted while drinking.

"It's still comfortable at home!" In Jin Dabao's view, as long as it is in China, no matter where it is, it is considered home.

"How about coming back?" Yang Fei said with a smile, "I can't always let you work hard in Africa."

"If you find the right person, then I will come back." Jin Dabao was not hypocritical, "It would be a lie to say that I don't want to come back. I have always dreamed of returning to my country! It's hard to leave my homeland. This is really not a joke."

Yang Fei said: "The group is about to reorganize its organization. Come back. The business in Africa will still be under your control, but you can arrange for other people to manage it in Africa. In principle, the staffing of the management should be based on one in China and one in Africa, with a combination of Live, help and supervise each other. You are also a boss, and there are many industries in the country. You can't spend all your time in Africa.


Previously, Yang Fei needed to open up the African market and set up a raw material company, so he asked Jin Dabao to become a shareholder and help him work in Africa.

Now that the business in Africa is almost on the right track, Jin Dabao no longer needs to stick there.

Domestic companies that have branches in Africa send personnel there and then hire some people locally, with one in China and one in Africa.

Jin Dabao picked up the wine glass: "Great, then I'll be back!"

The two drank a drink, and once the conversation started, there was endless talk.

Jin Dabao talked about a lot of his experiences in Africa, and then asked Yang Fei about his business situation in China.

Yang Fei also briefly talked about his experience.

"Gao Yi? Is he the owner of the shopping mall opposite?"

"The former chairman can also be said to be one of the bosses."

"I'm saying it's strange. Why did you sell the good 666 Company? It turned out that Gao Yi was the one who got in the way! Damn it! When I see him, I have to beat him until his teeth are all over the floor!" Jin Dabao gritted his teeth. said.

Yang Fei said: "Don't be angry, it's not worth it."

Jin Dabao said: "When I was working in a coal mine, there was an old scholar who reasoned with me, saying that there are four things that a person should not touch in this life. I asked him which four things they were, and he said they were drinking, sex, and wealth."

Yang Fei chuckled and said, "You've got everything covered."

Jin Dabao said: "That's right! I got angry as soon as I heard that, thinking that I can't get involved in wine, sex, wealth? Then I might as well stop being a human being! Good guy, I'm too lazy to argue with him. If I catch him, I'll just give him a beating. Beat him until he can’t even run away.”

Yang Fei smiled and said: "Like your character!"

Jin Dabao said: "That's just me, so not many people like me."

Yang Fei said: "You are sincere, and those who don't appreciate you must be prudes! Don't worry about them. Life is short, and the most important thing is to live your true self."

Jin Dabao burped and said, "Well said! Mr. Fei, you are the only one who doesn't dislike my humble background and is willing to befriend me. I respect you from the bottom of my heart! Come on, let's go together again!"

Yang Fei had nothing else to do tonight and was not afraid of getting drunk, so he had another drink with Jin Dabao.

Jin Dabao got a little drunk and said, "We brothers are going to take a sauna?"

Yang Fei waved his hand: "If you're not used to washing, go ahead and I'll go home and sleep."

"Hey, I forgot that you have children. Are you relieved?" Jin Dabao smiled and said, "Man, you try your best to marry a woman, but you don't know that you have trapped yourself in a city. I am still alive. I understand, I will never get married in this life. When I miss a woman, I will just find one! No matter how long we play, I won’t be heartbroken if we break up!"

Yang Fei took a sip of wine and thought to himself, I was once just like you, thinking I had seen through the love and affection in the world!

However, when he and Su Tong were together, their relationship naturally fermented. At this stage, he was still willing to attack the city of marriage again.

Jin Dabao chuckled and said: "I heard that in the past, when there was no civilization, men and women did not get married and lived together like this. Children did not know who their father was and only recognized their mother. At that time, it was probably There is no concept of marriage. How wonderful would that be? Don’t you think so? Everyone can live happily, without any fetters or pain."

Yang Fei smiled and said: "You also know that it was an era without civilization. Times are progressing and civilization is developing. We can't go back to primitive society. Come on, we're done drinking. Go and play wherever you want. , you can bring Ma Feng and the others, they like to play just like you."

Jin Dabao said: "Okay!"

The two got up and went downstairs.

Yang Fei paid the bill, turned around, and saw Jiang Wenzheng drinking alone in the corner of the first floor.

Jiang Wen happened to look up and saw Yang Fei, so he stood up and said hello: "Mr. Yang, I didn't expect you to come here to drink too!"

Yang Fei said: "Mr. Jiang is right, can't I come here to drink?"

Jiang Wendao: "I just find it strange that the people who come here to drink are all wage earners like us, the bottom class of society. Rich people go to high-end clubs and nightclubs to relieve their sins."

Yang Fei said: "I believe what others say. If you, Mr. Jiang, are also at the bottom of society, then you are just joking."

Jiang Wendao: "Mr. Yang, you don't know something. I work in the Gao family, and the salary is very low."

Yang Fei heard something in his words and wanted to chat with him, so he waved to Jin Dabao and motioned for him to leave first.

Jin Dabao nodded and left.

Yang Fei sat down on the chair opposite Jiang Wen and asked: "Mr. Jiang is talented in both literary and military matters. No matter where he finds a job, the salary will not be lower. I really don't believe what you say."

Jiang Wen asked the salesperson to bring a beer, handed it to Yang Fei, and then said: "Mr. Yang promoted me. I work in the Gao family not to make money, but to pay off debts."

"Repay the debt? Do you owe the Gao family a lot of money?" Yang Fei asked.

Jiang Wen poured half of the bottle of wine into the cup, drank it all in one gulp, and said with a wry smile: "It's hard to finish it in words!"

Yang Fei filled up his glass of wine for him and said, "Then speak slowly."

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