The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1,484 I won’t miss you!

The supervision department of Meili Group, under the auspices of Enron, has taken shape.

Compared with other departments, the Supervision Department does not have many technical requirements.

Those in finance must understand accounting and taxation, and those in administration must be able to make various reports, write articles, and make statistics, not to mention departments such as R\u0026D, production, and sales. They all need to have skills and even professional counterparts. Be competent in your job.

The reason why Yang Fei agreed to let An Ran serve as the first supervisory director was also based on this consideration.

Although An Ran has relatively low academic qualifications, she is from a serious police academy and has rich practical experience as a criminal police officer. She has excellent skills and a calm mind, and has advantages that ordinary people cannot match in terms of reconnaissance, investigation, and interrogation.

The supervision department needs just such a leader.

After establishing the supervision department, Enron quickly completed the organizational structure, selected and appointed personnel at all levels, and held a grand supervision work meeting at the headquarters.

This meeting was attended by people from the group's subsidiaries, factories, and the Supervision Department.

Yang Fei attended the meeting and made an important speech.

The responsibility for production safety is greater than the sky!

This is what Yang Fei has repeatedly emphasized.

Come to work happily and go home safely. This is not only the company's requirement for every employee, but also the expectation of your family members!

Before every operation, think about your parents, wife and children. Do you want to operate in violation of regulations? Should we put safety first?

Every time you reach out for corruption or do something harmful to the company, please also think about your parents, wife and children. Don't take any chances. If you go in, your parents will die alone, your wife will serve other men, and your children will become helpless orphans!

Yang Fei's speech received warm applause from colleagues in the Supervision Department.

"Some people say that the Supervision Department was established to supervise employees. This is correct, but not entirely correct. If you abide by disciplines, do not violate disciplines, do not violate rules, do not steal, do not harm the interests of the company, then you And why are we afraid of supervision? The targets of supervision are precisely those who cannot discipline themselves.”

“I think that supervision is better than no supervision. Everyone knows this truth.

Just like the judiciary, the judiciary is of course designed to deal with crime. If you don't break the law, how can you be afraid of the police? On the contrary, you feel a sense of security when you see the police. It is precisely because of the existence of the police that our happy life is guaranteed. "

The venue once again burst into warm applause.

"Our first supervisory director was originally from the public security system and had a career as a criminal police officer for more than seven years. She has been working on the front line for a long time, fighting against criminals, and has made great contributions to protecting the safety of people's lives and property. She is One of the people I respect the most! I believe that Director An has the ability to lead the supervision team well and can also make important contributions to the prosperity of the group! I will support her work unconditionally! Next, I would like to invite Director An to speak."

An Ran's eager and moved gaze never left Yang Fei.

She listened to Yang Jun's words and thought she was here to help Yang Fei with a little help, but she didn't expect that she would be sitting in such an important position.

This is a large group with 100,000 workers!

The applause was getting louder and louder, and everyone was looking at An Ran, waiting for her to come on stage to speak.

Yang Fei waved to her.

An Ran then stood up and walked onto the stage.

Yang Fei smiled and said: "Our Director An is very excited!"

An Ran said: "I am indeed very excited. I have known Yang Fei for a long time, and I also know that she is very rich, but I never knew that his career has become so big. When I was invited by him to serve as the Supervision Director At that time, I had no idea what this director did and what power he had? Now, when I stand here, facing hundreds of colleagues from the supervision department, I understand."

She glanced at Yang Fei and said: "Yang Fei has put the safety responsibility of 100,000 employees of Meili Group on my weak shoulders! I feel that the responsibility is heavy! I can't bear it alone, so I am here I implore you all to shoulder this heavy burden with me!"

Applause sounded like a flood.

An Ran said: "I hope we exist, but we don't exist."

Everyone looked at her in confusion, wondering what she meant by this.

An Ran said: "Because every time the supervision department shows up, someone must have a safety accident or someone has made a mistake. Therefore, I would rather we never stand in front of the stage and just guard silently from behind!"

"Okay!" Everyone applauded An Ran without hesitation.

The employees in the back row even stood up and applauded.

"I'm not very good at talking, but I will set an example, abide by the company's charter, obey the company's management, and never violate the rules! Next, I will focus on the job responsibilities and scope of authority of our department..."

The meeting was a success, boosting morale, publicizing the company's charter, and allowing everyone to learn the content and significance of supervision work.

After the meeting, Yang Fei and the employees of the supervision department had dinner together and toasted three glasses of wine to everyone.

An Ran said to Yang Fei: "Supervision work cannot be superficial, let alone wait for an accident to happen before we show up. What we have to do is to take precautions before they happen. Whether it is safety work or supervision work, it should be done before the accident occurs." Just get vaccinated.”

Yang Fei nodded in agreement: "Well said, thank you for your hard work. I'll toast to you."

An Ran pursed her lips and said with a smile: "I haven't even started working yet, so where's the hard work?"

Yang Fei said: "You planned and established this department. I hope that after your vacation is over, you can stay and help me instead of turning your back and going back to being your policeman."

An Ran said: "Let's talk about it then. It's still early! Maybe I didn't do a good job. Why did you drive me away before I could leave?"

Yang Fei said sincerely again: "Stay and help me. "

An Ran put down his glass and said: "There are so many subsidiaries in the group and they are scattered in various places. I plan to spend a month to visit each branch factory. Firstly, to understand the actual working environment. Secondly, you can also I get to know the supervisory staff of the branch. As a director, I can’t stand above others, I must go deep into the grassroots.”

Yang Fei said: "You have to leave for a month? Is it better to spread it out in installments? Just go down and inspect two branches every month. Otherwise, you will be very tired if you travel for a month in a row."

An Ran said: "In the future, we can separate inspections, but now that the supervision department has just been established, it is better for me to focus on understanding each other. When you are a public security officer, business trips are normal, what's the point of being tired? A month passes quickly. If you want Me, you can call me."

Yang Fei smiled and said: "I won't miss you! It's like I can't live without you!"

An Ran was not angry because of his joke and said softly: "Then when I miss you, I will call you!"

Yang Fei was stunned and said warmly: "It's a long journey, so be careful along the way."

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