The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1568 It’s not a story!

Hu Xuanlin sat in front of Yang Fei with a bitter look on his face, hunching his back and rubbing his eyes with his hands, like a student who made a mistake.

"Boss Yang, that woman is from the KTV. She and I are just having a casual relationship. Isn't this illegal?"

"Who cares what kind of woman you are?" Yang Fei knocked off the ash from his cigar.

"Then you sent someone to arrest me? I thought she was someone you knew! It scared me to death." Hu Xuanlin patted his rickety chest.

He and the woman were having a dream, but a mouse slipped out of bed in the middle of the night.

In a daze, he was blindfolded. When he saw the light again, he was already in front of Yang Fei.

Yang Fei said: "You have so much courage? Do you still dare to be with a KTV woman? Aren't you afraid of being cheated?"

"It's better to be cheated than to spend a cold night alone." Hu Xuanlin shrugged his thin shoulders.

Yang Fei said: "I thought you were quite serious! You usually act sanctimonious!"

"Haha, I do it occasionally to relieve loneliness. Mr. Yang, please bring me here..."

"Tie you up? Where did I tie you up? This needs to be made clear."

"Yes, no, it's not about tying me up, I'm going to slap you!" Hu Xuanlin said, he slapped himself twice and said with a smile, "Why do you invite me over?"

Yang Fei asked lightly: "Do you smoke cigars?"

Hu Xuanlin chuckled and said, "This? I haven't tried it, I just watched people smoke it."

Yang Fei handed one to him: "Then try it!"

Hu Xuanlin sighed, stood up, stretched out his hands, took the cigar respectfully, looked at it, put it carefully into his pocket, and said with a smile: "I'll keep it and smoke it slowly. Mr. Yang, do you have anything to ask me?" Bar?"

Yang Fei said: "Don't you know how to calculate? Do the calculations?"

Hu Xuanlin smiled bitterly and said: "My tricks are just to fool others. In front of Mr. Yang, I won't bring trouble on myself."

Yang Fei said: "Who will you go to sea with during the day?"

Hu Xuanlin rolled his little eyes and said with a smile: "Didn't you see that? I just went out to sea with Miss Miyuki."

"Oh, who else?"

"There is also Boss Zhou Haisheng from Sino-Ocean Industrial, who built the ship."

"anything else?"

"This? There's more? Oh, there's also a woman brought by Miyukiko, and I don't know her either."

"Hu Xuanlin, you always hide half of it and tell half of it. How can our chat be enjoyable?"

"Mr. Yang, I really have something to say, and there is absolutely no lie in it. Otherwise, I will die badly!" Hu Xuanlin swore to the sky.

Yang Fei said: "You did not lie to me, but you also did not tell the truth. What did you do when you went to sea?"

"I didn't do anything, I just played around." Hu Xuanlin replied simply.

"Do you want to play with the star trick?" Yang Fei asked in a deep voice.

"Ah? What's the star-pulling technique?" Hu Xuanlin blinked,

playing dumb.

"I didn't expect that you also know the star-pulling technique that very few people know. I really underestimated you before!"

"Hey! What's the art of holding stars! Do I know such a profound ancient art? I'm just playing around."

"Why go so far to play on the sea?"

"Because Boss Zhou was curious, I performed a performance for him."

Yang Fei leisurely blew out a smoke ring and said, "Mouse, do you have your knife with you?"

Mouse said: "Master Fei, I didn't bring a knife. But I did bring a rubber band."

Yang Fei said: "What is the use of rubber bands? Perform one for Hu Xuanlin."

The mouse responded, and like a magic trick, he took out a long and thin rubber band.

This is no ordinary rubber band, this is specially made.

He took out a pen, held both ends of the rubber band, and pulled the pen back and forth like a saw. In just a few strokes, the pen actually turned into two pieces!

Hu Xuanlin's face changed greatly when he saw it, and he said with a smile on his face: "Brilliant! Really brilliant!"

Yang Fei said: "The pen is made of steel, right?"

Mouse said: "Yes, Master Fei."

Yang Fei said: "What will happen if you pull this rubber band on someone's finger?"

Mouse said: "I don't know. I haven't tried it on human fingers. I've only tried it on pig's feet. It can be cut faster than a chef."

Yang Fei said: "Mr. Hu, how about I lend you your advice? Let the mouse try it?"

Hu Xuanlin screamed, quickly hid his hands behind his back, shook his head and said, "No, that's absolutely not possible. Mr. Yang, this is not a joke! Your fingers are made of flesh and blood, how can they be compared with a pen?"

Yang Fei said: "Tell the truth, or use a finger, which one do you choose?"

Hu Xuanlin smiled bitterly and said, "Mr. Yang, you are making things difficult for me."

Yang Fei said: "Tell me, what on earth are you doing?"

Hu Xuanlin glanced left and right and said, "Mr. Yang, I can trust you, but there are some things I can only tell you."

Yang Fei waved his hand: "Mouse, Ma Feng, you go out first."

Mouse whispered: "Master Fei?"

Yang Fei glanced at him.

The mouse responded: "Yes."

After they went out, Yang Fei asked Hu Xuanlin: "Can we talk now?"

Hu Xuanlin said: "Mr. Yang, it's okay to tell you, but you must not say that I told you! Otherwise, my life may not be saved."

"Tell me!" Yang Fei said, "What are you looking for using the compass and the star-finding technique?"

"Mr. Yang, you are a thoughtful person. Since you know the star-pulling technique, you must also know what it is used for."

"What's it for?" Yang Fei asked.

"It was used by ancient people to determine accurate directions when they were sailing."

"Oh, what about you? What do you do with it?"

"It's also used to determine the orientation."

"What direction is determined?"

Hu Xuanlin looked embarrassed.

Yang Fei said: "It seems that you can't trust me?"

"How dare you! How dare you!" Hu Xuanlin said, "It's just that I haven't even said a word about this yet. If I tell you, you may not be willing to believe it."

"If you tell the truth, I will naturally believe you. If you dare to lie, that's up to you."

"Don't dare to lie, absolutely don't dare to lie." Hu Xuanlin shook his hands, then thought for a while, and said, "During the Ming Dynasty, our country had close exchanges with merchant ships from other countries. Zheng He made seven voyages to the West and brought back countless rare treasures. precious."

"Why are you going so far? Are you planning to talk about the history of several days and nights?"

"No, I'm not talking about history. You'll know after you hear what I say."

"Okay, go ahead! Tell the key points!"

"At that time, although our country's navigation technology was the best in the world, it was still very backward after all. It was difficult to cope with complex weather conditions. Once, Zheng He's fleet encountered a storm at sea during its return voyage. A hurricane, in which a large ship laden with treasure was overturned by the waves and sunk at the bottom of the sea.”

"Oh?" Yang Fei got something interesting, "There may be something like this. Well, you are trying to find a sunken ship? But where are the sunken ships hundreds of years ago! I'm afraid you may not even know whether it is true or false. , you just go looking for it based on a story? What is the difference between this and finding a needle in a haystack?"

Hu Xuanlin said with a mysterious face: "Mr. Yang, this is not a story!"

Set a small goal first, such as remembering in 1 second:

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