The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1590 Falling into the water

Feng Ruolan asked Yang Fei if he would stop temporarily and wait until the waterway ahead was calm before leaving.

Yang Fei said: "It should be fine, let's go."

Their yacht drove for about ten minutes and saw many Coast Guard ships parked in front of them, as well as another yacht, which was the Ocean One that they encountered the last time they went to sea.

The Coast Guard is investigating the Ocean One!

Yang Fei couldn't see any signs of exchange of fire. The news Feng Ruolan heard was probably exaggerated.

When passing by the patrol boat, Feng Ruolan asked a coast guard he knew, what happened?

The coast guard didn't say anything, just made a gesture.

Yang Fei didn't understand and asked Feng Ruolan, "What do you mean?"

Feng Ruolan whispered: "Gather people to gamble."

Yang Fei exclaimed: "Can this be caught? An acquaintance probably reported it. Is this also a ship managed by your club?"

Feng Ruolan said: "Yes, this also has an impact on our club."

Yang Fei said: "What impact can it have? It's not your fault. The ship belongs to others, you are just managing it."

Feng Ruolan said: "I hope nothing serious happens. This kind of gambling, if it is not a very big bet, no one will care about it."

Yang Fei said: "If you don't gamble big, who can get on the yacht?"

The Coast Guard took out many people from the Ocean One.

Yang Fei glanced around and saw Hu Xuanlin was also inside.

He found it strange that Hu Xuanlin's identity and status made it impossible for him to participate in such a bet.

And according to what Hu Xuanlin said last time, the purpose of Ocean One going to sea was for another purpose.

Maybe this matter is not just as simple as a gambling game, right?

However, Yang Fei didn't want to interfere. As for whether Zhou Haisheng and the others were hunting for treasure, he wasn't interested.

Treasure hunting and salvaging are too time-consuming and labor-intensive, and may not necessarily please you.

It would be fine if the shipwreck was on the high seas, but if it was in territorial waters, the legal issues involved would be more complicated.

Has Hu Xuanlin helped them find the sunken ship? Because the spoils were unevenly divided, someone made a fortune and called the police?

Hu Xuanlin also saw Yang Fei, nodded towards him, and shook his head.

Yang Fei didn't know his intention and didn't respond.

When Hu Xuanlin was crossing the boat on the gangplank, his body suddenly tilted and he fell into the river.

The searchlight swept over and shone randomly on the water.

The lifeboat was thrown into the water, and the marine police went to rescue people.

Hu Xuanlin flopped on the water a few times. At first he shouted for help, "I can't swim," but gradually his body sank and he couldn't even shout anymore.

Before the water policeman could get closer, Hu Xuanlin's body had already sunk.

The water police shouted and sent two more people into the water to rescue people.

The river was wide and the current was fast. If the man fell in, he would not know where he was going after a while. Where else could he go to save him?

Unfortunately, several minutes passed and still no one was found.

Yang Fei's boat was moving slowly. He had been paying attention to the rescue situation on the water, and he couldn't help but shake his head when he saw it.

Han Yiyi said: "Oh my God, a human life is lost like this? This is really a disaster from heaven!"

Yang Fei couldn't help but think,

The fate that Hu Xuanlin told Chen Mo.

A disaster from heaven?

Hu Xuanlin can calculate other people's lives, but not his own?

Yang Fei's yacht was getting further and further away, and finally he couldn't see what was going on over there.

Han Yiyi sat on a chair, looking up at the sky. A bright moon was shining in the sky, and the clear light filled the world.

Yang Fei deliberately walked around the yacht and paid attention to the water below.

However, no abnormalities were found.

He had an intuition that Hu Xuanlin, who was accustomed to rivers and lakes, could not just drown in the river.

Before Hu Xuanlin fell into the river, he shook his head and nodded to Yang Fei. Did this imply something?

However, Hu Xuanlin did not follow Yang Fei's yacht, nor did he call for help.

Could it be that this magic stick really drowned?

The yacht was not far from the club. After mooring, Yang Fei and Han Yiyi went ashore.

The mouse drove over and took them home.

The car slowly drove out of the club's gate.

While passing through a dark section of road, a figure suddenly appeared from behind the tree in front of him, rushed in front of Yang Fei's car, raised his hands high, and waved continuously.

Mouse cursed loudly: "You are looking for death! - Hey, Fei Shao is a magic stick."

Yang Fei took a closer look, wasn't it Hu Xuanlin?

Hu Xuanlin stood in front of the car with no fear of death, expecting that the rat would not dare to hit him with the car.

Mouse stepped on the brakes, rolled down the window, and cursed: "You drowned man, are you here to blackmail someone?"

Hu Xuanlin ran over and said with a smile: "Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda! Mr. Yang, help me!"

Yang Fei said in a deep voice: "Mouse, call the police and say you saw the fugitive."

Hu Xuanlin was startled and said, "Mr. Yang, I am not a fugitive. I have not committed any crime."

Yang Fei said: "You didn't commit any crime, so why did you run away?"

Hu Xuanlin said pitifully: "I really fell into the water accidentally! Look at me, I only have half a life left! If the Dragon King hadn't accepted me, I would have gone to see the King of Hell long ago."

Yang Fei said: "Haha, your little trick can hide it from others, but it can't fool me! What do you want to do when you stop my car?"

"Mr. Yang, you can't just ignore the situation, right? Let me get in the car first. Once I get in the car, I'll tell you." Hu Xuanlin looked around nervously.

Mouse said: "You got in the car when you were wet? Didn't you dirty our car?"

Hu Xuanlin said: "The car is indeed expensive, and it is worth more than my life. However, the car is dirty, and it can still be used after wiping it. If my life is gone, there is no way I can save it."

The mouse waited for Yang Fei's order.

Yang Fei said: "Let him get in the car!"

"Thank you, thank you Mr. Yang!" Hu Xuanlin was grateful and handed over his hand.

He pulled up the passenger door and got in.

Yang Fei said: "Mouse, go to the police station first."

"Ah!" Hu Xuanlin was all excited and shouted, "Mr. Yang, please save me!"

Yang Fei said: "I warned you last time, telling you not to help them do things that harm the country! You didn't listen! Who can you blame?"

"Mr. Yang, I was wronged! They were making money on the boat, how could I know!"

"Is it really a money trick?"

Hu Xuanlin turned around, put his hands on the back of the chair, glanced at Han Yiyi, who was sitting side by side with Yang Fei, rolled his eyes, and said with a smile: "This is just making money! Mr. Yang, lend me some courage. I don’t dare to do bad things! I’m really innocent, I’m not playing for money, and I don’t have money to play! You know me.”

Yang Fei said: "You are much more cunning than I thought! I don't believe your lies."

After pondering for a moment, Yang Fei said: "Mouse, it's too late today. Let's lock him up in the security room first and then send him to justice early tomorrow morning!"

"Okay, Master Fei!" Mouse responded and smiled at Hu Xuanlin beside him. The smile was not friendly, but more like the smile of a tiger or a wolf.

Hu Xuanlin's scalp was numb, but he didn't dare to say anything more.

Yang Fei sent Han Yiyi home first.

Han Yiyi got out of the car, held the door, bent down, and said to Yang Fei: "I have an appointment tomorrow, you won't let me go, right?"

"Remember to remind me, I am forgetful." Yang Fei waved his hand.

"Well, good night." Han Yiyi waved gently.

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