The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1619 I will protect Yang Fei!

Latest website: After spending money like crazy, Yang Fei suddenly found peace in his heart.

After returning to the company, Yang Fei swept away the filth in his heart and began to devote himself to work wholeheartedly.

Jiang Wen has finished his rest and is working in the company.

Yang Fei did not arrange anything specific for him to do.

Jiang Wen was a counselor by Yang Fei's side just like he was by Gao Yi's side before.

Although he does not do specific tasks, he can give advice on everything in the company.

During the time when Yang Fei returned to Taohua Village, Jiang Wen became fully familiar with the Meili Group through documents and materials.

He had learned about the Meili Group before when he helped Gao Yi deal with Yang Fei.

Therefore, he is no stranger to the new owner.

In response to his arrival, everyone in the company expressed isolation from him.

The vigorous battle between Gao and Yang is still fresh in the memory of the employees of Meili Group.

They didn't have a good impression of this enemy's military advisor.

Not to mention ordinary employees, even Chen Mo, Ning Xin and others were on guard against him.

Jiang Wen cannot see any top-secret information within the group.

Jiang Wen was already mentally prepared for this kind of discrimination, so he didn't care.

On the day Yang Fei came back, Jiang Wen went to work as usual.

He went to the lounge to pour coffee and happened to run into Yida.

Yi Dai said to him: "No matter what your purpose is, don't try to hurt Yang Fei."

Jiang Wen looked at the "handyman" in surprise and said indifferently: "You are just a handyman, and you are qualified to say such things to me? If you are the boss's secretary, that's about the same!"

Yida said: "It's just a warning, believe it or not, it's up to you. Yang Fei is kind to me, I will protect him!"

Jiang Wen couldn't help but want to laugh: "You protect Yang Fei? Isn't this the opposite? He can't protect you enough!"

Yidai looked at him coldly,

He went out holding the cup in both hands.

Jiang Wen shook his head.

Bad luck!

Even a handyman can yell at him.

He walked out of the lounge and saw a crowd of people outside. All the staff on duty got up and didn't know what they were watching.

As I got closer, I kept hearing someone shouting: "The boss is back! The boss is back!"

Every time Yang Fei returns to the company from a long trip, the staff will welcome him like this.

This is the most sincere feeling!

Jiang Wen thought that in the past, in the Gao Group, no matter how long Gao Yi left, no one would say they cared about him when he returned to the company.

No one would say to protect Gao Yi, not even his secretary!

And in Meili Group, why is Yang Fei so respected and popular?

What kind of magic can't Yang Fei do?

Jiang Wen held the coffee cup and walked over quickly.

Yang Fei shook hands with the staff one by one with a gentle smile on his face.

Seeing Jiang Wen, Yang Fei smiled and said, "Mr. Jiang looks good. It seems that he has fully recovered?"

Jiang Wen quickly put the cup in his hand on a desk next to him, then shook hands with Yang Fei and said, "Thank you boss for your concern. I'm fine now and have been at work for about ten days."

Yang Fei said: "Very good."

Then he shook hands with others.

After finally shaking hands with everyone, Yang Fei walked to his office.

Chen Mo and Ning Xin followed in.

Yang Fei sat down on the executive chair, turned half a circle, faced the window, and asked, "Has anything special happened these days?"

Chen Mo and Ning Xin would report to Yang Fei promptly what happened in the company.

When he asked this now, he was of course referring to things that were not convenient to mention clearly in the report.

Chen Mo said: "Nothing special."

Ning Xin said: "There is something that Gao Qin came to see you for."

Yang Fei asked: "Did she say anything?"

"She didn't say anything. She left when she heard you were away." Ning Xin said, "Also, the SARS company launched its first product."

Yang Fei said: "I know, it's washing powder, and it has launched a full range of laundry products."

Ning Xin said: "In addition, they are planning to launch toothpaste."

Yang Fei smiled and said: "Toothpaste? Haha, whatever they want! The current toothpaste market is our Zhonghua toothpaste, P\u0026G's Crest, and Colgate from New York. The world is divided into three parts. Other toothpaste brands have a very large market share. Low. SARS wants to launch its own brand. Unless they get help from heaven, no matter how much they invest in operating expenses, they may not be able to become famous."

Ning Xin said: "Do you think so of them?"

Yang Feidao: "I'm not belittling them, but I'm belittling the toothpaste industry. Toothpaste is different from washing powder. Washing powder cleans clothes, and consumers are willing to try different brands. Toothpaste acts on the inside of the mouth, which is directly related to When it comes to physical health, it’s not a big brand and most people don’t dare to buy it.”

Ning Xin said: "You are right! Consumers do have this mentality. Anyway, when I buy toothpaste, I don't dare to buy small brands. No matter how low the promotional price is, I won't buy it."

Yang Feidao: "This is also the reason why I spent a lot of money to acquire the Zhonghua brand."

Ning Xin said: "My dad's former toothpaste factory died miserably. The space for niche brands to survive is really too low."

Chen Mo said: "Shasi is a comprehensive daily chemical company. The products they produce are far more than just washing powder and toothpaste. They have the ability to compete with us in the entire daily chemical field."

Yang Fei nodded and said, "So, we can't take it lightly. Where is Gu Qianqian? Is she here?"

Ning Xin said: "She is here, I will call her."

Yang Fei hummed and said, "Call Mr. Wei here too."

Ning Xin responded and left.

Chen Mo said: "That Gao Qin, you are so evil, why do you keep coming to see you?"

Yang Fei said: "Don't be jealous of her, because you can't eat. She is not a fuel-efficient lamp."

Chen Mo said: "I know she is cooperating with the SARS company now, so she has no reason to come to you. I asked her something, but she didn't say anything! Is there anything I can only tell you?"

Yang Fei said: "If there is really any personal matter, she will call me to talk to me, and she will not come to the company to find me."

Chen Mo thought about it and found that this was indeed the case.

She said quietly: "No matter how stunning the beauty is, there will be times when you get tired of looking at it, right?"

Yang Fei smiled and said: "No. What I like will never change."

Chen Mo said: "Yes, the things you like will indeed never change - you still like beauty as always!"

Yang Fei knew what she was thinking and didn't want to talk to her anymore.

It is difficult and delicate for two people to get along.

The slightest disturbance will cause great inner turmoil.

At this time, if you don't learn to be silent, every word you say will be like a knife, adding fuel to the flames and endangering the relationship between the two.

When Chen Mo saw him withdrawing his troops, she stopped talking about it.

After a while, Gu Qianqian and Wei Xinyuan walked in.

Chen Mo went to make tea.

Yang Fei asked them to sit down and said: "SARS is approaching fiercely. If we want to remain invincible, we must use unique tactics."

Wei Xinyuan said: "Aren't the new brands and products we just released not enough to deal with them?"

Yang Fei said: "The most powerful product of SARS Company is not washing powder or shampoo, but cosmeceuticals!"

Wei Xinyuan glanced at Gu Qianqian and understood the boss's intention in calling them here.

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