The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1,629 I am an educated person!

Yang Fei received a call from Xiaoyu, saying that the temple owner's health had improved after taking those medicines, and asked him to send some more.

He said hello and promised to send it over in the afternoon.

Because he didn't know whether the medicine would be effective or not, Yang Fei didn't give too much the first time. He only showed his sincerity by running a few more times.

When Chen Mo heard that he was going up the mountain again, he couldn't help but be surprised: "At such a critical moment, you still want to go up the mountain to play?"

"Do you think I'm really going to play?" Yang Fei smiled.

"Are you still going to flirt with that little Taoist nun?"


"I go with you."


Seeing how readily he agreed, Chen Mo couldn't help but smile: "Forget it, the company is too busy. You go ahead. If you have the ability, bring the little Taoist nun down the mountain."

Yang Fei said: "I really don't have that intention, I just want to climb the mountain."

"Driving up and down in a car is also called mountain climbing?"


Chen Mo smiled playfully, turned and left the office.

She just came out and saw Gao Qin walking over.

Gao Qin was about to talk to Ning Xin when he saw Chen Mo and asked with a smile: "Secretary Chen, is your boss here?"

Chen Mo wanted to say he was not here, but he couldn't go against his will, so he said: "Miss Gao, the boss is very busy. What can I do for you?"

"Very important thing."

"Do you have to tell me face to face?"

"Yeah. Can I go in now?"

Chen Mo said: "Please wait a moment, I will go in and report."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Gao Qin smiled elegantly.

Chen Mofu came in again.

He said to Yang Fei: "Gao Qin is here, can you see him?"

"Invite her in." Yang Fei said, "She must have something wrong, otherwise she wouldn't have made two trips in a row."

Chen Mo was speechless, turned around, opened the door, and asked Gao Qin to come in.

Gao Qin walked in and said with a smile: "Boss Yang, it's harder to meet you than to reach heaven. We used to be able to drink together, but now it's so difficult to even talk about official business?"

"Director Gao is joking, what's the matter with you? You can call me and tell me. There's no need to run around so hard."

"If I can explain clearly on the phone, why would I run away? Do you think I am really free and have nothing to do?"

"Please sit down and talk. What is going on?"

"I heard you are building an online shopping mall?"

Yang Fei's eyes suddenly became sharp: "How do you know?"

This is an internal secret of the group.

Yang Fei specifically ordered that before the website is officially launched, it must be kept confidential and must not be leaked.

Gao Qin chuckled and said: "This is not a great secret. Many people in your company know about it, and you have invited people from outside to help with the structure. Is it not surprising that I know this news?"

"So, what do you want?" Yang Fei asked calmly.

"I want to invest in it."

"Haha, can our two families still cooperate?" Yang Fei sneered.

"It's not two families, it's you and me."


"I, Gao Qin, personally."

"I do not understand."

"My position in the Gao Group is actually very embarrassing. Although I have temporarily won the position of chairman, I understand that this will definitely not last long and is based on Gaoyi's temporary unlucky situation. Therefore, I You have to plan for yourself as soon as possible.”

"Well, what does this have to do with me?"

"Putting aside your grudges with the Gao family, I personally admire your talent and talent in business."


"In the Gao family, Gao Yi is the most powerful person. He returned from studying abroad. He is an intellectual with high IQ and high education. He also understands people and is good at financial operations. He is the most powerful leader of the Gao Group. But, that is People like him have been defeated by you again and again. This shows how powerful you are!"

"you flatter me."

"I have studied your business journey, and every step you take is just right, as if you have foresight."

The corners of Yang Fei's mouth rose slightly, imperceptibly.

Gao Qin said: "I also like to surf the Internet. I often browse various news and websites online. I know that there have been shopping websites abroad for a long time, and there are similar shopping platforms in China. They were founded by a Jiangnan native named Ma Yun. But he mainly does wholesale and trade.”

This year, Ma Yun only had Alibaba, and there was no Taobao.

If history had not changed, we would have had to wait another three years, in May of 2003, before Alibaba Group would launch Taobao.

Yang Fei nodded and said, "Your sense of smell is very keen."

Gao Qin said: "You are sharper than me. It takes a lot of courage for you to dare to be the first to eat the crab. I don't want you to fight alone. I want to accompany you and eat the crab together."

Yang Fei touched his chin.

To be honest, he couldn't see through this person.

The two are obviously enemies, but she dares to invest in them?

And this is a blue ocean that no one has yet explored!

If you plunge in with force, you may catch a big fish, or you may drown in it.

"How much capital do you have?" Yang Fei asked.

"Ten million."

"Hahaha - I'm sorry, I'm an educated person. Normally I won't laugh unless I can't help it."


"Ms. Gao, I run such a large shopping mall, and it is connected to a physical shopping mall. It is a website that provides consistent services online and offline. Will I be short of your ten million?"

"I only have so much money. This is the inheritance my parents left me. If I lose money, I will become a pauper."

"Then I advise you to invest cautiously."

"I know, that's why I choose to invest in you."

"Ten million is really a bit small. Unfortunately, I can't cooperate with you."

"What if we add the Gao Group?"

Yang Fei looked at her thoughtfully: "What do you mean?"

"You want to defeat the Gao Group, I can help you and bring him down!"

"Why should I trust you?"

"If you want to prove it, you might as well give it a try. I will do whatever you ask me to do. Even if you ask me to serve you now, I will not hesitate."

Yang Fei shook his head: "I'm sorry, I'm not interested."


"Miss Gao, I am not interested in you personally or in your ten million. Because women and money are exactly what I lack most."

"Are you not interested in defeating the Gao Group?"

"If I want to defeat it, then I will naturally find a way. Moreover, I believe that in the business world, there are no permanent enemies and no permanent friends. The grudges between me and the Gao Group are in the past. As for Later, I think we’ll talk about it later!”

"I told you, they have invested in the SARS Group, and the SARS Group is targeting you!"

"I know. They have launched products, but they are of no use. They can't shake Meili Group's position in the field of daily chemicals!"

"Boss Yang, you are so confident! The battle hasn't started yet, but you naively thought it was over? So, I don't expect you to answer me now. You know my phone number. If you think about it, you can call me at any time. Me. I'll be waiting for good news."


Set a small goal first, such as remembering in 1 second: Shukeju

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