The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1635: Discount 5 million!

Yang Fei woke up in a daze and smelled a strong smell of disinfectant.

He shrugged his nose, opened his eyes, saw the hanging bottle hanging next to him, and knew he was in the hospital.

Looking to the side again, I was startled.

Li Juan put down the book in her hand and said with a smile: "Are you awake? You can't drink, but you still drink so much. Do you feel better?"

Yang Fei asked: "Why is it you?"

Li Juan said: "What are you talking about? Li Han called me over to take care of you. She went to the music room."

"Sorry to bother you. What time is it?"

"It's half past eight."


"Otherwise? You thought it was morning?"

Yang Fei said: "I'm fine, call the nurse to come and take out the needle!"

"No, it will be over in half an hour." Li Juan looked at the potion in the bottle.

"Okay. Thank you for being willing to take care of me."

"I didn't do anything, I just looked at you. If you want to thank me, just thank the nurse."

Yang Fei chuckled.

Li Juan stared at him with a half-smile.

Yang Fei said: "What's wrong? Does my face look ugly?"

She shook her head slightly and said, "I heard Li Han say that you sing very well after drinking. When will you show me your performance?"

"..." Yang Fei's face turned red in a rare moment.

He gradually woke up, and the words Li Han said to him came to mind one by one.

When he looked at Li Juan again, Yang Fei's mood and vision had changed.

"Which university are you studying at?" Yang Fei asked.


I'm your school girl! Therefore, I am no stranger to you. Although you have graduated, your legend has always existed on the campus of Tsinghua University. "

"Entrepreneurship company, right? I haven't visited one in a long time, and I don't know how they are doing."

"With the fund you left behind and the intelligence of Tsing University students, the Entrepreneurship Society will be able to produce many outstanding business talents! Do you know what your nickname is at Tsing University?"

"What nickname?"

"The Godfather of Business."


"There is another one, a little longer, called the handsomest among businessmen and the richest among handsome men."

"Haha!" Yang Fei couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed after hearing this, and asked, "How old are you?"

"It will be my sophomore year soon."

"So young! I said you were still young, and sure enough! You are so young, and you are going out on a blind date?"

"Li Yi said that the book can be read at any time, but Yang Fei only has one. If I don't come on a blind date with you, you will be abducted."

"It's good if I don't kidnap people. Who can kidnap me? What major do you major in?"

"International Relations."


"My ideal is to be a diplomat."


"However, the course was more difficult to read than I expected. The textbook was very boring to study."

"Then why did you choose this major?"

"That's how life is. If you want to be a diplomat, you must learn this course well. No matter how difficult it is, I can only persevere. After all, this is my choice and my ideal, don't you think so?"

"Well, that makes sense. People not only have to learn to enjoy and be comfortable, but they also have to face challenges and difficulties."

"The drops are almost done, I'll call the nurse."

With that said, she stood up and pressed the call service button.

The nurse came over and helped Yang Fei pull off the needle.

"Where is my cell phone?" Yang Fei touched his body and didn't see the cell phone.

"When you were sleeping, your cell phone kept ringing. I was afraid of disturbing you, so I took it out, turned it on mute, and put it next to the pillow. Take a look. There should be a lot of missed calls."

Yang Fei picked up his cell phone and saw that it had been out of battery.

Mouse walked in and said, "Master Fei, wake up. I've settled the bill."

Yang Fei nodded: "Let's go."

After changing the battery in the car, he called Chen Mo first.

Chen Mo quickly answered the phone and said, "Are you feeling better? The mouse told me that you are drunk."

"Okay. Is there anything wrong with the company?"

"Didn't you make an appointment with Mr. Wei to talk about something? He has been waiting for you all afternoon."

"Oh, let's talk about it tomorrow."

"Also, Jiang Wen called and said that he met the chairman of Little Nurse. The other party was willing to talk to him and made an appointment to have lunch together tomorrow."


"Jiang Wen asked me to ask you, will you go to tomorrow's negotiation?"

"What does Jiang Wen mean?"

"He said you'd better go over there. You can give the other party enough attention in terms of attitude."

"What plans do I have for tomorrow?"

"It's nothing important. If you want to go there, I can help you make arrangements."

"Okay, you inform the crew and make arrangements to fly to Shencheng tomorrow morning."

"Okay, are you coming back now?"

"Later! Is there anything else?"

"there is none left."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Fei said to Mouse: "Send Li Juan home first."

Li Juan said: "Li Han told me that you want to give me a car? And asked me if I prefer Ferrari or Lamborghini?"

Yang Fei groaned, thinking that he had indeed said something similar to Li Han, but he said it was given to Li Han, so why was it grafted onto Li Juan?

This Li Han, is he addicted to being a matchmaker?

Li Juan said: "We haven't reached that point yet. Besides, I will start school soon. Driving such a wealthy sports car in school will have a bad influence."

Yang Fei snorted: "Then should I give it away or not?"

Li Juan pursed her lips and smiled: "Do you really want to give it to me?"

"you can."

"Can it be discounted?"

Yang Fei said: "Discount?"

Li Juan said: "A sports car costs more than five million at least, right? Just give me five million in cash."


"I don't have any hope either."

"Tell me your account number and I will transfer it to you tomorrow."


"I keep my word."

"Don't you ask me why you need so much money?"

"Since you want it, of course it will be useful."

"Aren't you afraid that I will spend money recklessly?"

"Not afraid."

"So confident?"


"Thank you for trusting me."

After sending her to her residence, she got out of the car and said with a smile: "I won't ask you to get up and sit down. I have two friends living with me. You know, girls don't like to clean up at home on this hot day. "

Yang Fei's eyes lit up: "I have time, and I'm a little thirsty. Can I go up and have a cup of tea?"

"There is a convenience store next to it. Ask your driver to buy you a bottle of water! Goodbye!" She waved her hand and turned into the corridor of the apartment.

Mouse smiled and said: "Master Fei, did you really give her five million? Just because she took care of you for a long time?"

Yang Fei said: "Although I don't know why she wants these five million, I believe that she is definitely not aimless and must have something to say."

"Today's young people like to spend money. The richer they are, the more they spend money. If she squanders it, wouldn't you lose money? This is something you gave to her and you don't have to pay it back."

"If five million can buy the relationship with the Li family, then I still make a profit!" Yang Fei smiled softly, "I'm afraid that even if it's 50 billion, I may not be able to buy it!"

"Master Fei, are the Li family really awesome?"

"Yes, very cool!"

"What's the origin?"

“Use your imagination, think big, think big.”

The mouse was stunned.

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