The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1639 No mercy

The security guard said to Yang Fei: "Boss, his mobile phone is exactly the same as the one lost in our workshop. Look."

Yang Fei said with a smile: "The mobile phones we produce only have a few models. Of course, the mobile phones of the same model look exactly the same. You can't conclude that they are stolen based on this alone."

He took the employee's mobile phone and asked Hu Zhibiao, "Where is the code of the lost mobile phone in the workshop?"

Hu Zhibiao said: "I lost two mobile phones, and the codes were handed over to the security guard."

The security guard quickly took out the code of the lost mobile phone and handed it to Yang Fei.

In front of everyone, Yang Fei opened the back cover of the employee's mobile phone, removed the battery, picked up a piece of cardboard from the security desk, and swipe it to the middle of the assembly gap between the screen and the body of the mobile phone, and the mobile phone will be magical. was separated.

He glanced at the code on the cable, and then at the lost phone code.

Then, he looked up at the employee: "You work here, but no one has told you that each of our mobile phones has a unique code? It is equivalent to a person's ID card."

The employee trembled slightly, bit his lip and did not speak.

Yang Fei said: "This mobile phone of yours is indeed exactly the same code as the lost mobile phone. This shows that you didn't buy this mobile phone yourself, right?"

The employee lowered his head and said, "Sorry, I was wrong."

Hu Zhibiao said angrily: "Okay, you thief! How dare you steal the factory's mobile phone! Call the police and put him in jail!"

Yang Fei waved his hand and said, "Mr. Hu, don't be so excited. I still have something to ask him."

He looked at the employee and said, "The factory lost two mobile phones, where is the other one?"

The employee said: "Give it to the leader of the material team."

It turned out that he was the leader of the production team and had access to the produced mobile phones, but he could not take them out.

Because workers enter and leave the workshop, there will be strict testing procedures.

As for the people in the material group, commuting to and from get off work is not so strict, and they can mix the mobile phone with the materials and transport it out of the workshop, put it somewhere outside, and pick it up after get off work.

The two hit it off,

Two mobile phones were stolen from the workshop, one for each person.

Every mobile phone on the production line can be traced, relying on a code on the baseband of the mobile phone. This code is unique and is equivalent to the ID card of the mobile phone.

The workshop lost two mobile phones. The workshop director on duty immediately reported it, and the manager notified the security department.

Security guards stepped up their efforts to check employees' new mobile phones.

The production team leader didn't know that there was a unique code in the mobile phone, so he brought the mobile phone to work.

When the security guard saw this brand-new mobile phone, he naturally became suspicious. Under questioning, the production team leader resisted fiercely at first, and then felt guilty.

After Yang Fei turned on the mobile phone and corrected the code of the mobile phone, the production team leader had nothing to say, and fully admitted the process of his crime.

After Yang Fei finished listening, he said to Hu Zhibiao: "The management of the factory needs to be strengthened!"

Hu Zhibiao blushed, nodded and said, "Yes, boss, we must strengthen management."

Yang Fei said: "How to deal with this matter, let's deal with it! The factory will never tolerate theft, especially this kind of self-stealing, it will never be tolerated!"

"Okay, boss." Hu Zhibiao gave the production team leader a hard look, and ordered the security guards, "Take him under control first, and send someone to arrest the other material team leader! Please come over and deal with it!"

"Yes, Mr. Hu!" The security guard became full of energy when he heard the arrest.

Yang Fei waved his hand and walked out of the workshop.

Hu Zhibiao and others quickly followed.

Yang Fei walked forward with his hands behind his back, and said, "The training of workers is also very important. A production team leader doesn't even know that there is a code on the baseband? If he knew, he wouldn't dare to blatantly steal the phone and use it for himself. "

Hu Zhibiao smiled and said, "It's also fortunate that he didn't know, otherwise he would steal it and sell it, and then buy a new one, and we wouldn't be able to catch him."

Yang Fei said: "The quality education of employees is also very important! Supervision can only play a role of supervision, but it cannot completely eliminate crimes."

Hu Zhibiao said: "Yes, boss, I will formulate a training system later, and train all employees in batches."

Yang Fei went to the R\u0026D room to have a look.

The research and development room of Aiduo mobile phone is not large in scale.

The production and research of mobile phones requires a huge investment. The mobile phone testing equipment on a production line is close to 10 million. Other equipment, such as water belts, electric screwdrivers, digital oscilloscopes, and servers, etc., cost tens of millions. .

The investment in research and development is even more bottomless.

The scientific and technological gold content of mobile phones is still quite high. The emergence of many new technologies requires a lot of money and manpower for research.

Even if Yang Fei knew what the mobile phones of later generations would look like, it would be even more difficult to realize them.

Many technologies cannot be achieved by a single company, and require the development of the industry, and even rely on the improvement of the technological level of the entire society.

Therefore, Yang Fei can only proceed step by step, follow the pulse of the times, and fight some technical battles such as time difference, such as integrating MP3 functions into mobile phones in advance to win the market.

In Yang Fei's view, the future direction of mobile phone development is continuous integration.

In the past, mobile phones were used to make calls and send and receive messages, and then there were game functions, MP3 functions, MP4 functions, and Internet access functions...

The integration of functions has driven the rapid development of basic industries. From 2G to 3G, then to 4G, and then to 5G, faster and faster network speeds can meet more and more demands.

In the process of functional integration, the mobile phone has finally developed into one in everyone's hands and has become a product that everyone can't live without.

In the field of mobile phones, Yang Fei does not have too much ambition. He can occupy a place in the mobile phone industry and be able to have an extra walking leg in addition to his main business of daily chemicals, which is enough.

After Yang Fei inspected the Aiduo mobile phone factory, it was already past five in the afternoon.

He did not bring his secretary or assistant with him when he came to Shencheng this time. He thought that he would be able to have dinner and negotiate with the chairman of the little nurse when he arrived. one night.

The secretary wasn't around, so Mouse and Ma Feng took care of the chores.

Yang Fei has a place to stay in Shencheng, so he doesn't need to book a hotel.

He lives in a rare elevator room.

Jiang Wen still lives in the original hotel.

In the evening, Yang Fei was not in the mood to go shopping, so he let Mice and Ma Feng take their leave and let them go to play.

Yang Fei sat alone on the balcony, looking at the bustling street scene.

The feeling of Shencheng is extraordinarily young, clean, and bright. Everywhere you go, there are new buildings, new buses, and newly opened facades, giving you a vibrant feeling.

Alone, without being disturbed by anyone, he can just calm down and think about his future path.

Li Han is right in saying that there are not many choices in life.

She also told Yang Fei that if it's really difficult, she doesn't have to choose Li Juan.

There are many ways to live in life.

For Yang Fei, he encountered the biggest hurdle in his life and also the most important crossroads.

Who do you choose as your partner?

Su Tong was his original intention.

Chen Ruoling was the unspeakable pain in his heart.

Li Juan is the most suitable partner for him at this stage.

Whoever he chooses will have a huge impact on his future, whether it is career or life, it must be huge!

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