The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1642 Are you insulting me?

The middle-aged man named a company:

"Beautiful Group!"

Yang Fei and Li Dong looked at each other in astonishment.

The middle-aged man said: "What? Have you nothing to say? There are many brands under the Meili Group, and each of their brands has been operating very successfully!"

Li Dong laughed and said: "Rao Dong, do you know who is the person sitting in front of me?"

Director Rao said: "Who is it? Your friend? It's just a young man with a big voice!"

Li Dong smiled and said: "You, you have eyes but don't know Mount Tai! This is Mr. Yang Fei, the big boss of Meili Group! The richest man in the country!"

Dong Rao was shocked, and he said ahh, his face suddenly became colorful.

"Mr. Yang!" Rao Dong's face turned serious, he took a step forward, and stretched out his big hand, "It's a pleasure to meet you, it's a pleasure to meet you! You are the only one in China who is qualified to say what you just said."

Yang Fei smiled slightly, and said: "Dong Rao praised me. I am indeed a little ignorant, and I am talking nonsense. You are laughing at me."

Rao Dong said: "When did Mr. Yang come to Shencheng?"

Yang Fei said: "I just arrived today, no, not long after I arrived, I was invited by Director Li to come here for a drink."

Rao Dong was still waiting to speak, when someone called him over there, he said: "Mr. Yang, I will ask you later."

Yang Fei made a gesture of please.

Rao Dong walked away two steps, a woman who was chatting with him before stepped forward and asked: "Rao Dong, that young man is really Yang Fei from Meili Group?"

Director Rao said: "Can it be fake? I have seen him in TV interviews, but he is younger and more handsome! I didn't recognize him."

The woman smiled and said, "Will Dong Rao do me a favor and introduce me to Mr. Yang? How about it?"

Director Rao said: "What's the point? You can get to know him yourself! I don't think he will refuse a beauty like you."

The woman looked back at Yang Fei, and seeing Yang Fei and Li Dong talking, she took the wine glass and walked gracefully to the side, looking at Yang Fei from time to time.

Li Dong smiled and said: "Mr. Yang, you are very well-known!"

Yang Fei said: "It's all because of the false name of the richest man in the country."

Li Dongdao: "I don't know how Mr. Yang is going to help me? As far as I know, Mr. Yang has acquired a lot of brands in recent years, but many private brands, after being acquired by you, quickly disappeared and disappeared. gone."

Yang Fei said: "Do you think that I bought a brand just to reduce one competitor?"

Li Dong said: "Isn't it?"

Yang Fei shook his head lightly: "Mr. Li, you misunderstood me. Those who don't know me say what I want, and those who know me say that I am worried. You don't know something. This brand is like people. Some can be supported, and some But mud cannot support the wall. If I take great pains to acquire a brand just to reduce one competitor, then I will be in the opposite direction, and I will not be able to keep busy. If a brand dies, more brands will stand up .”

Li Dongdao: "Then, what are you buying so many brands for?"

Jiang Wen was very upset when he heard this, and felt that this Li Dong was a bit aggressive, almost like those tricky reporters.

He was thinking, how would Yang Fei answer?

Yang Fei said solemnly: "I'm here to help them."

Jiang Wen was stunned, wondering what the boss was doing? Why do you answer like that?

Li Dong laughed and said: "Mr. Yang, you really know how to joke. The purpose of buying their brand is to help people? This is the first time I have heard of it!"

Yang Feidao: "A friend of mine is the vice president of the Southern Chamber of Commerce. He opened a pig feed factory. During its heyday, 80% of the pigs raised by farmers in the Southern Province had eaten his pig feed! It is also a famous brand in the country. Advertisement They all went to CCTV."

"Oh, that business is quite big!"

"Well, just a few days ago," Yang Fei sighed, "he jumped to his death."

Li Dong was shocked and said: "Why did you jump off the building?"

"Bankruptcy!" Yang Fei said, "I owed more than 10 million yuan to others, and I couldn't pay it back. I was forced to sell the house, sold the car, and got divorced. He was alone and died."

Li Dong is silent.

Yang Fei said: "I reflected on it later. If I had bought his company in advance, he would have gotten at least tens of millions in cash! Maybe he won't go on this road of no return!"

Li Dong: "..."

Yang Fei said: "I wonder if Mr. Li has studied domestic companies?"

"Oh? What kind of research method?"

"I have done statistics and research. The average life expectancy of domestic private enterprises is three to five years. There are only a handful of them that can survive ten years."

"Is that an exaggeration?"

"The real situation will only be more exaggerated than this statistic. Because there are still many small, medium and micro enterprises that I can't count. Maybe they will fade away after a short-lived, and there is not even time to make a noise."

Li Dong was thoughtful, put his fingers on his knees, and tapped lightly.

Jiang Wen couldn't help but secretly applaud.

So subtle!

A stroke of genius!

The boss deserves to be the boss!

This is the first time Jiang Wen has seen such a wonderful business negotiation!

Yang Fei said before that he came to help the brand of Little Nurse.

And his purpose is to buy again.

In this case, how to round it up?

Jiang Wen has been thinking about it, but he can't imagine what Yang Fei will do.

Now, he knows.

He clicked a million likes for Yang Fei's cleverness!

Yang Fei said: "Take our daily chemical industry as an example. How much does Director Li remember about the brand five years ago?"

Li Dong thought for a while and said with a smile: "It seems that there are not many. Most of them don't exist anymore. In this way, are you buying small and medium brands, or is it to help them?"

Yang Fei said: "I dare not say how noble and great I am. I am a businessman, and of course what I do is to make money. The acquisition of small and medium-sized brands can bring me some benefits. As for what you said, I want to destroy They, I think this is a bit exaggerated. If I really want to destroy them, I don't need to buy them, just destroy them and it's over!"

Jiang Wen applauded again, the boss is wearing the cloak of a philanthropist, but has hidden needles in the cotton, playing both soft and hard!

Li Dong forced a smile and said, "Mr. Yang, when you say you want to help me, do you also want to buy my brand?"

Yang Fei said: "Of course I'm here to help you. If I want to beat you down, I won't come to see you."

The smile on Li Dong's face disappeared: "Then, can I understand that your purpose here is to buy the little nurse? Then, this brand will also disappear?"

Yang Fei said: "Little nurse is not a small brand, it is a big brand worthy of support. Now that you know me well, you should know that many brands under my name have been acquired. Like Meifang, Zhonghua Toothpaste, and There are Bee Flower, Pechoin, etc., among these brands, which one is not acquired by me? Which one is not shining?"

Li Dong couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Yang Fei asked calmly: "To buy a sea view villa like this, is it 50 million?"

Li Dong didn't understand what he meant, and said, "It's just more and less."

Yang Fei said: "Mr. Li, I'll give you 500 million yuan to buy the Little Nurse brand. You can buy ten villas like this."

Li Dongdao: "Mr. Yang, are you insulting me?"

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