The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1656: Picking a Commander

The song suit that Yang Fei customized for Li Xiaowan was handmade in Jiang Hanying's studio.

Various information about artists can be checked in the company's files.

This singing suit is tailor-made for Li Xiaowan based on these materials.

She stepped out in a well-dressed outfit that caught everyone's attention.

Li Xiaowan smiled sweetly, and turned around lightly: "Does it look good?"

The models couldn't help shouting softly: "Wow, what a beautiful fairy!"

Li Xiaowan walked up to Yang Fei and said with a smile, "Thank you for the skirt, I like it very much."

Jin Dabao was stunned: "It's really people who depend on their clothes, Young Master Fei, you are so lucky."

Yang Fei knew he had misunderstood.

But he wasn't about to explain either.

With this misunderstanding, Li Xiaowan will no longer be bullied when she is in Huayi Company.

Yang Fei didn't do anything, but gave Li Xiaowan an invisible protective wall.

"Just like it." Yang Fei said lightly, "After returning to the company, record songs well and don't disappoint my expectations. This album is your first album. Whether it can become popular depends on it."

"Well, I know, I will work hard." Li Xiaowan nodded vigorously.

Yang Fei said to Feng Ruolan who was waiting not far away: "Go back!"

Feng Ruolan agreed and went to tell the captain.

As for who will be left between Li Xiaowan and Liu Chen, Jin Dabao already knows the answer without Yang Fei saying much.

The next day, An Ran went back to the southern province.

She did not resign and return as promised.

On the phone, she explained to Yang Fei in this way:

"My grandfather doesn't agree, my parents don't agree, the whole family is against my resignation, the people in the bureau are against it, and even Brother Jun is against it. Even if your salary is ten times higher than mine now, they still think it's ironclad. After all, the rice bowl is an iron rice bowl. If I dare to resign, they dare to sever relations with me. Yang Fei, I'm sorry. If I don't resign, you just lose a director, and if I resign, I will lose everything loved ones."

Yang Fei was speechless.

Just like Chen Ruoling's leaving without saying goodbye.

An Ran also chose her own path.

Money, sometimes really is not everything!

The position of Supervision Director of Meili Group was vacated due to An Ran's departure.

Jiang Wanxia, ​​Wei Xinyuan, Zhu Zhongnan and others all recommended new candidates to Yang Fei.

But Yang Fei only replied: "Look again!"

Then there is no more text.

Like the R\u0026D director of the group, the position of supervisory director is pending.

The affairs of these two departments are temporarily handled by the boss, Yang Fei.

As for the spokesperson of the Little Nurse brand, it still hasn't been found.

The news that Meili Group was looking for a spokesperson spread like wildfire.

Celebrities from all walks of life came to the Meili Group to negotiate with each other either personally or through their agents.

The Meili Group is well-known, and the spokespersons they hired are all big names in the film and television industry. Even Jiang Xiaojia, a new star created by the group itself, has become one of the most successful child stars.

And the endorsement fee of Meili Group,

It is the highest in the industry.

A good spokesperson and a good product can promote each other and make each other famous.

Celebrity endorsement products can bring traffic to the products.

In the same way, the more popular and popular the product is, the more familiar the endorsement star will be.

From an unknown student, Jiang Xiaojia became well-known by the majority of the people because of her endorsement of the white washing powder series, and was even regarded as the little goddess of the nation.

Who wouldn't want to endorse such a product?

While choosing a spokesperson, Yang Fei was also worrying about the candidate for the director of the Little Nurse brand.

Talent is rare!

A general is hard to find!

This was also the reason why he was reluctant to let An Ran leave.

There are many educated people.

There are not a few capable people.

But Yang Fei still needs loyalty.

That is, his confidence in talents.

This is very rare.

The two departments of R\u0026D and supervision are Yang Fei's heart and soul, so he also pays special attention to the candidates for the directors of these two departments.

And Little Nurse is a brand new cosmeceutical brand, and Yang Fei is going to use it to fight against the fierce SARS company, so the choice of director is very important.

Jiang Wanxia provided countless reserve candidates, but Yang Fei rejected them one by one after interviewing them one by one.

The candidates for R\u0026D director and supervisory director are not in such a hurry.

Yang Fei wants to choose the director of the small nurse brand most now.

This morning, after Yang Fei finished the meeting and returned to the office, he heard Chen Mo report that he had come here solemnly.

Yang Fei thought to himself, solemnly coming here at this time is probably for the brand director of Little Nurse.

Sure enough, he came in solemnly, and after briefly reporting on the work of the Meifang factory, he began to inquire about the candidate for the Little Nurse brand director, a bit self-recommended.

Little Nurse is a cosmeceutical, which belongs to the herbal division. In the group, it is listed separately, and it is listed side by side with the daily chemical, Jahwa, agriculture and forestry, Aiduo, cosmetics, shopping malls, medicine, and overseas business divisions.

This also means that whoever can become the director of the herbal branch is equivalent to reaching the sky in one step, and is always at the same level as Wei Xinyuan and other bosses.

Zheng Zheng has endured for many years, of course he wants to seize this rare opportunity.

Yang Fei considered promoting Zheng Zheng.

However, after thinking twice, Yang Fei felt that this person Zheng Zheng could not be used for much.

In Yang Fei's view, Zheng Zheng can be a general, but not a commander, at least for now.

There is still a big difference between general and handsome.

Whether you can be a general or a handsome man is of course related to a person's knowledge and experience, but it cannot be directly determined by knowledge and experience.

Before Han Xin came to the altar to worship, he was unknown and was not valued by Liu Bang. Han Xin was dissatisfied with Liu Bang's contempt for him and left. Xiao Heyue chased Han Xin back and persuaded Liu Bang to appoint him as a general.

Because of Han Xin's lack of prestige, it is even more necessary to ascend the altar to worship the general for blessing.

Yang Fei reused Han Yiyi, which was also an example of this.

Some people have handsome talents, and some people can only be the generals who charge forward.

After Yang Fei listened to the request of the "important official", he immediately politely refused.

"Mr. Zheng, the little nurse is a brand-new product that involves medical knowledge, but you haven't studied it deeply. What I mean is, you should stay in the Meifang factory and practice. If you have a suitable position in the future, I will naturally Will consider you."

This is clear enough and sincere enough, right?

However, he listened solemnly, but was full of resentment.

He couldn't say anything in front of Yang Fei, but left without saying a word with a sullen face.

After leaving Yang Fei's office, his dissatisfaction burst out, and he said Yang Fei's fault with a hostile face.

I solemnly feel that I am underappreciated for my talents, and I don't know who I will meet!

What he thinks is:

Even a woman like Han Yiyi can become the boss of the Jahwa Group!

In what respect am I inferior to her?

Why don't you let me be the director of the nursery?

When Yang Fei heard the news, that night, he solemnly went to the bar to play until the early hours of the morning, and returned drunk.

"I can't stand the setback!" Yang Fei shook his head secretly when he heard this, "I hope he can get out of this quagmire! Otherwise, he is very likely to learn from Wei Yan and rebel!"

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