The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1659? I choose a chance

"Mr. Yang, don't get me wrong." Jiang Wenwen said with a smile, "I just want to get to know you."

"We have known each other now." Yang Fei said, "Is there anything else for you?"

Jiang Wenwen hooked the corners of his mouth resentfully, and said, "Mr. Yang, you are rejecting people thousands of miles away! I have something I want to talk to you about."

"I'm very busy at work here, how about another day? You can leave a call to my secretary, and she will arrange a time." Yang Fei said, walking into the office.

Ning Xin said: "Miss Jiang, our boss told you to leave a phone number so that we can contact you later."

Jiang Wenwen said: "Is Mr. Yang always so cold?"

Ning Xin said: "It's hard to say. We are just employees and dare not comment on the boss."

Jiang Wenwen said: "Can I go in and talk to him?"

Ning Xin said: "He didn't agree, what's the point of you going in? Why don't we make another date?"

Jiang Wenwen had no choice but to leave the phone and left.

Ning Xin walked into the office and said with a smile, "I've already dismissed the person."

Yang Fei said: "If someone like this comes again in the future, you just refuse."

Ning Xin said: "She has been waiting for you for an hour! I can't drive you away, so you can't call the security guard?"


"Why don't you like her?"

"Should I like her?"

"That's not what I mean. I mean, she's pretty good, she's a famous star, and she's starring in a TV series that's on the air right now. And she's not pretentious. Instead of sending an assistant, she's here in person. meet you."

"She wasn't in the list of actresses you gave me last time?"

"No?" Ning Xin thought for a while, then smiled, "Maybe I missed her. There are so many celebrities! Chen Mo and I can't list them."

"Okay, I don't think her image is suitable to be the spokesperson for the little nurse."

"Why? You only spoke a few words to her in total."

"I don't like girls with dyed hair."

"..." Ning Xin burst out laughing, "If Jiang Wenwen found out, she would be wronged! If you don't like her dyed hair, you can ask her to dye it back to black."

"It represents an attitude to life."

"I see, you are prejudiced! Why don't you just dye your hair? It's popular now! What does this have to do with your attitude towards life?"

"When is Chen Mo's meeting?"

"All morning, maybe we have to have dinner at noon!"

"Isn't Xu Hui and other special personnel responsible for the central building project? What kind of meeting do you have to invite me to attend in person?"

"I don't know. When Chen Mo comes back, you can ask her."

"We have to finalize the matter of the spokesperson for the little nurse as soon as possible. Our product will be released soon!"

"Didn't you just say that you have found a spokesperson?"

"I was lying to her!"


Yang Fei turned on the computer, went online, and searched for Jiang Wenwen.

"She was born in 1982?" Yang Fei asked in surprise, "Is she so young?"

Ning Xin said: "She is very young, and I think she is super pretty,

It is more beautiful than in the camera. "

"A newcomer, he just starred in a TV series."

"But it's very popular now, Chen Mo and I are both chasing her drama."

"Is she signed with the company?"

"I didn't ask about this. Is there no relevant information on the Internet?"

"I can't find it. Oh, she is a student in the theater. Can the students in the theater dye their hair?"

"I am not very sure."

"By the way, is Xu Hui in the company? Or did you go to a meeting with Chen Mo?"

"We went together."

"The central building project has not yet started, but there will be a lot."

Ning Xin pursed her lips and smiled, "It's just that you don't like meetings. Other companies have morning meetings, weekly meetings, and monthly meetings just for regular meetings."

"A meeting is to break things that can be said clearly in one sentence, smash them into pieces, and say a hundred sentences." Yang Fei said, "If you like, I can also hold meetings every day in the future."

"Forget it, I don't like it either." Ning Xin smiled, "If it's okay, I'll go out first."

"Wait, this afternoon, the vice president and directors of the Southern Provincial Chamber of Commerce will come, and I will be responsible for the reception. This meeting should have been held a long time ago, because I have been unable to buy a small nurse company, and it has been postponed until tomorrow. Well, you can accompany me to the luncheon at noon."

"how many people?"

"There are more than five hundred people here!"

"So much? Where do you live?"

"The hotel has already contacted two five-star hotels, booked the rooms, and arranged the meeting place. The luncheon will be held in the hotel."

"Let's forget about the food in the hotel. It's expensive and not tasty. Just find any restaurant, and it's better than the food in the hotel."

"There are so many people, it's rare to run away. That's not bad."

"All right."

When Ning Xin left the office, she found that Jiang Wenwen had gone back and forth, and happened to walk into the secretary's room.

"Miss Jiang, why are you back?" Ning Xin asked.

"I thought about it. If I just go back like this, it would be a failure." Jiang Wenwen said, "This is my chance."

"Do you want to represent the little nurse?" Ning Xin asked with a smile.

"Hey, of course I want to. But, didn't Mr. Yang say that he has found someone?"

"In that case, what's your intention of coming back?"

"I think, with so many brands and products in Meili Group, there must be one that is suitable for me to be the spokesperson?"

"Our company has very high requirements for spokespersons." Ning Xin looked at her hair and said with a smile, "You are still a student of acting, right? How can you dye your hair?"

"Ah? My hair is a wig. This time I cut my hair short for filming. It hasn't grown yet. I don't think it looks good, so I wear a wig."

As Jiang Wenwen said, he took off the wig.

She had shoulder-length hair, jet-black and shiny.

Ning Xin laughed and said, "Your hair is not short either."

"My hair used to be waist-length. When I was filming, I cut it a lot shorter because of the needs of the plot. Now it's a bit longer. When I was filming, my hair only reached here," Jiang Wenwen compared on the neck, " Since I'm playing a high school student, I can't have long hair."

Ning Xin smiled and said, "I wish you had come here earlier. Our boss doesn't like girls with dyed hair."

"I pretended to be an adult on purpose, just because I was afraid that Mr. Yang would think I was too young." Jiang Wenwen said dumbfounded.

"Don't wear a wig, you look much more pure and good-looking, our boss might like it." Ning Xin said with a smile.

Jiang Wenwen's heart skipped a beat and he said, "Secretary Ning, can I still see Mr. Yang?"

Ning Xin said: "Well, that's good, you sign for me, and I will help you find a way."

"Yes!" Jiang Wenwen said happily.

"Come, sign here." Ning Xin took out a notebook and handed it over.

After Jiang Wenwen finished signing, she took out another notebook: "Sign one here, too. This is from Secretary Chen. She also likes to watch your TV series!"

After Jiang Wenwen signed the name, he said, "Could you please inform me?"

Ning Xin pointed to the door of the office: "No need to notify, just go in!"

"Is that okay? Would it be impolite?"

"If I inform you, he will definitely not meet you. Between politeness and opportunity, you choose one!"

"I choose opportunity!"

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