The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1677 What the hell!

Wang Runping's attitude towards Wang Yongfa and Yang Fei is that one is in the sky and the other is on the ground. Anyone can see that the leader is trying to curry favor with Yang Fei!

Yang Fei knew in his heart that Wang Yongfa must be in Wang Runping's line.

But he just wanted to plant a thorn between them!

Today's conspiracy was solved by Yang Fei.

What about in the future?

Yang Fei is in the open, the enemy is in the dark, it is impossible to guard against!

The best way is to kill Wang Yongfa's alliance force in the bud.

Seeing Wang Runping showing his favor to Yang Fei, Wang Yongfa could only let out a long sigh.

This is a world that speaks by strength.

Yang Fei has strength, and so does Wang Runping.

They have something to talk about!

Today, if Wang Yongfa pulled Yang Fei off the horse, then Wang Runping would naturally give him a high look.

Unfortunately, before Wang Yongfa could make a move, Yang Fei broke up his camp.

At this moment, in front of Yang Fei, how could Wang Runping pretend to be polite to him? It's too late for him to avoid suspicion!

Wang Yongfa was so ashamed that he could only sit back in his seat in despair.

After all, Zhang Yunshan was young and energetic, and he felt uncomfortable after being swept away in such a big way. He raised his head, drank the wine in one gulp, and sneered: "What the hell!"

Just this sentence can offend people severely.

Before Yang Fei had an attack, Wang Runping turned cold and asked, "What did you say?"

Zhang Yunshan was slanderous, he really wanted to say, you couldn't hear me when I spoke so loudly just now, but now I speak so softly, did you hear it instead?

"Leader, I'm not talking about you." Zhang Yunshan said with a smile on his face.

Wang Runping looked unhappy.

But he is the leader, so of course it is not good to say more, lest people say that he is bullying the younger and cares about like a white man.

"Then who are you talking about?" Zhang Wentao, Wang Runping's secretary, asked sullenly.

The sentence that scolded Zhang Yunshan just now was exactly what Zhang Wentao said.

The secretary acts according to the face of the leader.

Zhang Wentao has seen the leader's displeasure.

If it is difficult for the leader to say or do things that are inconvenient to do, his secretary has to help.

Seeing that he had stabbed a hornet's nest, Zhang Yunshan quickly said, "I didn't say anyone, I just complained."

"Because the leader didn't drink your wine?" Zhang Wentao asked aggressively.

Zhang Yunshan blushed and was speechless for a while.

Zhang Wentao said: "What are you? If you toast, the leader has to drink? You don't even know what level you are? If it's like you, everyone comes to toast to the leader, and the leader has to drink, no matter how big you are Even the huge amount can’t hold it! The leader is a grown-up who has a lot, so he doesn’t care about it as much as you do, and you’re still getting your nose in the face, right?”

"I didn't!" Zhang Yunshan retorted.

"Hey, are you reasonable? How dare you yell at me so loudly?"

"I didn't yell at you! I just told the truth!" Zhang Yunshan said, looking at Wang Yongfa as if asking for help.

Wang Yongfa lowered his head and sipped his wine, pretending not to notice all this.

Zhang Wentao said: "You scolded someone, you don't apologize,

What else do you want? "

Zhang Yunshan is so depressed!

However, no matter how angry he is, he doesn't dare to explode here!

Zhang Wentao saw that he was standing still and didn't say a word of apology. The anger in his heart rose inexplicably. He first glanced at Wang Runping, and seeing that the leader didn't intend to stop him, he got up quickly and quickly slapped Zhang Yunshan. A slap: "Uneducated thing! Get out!"

Wang Runping let out a deep voice: "Wen Tao, that's too much! Don't be like this."

Zhang Wentao knew that even though the leader said that, he was actually satisfied with what he did, so he responded, "I'm sorry, leader, I was wrong."

Wang Runping waved his hand: "Okay, what a big deal? Forget it!"

Zhang Wentao said: "Yes, there are a lot of leaders."

Zhang Yunshan was beaten, holding his face in his hands, he was so ashamed that he couldn't bear it.

The leader said forget it, so of course it is.

Zhang Yunshan received a beating in vain, which can be regarded as a big lesson in life. Let's see if he can learn to control his mouth in the future!

Only a very small number of people here understand the ins and outs of the whole incident.

Those who know know that this is an open and secret struggle between two factions in the chamber of commerce.

Needless to say, Yang Fei's faction must have won.

Although Wang Yongfa is powerful, if he wants to compete with Yang Fei, there are still several levels behind him, and he is not an opponent at all.

Yang Fei chuckled, raised his glass and clinked the glass with Wang Runping.

After the luncheon, Wang Runping led his people to leave.

Yang Fei chatted with people from the chamber of commerce.

Before leaving, Yang Fei said to Zhao Jianye and others: "Come to Shanghai, let's play here for a few more days! Let's drink together when we are free."

Zhao Jianye said: "Well, we are going to travel together in this colorful world!"

Liang Yulou smiled and said, "Many chambers of commerce in many provinces have established guild halls in major cities. Our Southern Chamber of Commerce should also build one!"

Yang Feidao: "Actually, there are Lake Chambers of Commerce everywhere, most of which are spontaneous organizations. The name Southern Chamber of Commerce was not proposed by us."

Zhao Jianye said with a smile: "That's right! Someone came to our chamber of commerce last time, saying that they are the authentic ones, and we are Li ghosts! Tell us to merge into their guild hall!"

Liang Yulou said with a smile: "Our chamber of commerce has Yang's richest man, who else can surpass us?"

Yang Fei said: "Don't be so arrogant! Whether it's a guild hall or a chamber of commerce, they are all places where fellow villagers gather and bond with each other. Anyway, everyone does their own thing. We don't interfere with others, and others can't interfere with us. As for the members, they come here anyway. go free."

Zhao Jianye said: "We have two major markets in the north and the south. No one can surpass this alone."

Yang Fei said: "I think that things like guild halls and chambers of commerce should be a matter of course. If there are more fellow villagers in a place, they will naturally gather and find a place to have fellowship."

Zhao Jianye said: "It makes sense. People like our chamber of commerce mostly develop in the province."

Yang Fei said: "Okay, we'll discuss this matter later. It's getting late, so I'll be leaving first. Have fun!"

"Okay, there will be a period later!"

Zhao Jianye and others sent Yang Fei into the car and watched the car gradually drive away.

Liang Yulou sneered and said, "Wang Yongfa is a clown, and he wants to fight against President Yang! Today is really exhausting!"

Zhao Jianye pondered and said: "Today's incident is actually very dangerous. Wang Runping rushed over in time, clearly wanting to support Wang Yongfa. Maybe something happened in the middle that made Wang Runping support President Yang instead!"

Liang Yulou said: "Chairman Yang has a very wide network, I knew he had someone on it!"

Zhao Jianye said with a smile: "There is no one, and he can't be the richest man! In my life, the person I admire the most is Chairman Yang! He really started from scratch, and it took only seven or eight years to make such a big fortune. career! It’s amazing!”

Liang Yulou asked, "Where do you go to play at night?"

Zhao Jianye laughed and said: "This is the world of flowers, of course we went to the most fun place to play!"

The two looked at each other and laughed.

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