The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1687 The meeting before the war

Yang Fei and Jiang Wen discussed for a long time and talked a lot.

Jiang Wen has never been specifically responsible for matters.

Yang Fei wants to hand over the banner of building corporate culture to him.

Busy days always go by so fast.

In mid-October, Beauty Group officially launched a cosmeceutical product with the concept of "herbal medicine".

The term cosmeceuticals is not popular in China, and no matter whether it is official or private, this term is kept secret.

Therefore, Yang Fei also avoided this title and introduced the concept of herbs in an ingenious way.

After Little Nurse became a new brand under the Beauty Group, it carried the heavy responsibility of herbal skin care.

Yang Fei also placed high hopes on this brand.

The herbal skin care set launched by Meili Group covers skin whitening, acne removal, repair, anti-wrinkle, anti-aging, crack repair and other functions, which can satisfy people's pursuit of beauty.

Most people have minor skin problems. Few people go to big hospitals for treatment. They usually buy some skin care products to solve them.

Such as dull and wrinkled skin, cracked hands caused by long-term water use, repair of postpartum stretch marks, acne in adolescence, etc.

The launch of Little Nurse's new herbal essence skin care series can effectively relieve and repair various problems caused by the skin.

Relying on the long-term reputation accumulated by Meili Group, the Little Nurse Herbal Series has won the favor of consumers as soon as it was launched.

On the first day of the new product release, Yang Fei held a grand press conference at Shangwaibund.

On the day of the press conference, countless fans of Meili Group lined up to buy the first product.

Jiang Wenwen is the spokesperson of Little Nurse. The promotional video she filmed was played on a loop at the premiere site. She also showed off her talents in person and won the favor of countless media reporters.

She is a popular actress in a popular TV series, and now she is the spokesperson of the little nurse.

Celebrities and big brands complement each other.

Yang Fei's high-profile release of the small nurse brand is to take the initiative to attack the market before SARS company has completed the cosmeceutical layout.

Relying on the powerful distribution channel of Meili Group, coupled with the original brand channel of Little Nurse, the brand of Little Nurse has achieved great success since its listing.

The concept of herbal skin care is originally obtained from Chinese medical books. It has a broad mass base and is easily accepted by people.

For consumers, when they see the word herb, they will naturally think of words such as nature, plants, and traditional Chinese medicine.

Although Yang Fei avoided the word cosmeceuticals, he instilled the concept of cosmeceuticals into the herbs.

This kind of method of moving the world, let the little nurse directly get a lot of attention after it was launched on the market.

At the press conference, Yang Fei also specifically emphasized that what we do is not cosmeceutical products, but herbal skin care products!

However, many people don't think so, they still compare herbal skin care with cosmeceutical products.

Shasi Company and Gao Qin never imagined that before their trump card was used, Yang Fei had already set up a solid barrier!

In response to the small nurse brand launched by Meili Group, Shasi's cosmeceutical products, which were originally scheduled to be launched in November, were launched at the end of October ahead of schedule.

In 2000, the relevant laws of the country did not explicitly prohibit cosmeceutical products, that is to say, in this period, the concept of cosmeceuticals can actually be mentioned.

But Yang Fei has an advanced consciousness. He knows that cosmeceuticals will be banned sooner or later, so he adopted the concept of herbal skin care.

The senior executives of the SARS company did not have such advanced cognition, and they directly introduced cosmeceuticals.

The term cosmeceuticals is actually very unfamiliar to domestic consumers.

In the consciousness of Chinese people, medicine is medicine, cosmetics are cosmetics, medicine is for curing diseases, cosmetics are for beautification, how can they be confused?

It is also based on this cognition that the relevant state departments later banned the use of the word cosmeceuticals.

Therefore, after Shas introduced cosmeceutical products, they did not get the expected sales.

Cosmeceuticals are relatively popular in Western countries, as well as in Japan, South Korea and other countries, and have a broad consumer base.

The cosmeceutical products of Shas Company are also the main products of their company, and they have a wide market in Western countries such as Europe.

There are also many domestic consumers who bring back some cosmeceutical products of SARS company when they travel abroad.

Gao Qin once used the products of Sass.

Therefore, Gao Qin is actually very optimistic about the domestic market of cosmeceutical products.

Unfortunately, reality hit them hard in the face.

A cosmeceutical brand that has become very popular abroad has not been recognized by consumers after entering my country.

On the contrary, it is a "little nurse" who was born and bred, selling the products booming under the so-called concept of herbal skin care.

Of course, temporary success or failure doesn't mean anything.

Gaoqin and Sass will not be discouraged by this.

In a previous conversation, Gao Qin once said that although she and Yang Fei are friends, once they encounter a business war, they will still try their best to fight hard and will not show mercy.

Why isn't Yang Fei like this?

In October, Yang Fei and Shasi Company completed the layout of new products.

Next, what they are going to meet is the battle for advertising resources in November.

November 7th.

beginning of winter.

The severe cold hits people.

People who are afraid of the cold on the street have already put on thick jackets and thinner down jackets.

However, in the air-conditioned building, which is as warm as spring, the white-collar beauties who love beauty still only wear thin shirts or beautiful autumn skirts, allowing their slender and white legs to be exposed to attract the occasional aesthetic gaze of male colleagues.

In the secretary's room, Chen Mo and Ning Xin were talking in a low voice while they were working. They didn't know what funny things they said, and the two of them laughed involuntarily.

At this time, a beautiful woman in a cheongsam made the two of them shine.

"Director Gao! Hello!" Chen Mo and Ning Xin got up at the same time.

Gao Qin smiled slightly: "Is Mr. Yang in? I made an appointment for him."

"The boss is inside, he is waiting for you." Chen Mo walked out of the desk, first knocked on the door of Yang Fei's office, and then gently pushed it open.

Gao Qin walked in with her, with an elegant figure, high hairstyle, white and greasy neck, as beautiful as a swan.

"Mr. Yang." Gao Qin called out.

Yang Fei dismissed the stock software on the computer desktop, and said with a chuckle: "Dong Gao is here, I'm sorry to welcome you, please sit down."

As he said, he got up and told Chen Mo, "Give Dong Gao half a glass of the red wine I treasure."

Gao Qin smiled and said, "Yang Fei also knows me."

Yang Fei sat down on the sofa with her, and said with a smile, "Chairman Gao must have come here for the upcoming advertising battle, right?"

Gao Qin said: "It's so easy to talk to smart people. Mr. Yang, in order to avoid the loss of our two families, I think it is necessary for us to reach a private agreement, otherwise when the time comes to bid, we will be the losers. It is the TV station that benefits.”

What she meant was obvious. The two companies should divide up the advertising resources first, and then they should not fight to the death and let the fisherman benefit for nothing.

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