The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1689 This revenge must be avenged, the time has not yet come!

Chen Mo came in to clean up the cups, and said with a smile, "I see Gao Qin left angrily, did you offend her?"

"Yeah, I offended her hard."

"Did she ask you something?"

"It can't be called asking. She wanted to win the bid and asked me to let her go. I said it was impossible. A woman's heart is still small."

Chen Mo said: "She is your opponent, but she runs towards you every day, what do you think she wants to do?"

Yang Fei said: "There is only a thin line between an enemy and a friend. Now she is our enemy, maybe she can become our friend in the future?"

"In that case, why don't you be gentle with her?"

"Some women like men to be gentle. But Gao Qin doesn't. Her husband—or ex-husband, isn't gentle enough in front of her? He's like a licking dog. What happened? Wasn't she kicking her? Is it? For a woman like her who feels good about herself, if you don't lie to her, she will instead pay attention to you. "

"Didn't you say that she divorced because her ex-husband cheated?"

"What about me? Does she know that I have a woman? But she is still very docile in front of me. Because I don't take her way! And my way just happens to be acceptable to her."

"What!" Chen Mo rolled his eyes at him, "You say that, are you catching her?"

"You guessed it. I was catching her, and playing hard to get."

"Then I'm going to be jealous! Next time she comes again, I won't let her in your door!"

"Hahaha!" Yang Fei laughed, "You look so cute. I mean, I caught her, but not for the sake of hurting her, but because I wanted to use her to defeat the Gao family. Maybe, she will be my favorite in the future. An important chess piece."

"Then you'd better be nice to her! Every time she comes here with a smile on her face, she leaves angrily. One day, she wants to peel you off and eat you up! Do you still want to use her? Then you can only dream gone."

"Don't worry, I have a plan." Yang Fei touched his chin and said, "Because she has no better choice. If she wants to take revenge on the Gao family, she can only find me. I'll let her kite fly for a while before we talk about it."

"Are you determined to eat her?"

"That's right! I must avenge the Gao family's revenge! It's not that I won't avenge it, it's not time yet!"

"We fought against the Gao family,

We have nothing to lose. You also made a lot of money, so you have to thank the Gao family! What's more, Gao Yi went to jail because of this, so his family has suffered a lot! "


Yang Fei's eyes sharpened!

What he didn't say was that although the Gao family didn't hurt Yang Fei, they did hurt the Chen family!

The Chen family is recuperating.

Yang Fei is also waiting for an opportunity!

In my lifetime, I will never let the Gao family go!

Chen Mo said: "By the way, several bosses came to ask me just now that this year's media advertising bidding meeting has been launched one after another, and we haven't taken any action yet! Ask me about this year's arrangement, how do I know what your arrangement is? They come to ask you."

Yang Fei said: "I have drawn up all the plans. I will hold a director-level meeting in the afternoon, and I will talk about the advertising."

Chen Mo said: "Okay, then I will notify you."

Yang Fei sat back in the executive chair and clicked on the stock software.

He has been keeping an eye on Gao's stocks and building positions on a small scale.

Having just experienced a stock market war, the Gao family is particularly concerned about the abnormal fluctuations in stock prices.

Therefore, Yang Fei will not act rashly now.

If you don't shoot, it's all right, one hit will hit!

Ning Xin came in and reported, "There are a few people who claim to be from the Nanfang Guild Hall asking to see me."

"What's the matter?"

"I asked, and they said they were asking for something."

"What did they say?"

"That's not true."

Yang Fei pondered slightly.

During the last chamber of commerce meeting, he had heard people talk about the Nanfang Guild Hall.

The Nanfang Guild Hall is the fellowship association of the Southern Province in other provinces, with an old brand and qualifications.

In the eyes of the people in the guild hall, the Southern Chamber of Commerce is a rising star and should work under the leadership of their guild hall.

There is still a big difference between a guild hall and a chamber of commerce.

The people in the chamber of commerce are all businessmen from the province, everyone is the same, full of copper stink, full of foul language, whether you are a so-called Confucian businessman or a self-proclaimed conscientious businessman, the essence is the same.

But it's different in the hall.

In addition to businessmen who have done well in business, there are also politicians, educators, scientific researchers, people in the literary and art circles, and famous people from all walks of life who have developed well outside.

As long as you are from the Southern Province, or your ancestors lived in the Southern Province, and you have certain influence and popularity in the society, then you can join the guild hall.

This guild hall is mainly aimed at people from the southern province who are in other provinces, so it is convenient for everyone to contact.

The role of the guild hall was particularly prominent in the past.

At that time, communication was inconvenient, and those who were away from home wanted to send a message to their families, or if there was any important event at home, they could ask their fellow villagers to send a message, and the guild hall provided a place for everyone to gather together.

Some of the fellow villagers are officials in the court, and some have businesses all over the world. If you support and support the fellow villagers, the fellow villagers will prosper.

The Southern Provincial Guild Hall was once prominent, especially at the end of the Qing Dynasty, when figures from the Hunan faction emerged in endlessly.

Logically speaking, the energy of the guild hall is greater than that of the chamber of commerce.

Because the members of the guild hall are from all walks of life.

Now someone from the guild hall came to ask Yang Fei for help?

This surprised Yang Fei.

"Come in, please!" Yang Fei decided to meet him.

The name of a person and the shadow of a tree must be spread by people.

Moreover, Yang Fei now represents not only an individual, but also the entire Southern Chamber of Commerce.

If Yang Fei doesn't meet this group of people today, they will spread rumors among fellow villagers later, saying that Yang Fei is putting on airs, and even the fellow villagers don't want to meet them. in the eyes.

After Ning Xin went out for a while, several people came in, men and women.

Yang Fei got up to greet him, and bowed his hands in salute: "Everyone, fellow villagers, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Boss Yang, hello." The visitors shook hands with Yang Fei one by one.

Yang Fei invited them to sit down, and after the tea was served, he asked them why they came.

A man in his fifties said: "Mr. Yang, if there is no very difficult matter, we would not dare to bother you. You are the most powerful person in our southern province here. This matter is also a problem. Only you can help."

Yang Fei didn't dare to agree casually, and asked, "What's the matter?"

The man glanced at a girl next to him.

The girl suddenly stood up and knelt down to Yang Fei with a plop.

Yang Fei was taken aback, and asked: "Little sister, what are you doing? Please get up quickly. If you have something to say, speak up."

He looked at the girl, about sixteen or seventeen years old, her eyes were red and swollen, she was crying heartbroken, no matter how Yang Fei tried to persuade her, she just couldn't get up.

When I asked her what was the matter, she was so choked up that she couldn't speak.

Yang Fei looked at the man and listened to him explain the reason.

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