The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1698 Goodbye Media Center

November 18.

north gold.

Media Center.

The Golden Resource Advertising Bidding Conference kicked off on time.

Meili Group has won the title of Bidding King for many consecutive years.

In the next few years, although Meili Group did not win the bid again, there were also many competitions for other golden advertising resources, and the money spent on CCTV every year was not a small amount.

After many years, Yang Fei walked into this familiar battlefield again, but his mood was extremely calm.

In the ups and downs of the mall for many years, Yang Fei has experienced too many plots and calculations.

Big and small business wars, if not one hundred, there are eighty!

An advertising bidding event of this level could no longer arouse his emotions.

Hu Zhibiao still remembers how excited he was when he first participated in this bidding meeting.

You know, only entrepreneurs of a certain level will be invited to attend the meeting!

Which one of the companies that can advertise on CCTV's prime time slot is a vegetarian?

At that time, Hu Zhibiao met Yang Fei for the first time.

Now, he followed Yang Fei into here.

At that time, both Hu Zhibiao and Yang Fei were bosses.

Now, Yang Fei has become Hu Zhibiao's boss.

Fortunately, his Aiduo Group is still there, but it has been downgraded by one level and has become a subgroup of the Meili Group.

But now Aiduo is many times bigger than before!

When selling VCDs in the past, Hu Zhibiao had the ambition to let every family use Aiduo brand VCDs.

This ideal died unfortunately.

His current ideal is to let every Chinese use Aiduo mobile phones!

Judging from the current development momentum of Aiduo Group, his ideal may not be difficult to realize!

Yang Fei is the richest man this year, and he is a topic figure and the center of news focus.

His appearance caused quite a commotion.

The media reporters, no matter where they squatted before or who they were interviewing, when they heard that Yang Fei was coming, they immediately ran to Yang Fei's side, for fear that they would not be able to squeeze into Yang Fei's side if they were late.

"Mr. Yang, we have noticed that you did not come to participate in the previous bidding meetings, and the Meili Group did not win the bid. May I ask that you personally went out this year, does it indicate that the Meili Group will win the bid this year? ?”

The reporters' questions were as sharp as their sense of smell.

Yang Fei chuckled and said, "Comrade reporter, you have asked a good question! I am very grateful for your attention to our Meili Group. But I am sorry, your question is a commercial secret, please forgive me for not being able to answer."

"Mr. Yang, what are your thoughts on the change of owner and name change of 666 Mall?"

"I don't have any ideas. I still have a shopping mall under my name, called the Beautiful Shopping Mall. For businessmen, all industries are commodities, which can be traded and bought. I don't think there is any news worth digging for."

"Mr. Yang, I heard that you and a certain lady have already exchanged a marriage certificate? Excuse me, where do you put Su Tong and her daughter?"

A female reporter wearing glasses actually asked such a question sharply.

This made Yang Fei unexpected.

He was startled.

Chen Mo stepped forward and said: "I'm sorry, the bidding will start soon. If you have any questions, please ask after the bidding!"

"Mr. Yang, why didn't you answer?" The female reporter held up the microphone and approached Yang Fei.

The mouse took a step forward and stood in front of Yang Fei.

The female reporter said: "Mr. Yang,

Mr. Yang, please say a few words! Does this kind of behavior of yours count as abandonment? "

Chen Mo said angrily: "This is not an entertainment news site! Please pay attention to the wording of the question!"

The female reporter simply pointed the microphone at Chen Mo: "Secretary Chen, please answer! What do you think of Mr. Yang Fei's behavior?"

Chen Mo covered his face with frost, and said in a deep voice: "I don't know what you said at all, please stop slandering our boss immediately, otherwise I will notify the lawyer of the group and issue a lawyer's letter to you!"

The female reporter was not too frightened. She smiled slightly and said, "The matter has already spread. You are his secretary. How could you not know about it? Mr. Yang! Mr. Yang, do you have anything to say about this matter?" ?”

Yang Fei really didn't expect that the all-pervasive reporter would actually find out about this matter!

He is indeed married!

Of course it was a fake marriage!

Three days after the wedding, the bride ran away, and her whereabouts are still unknown!

When someone asked about it just now, Yang Fei was stunned for a moment, but now he has reacted, and smiled lightly: "Really? You said I was married? Who is she? Where is she? If you can help me Find it, I will be very grateful!"

"Hahaha!" Everyone who heard it in the audience laughed loudly.

Hearing the loud laughter here, more reporters and other people crowded over to watch the fun.

The female reporter was confused by Yang Fei's nonsensical answer.

Yes, it was rumored that Yang Fei was married, and that he was not with Su Tong.

But where is the woman who married Yang Fei?

Nobody knows.

Yang Fei said with a funny smile: "At the end of this year, I will hold a wedding with Su Tong. If you are interested, I will be very happy to invite you to the Taohua Village to attend the wedding banquet. Remember to bring a red envelope!"

"Hahaha!" The good-natured laughter broke out again.

Naturally, the female reporter's question just now was regarded as groundless, and no one cared anymore.

Yang Fei smiled and said: "I am very grateful for everyone's concern for me and Meili Group. However, the information on the Internet is hard to tell whether it is true or false, and good and bad are mixed. Everyone is a media person with a conscience. Big fire eyes, distinguish between good and evil, true and false, don't copy what others say. Rumors stop with the wise!"

Other reporters immediately squeezed in and asked other questions.

"Mr. Yang, you are the richest man in the country, how much money do you have?"

"Oh, how much money do I have? I think, I have as much money as the richest man!"


"The figures on the wealth list show that you have 12.8 billion? Do you really have so much money?"

"12.8 billion? I don't know! Who told you? I also want to ask him, where is my 12.8 billion? Why can't I find it? The money on my dozens of bank cards adds up to 2.8 billion. nothing!"


Yang Fei's humorous answers and calm and calm conversation won waves of laughter and applause.

Many of the big bosses who attended the meeting, originally sitting comfortably, couldn't help coming over to listen to Yang Fei's interview at this moment.

Someone whispered: "The richest man is the richest man! Just like a star!"

"Hey, are you insulting the richest man? Which star can compare with the richest man Yang Fei?"

"That's right, Yang Fei doesn't know how many stars he can support!"

"Hey, do you think he didn't raise a celebrity?"


At this time, the female reporter just now asked a sharp question again: "Mr. Yang, I learned that a worker is suing Meili Daily Chemical Factory, and some people have made a lot of comments on the Internet, saying that your factory is a vampire. You The money of the richest man is sucked from the blood of the workers. Do you have anything to say about this?"

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