The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1708 Time is not forgiving

An Ran's words undoubtedly poured oil on Yang Fei's heart.

At the beginning, Yang Fei agreed to let Su Tong be the branch secretary of Taohua Village because she felt that she was taking care of the children at home, doing nothing, and her life was too lonely, so she could have a job to enrich her life.

Unexpectedly, Su Tong became a big branch secretary, but shifted the focus of his life to this.

Yang Fei felt that it was necessary for him to have a talk with Su Tong.

I don't know what to say.

If the situation continues, the relationship between him and Su Tong will become more rigid.

After returning from Beijin, Yang Fei arranged the work here in Shanghai and flew to the southern province.

The car drove quickly from the provincial capital to Taohua Village.

Familiar music and singing sounded.

The country road took me home, the familiar melody and beautiful music made Yang Fei's thoughts tumbling.

Little Susu lived in the hospital for two days in the provincial capital, and only returned home this morning.

Before Yang Fei came back, he didn't tell his family.

When he stepped into the house, Wu Suying and others were surprised.

"Xiao Fei, why are you back?" Wu Suying hugged little Susu, and was teasing her with a ringing bell.

Seeing him, little Susu grinned and opened her hands towards him.

Yang Fei picked up his daughter and gently touched her forehead.

Wu Suying pulled her son to sit down and said with a smile: "Little Susu, look who is back! Your father cares about you so much!"

Little Susu showed her toothless gums, and she smiled cutely and beautifully.

Yang Fei said: "I happen to have something to go back to the province, so I'll drop by to have a look. Where's Su Tong?"

"There is something in the village, she went out early in the morning."

"Isn't she just a branch secretary? I've never seen how busy Tie Lianping is before! Why does Su Tong feel so busy after becoming a branch secretary?"

"I don't know about that. Anyway, there's nothing to do at home. It's okay for her to take care of work when she has time."

Yang Fei said: "The problem is, she doesn't have time to take care of the child well."

"The children are in our care."

"Mom, I'm going to find a Su Tong."

"Go, give me little Susu."

Yang Fei touched his daughter's forehead lightly again, and then carefully handed the child over.

Little Susu stuffed her fingers into her mouth and sucked her saliva.

Yang Fei said: "Mom, you can't let her eat her hands, it's too dirty."

"How can a child not eat his hands? Your two brothers ate non-stop when they were young, and they are still very strong now? It's okay!"

Yang Fei thought to himself that it is easy to change the country, but it is difficult to change the nature. It is powerless for mothers to change the habit of raising children.

He went out of the house and told the mouse to drive to the village.

When passing Tie Lianping's house, Yang Fei asked Mouse to stop the car.

He got off the car and walked to Tie Lianping's house.

The weather is fine today, and the sun is warm in winter, shining warmly on people.

In front of Tiejia's house, there are several bamboo chairs.

Rural people in southern provinces like to use old-fashioned bamboo chairs at home even if they build new buildings. They are durable, hygienic and environmentally friendly. It is cooler to sit in summer and more comfortable than sofas. In winter, a cushion is also soft.

At this moment, sitting on a bamboo chair in front of Tie's house, a man was completely wrapped up, wearing a cotton cap that covered his ears, and his feet were wearing homemade layered bottoms. With eyes closed, basking in the sun.

Yang Fei looked at him and wondered why Tie Zhishu suddenly aged so much?

He shouted: "Secretary Tiezhi!"

Tie Lianping was startled.

Opening his eyes, he got up immediately, laughed and said, "Boss Yang is here! When did you come back?"

Yang Fei shook hands with him and asked, "I just got back. Are you basking in the sun?"

"Calcium supplement!" Tie Lianping said with a chuckle, "I'm getting older, and my bones are not as good as before. The doctor told me to supplement calcium."

Yang Fei passed a cigarette over.

Tie Lianping took the cigarette and said with a smile: "I'm not in good health. The guest asked me to quit smoking. I can't quit! I told her, if you want me to quit smoking, you might as well tell me to die now." Already!"

Yang Fei said: "You are still our distributor, why don't you take care of the business?"

Tie Lianping shook his hand and said, "This is the world of young people. You must obey your old age! They told me to go to the county to do business. I went there for three days and then came back. I'm not used to it. I’d better get some dividends.”

Yang Fei nodded: "That's fine. You've worked all your life, and you should enjoy your happiness."

Tie Lianping pulled him into the room, and said enthusiastically, "Come and sit in the room?"

Yang Fei said: "No, I still have something to do. I'll visit you another day."

Tie Lianping watched him get into the car, and waved his hands with a smile.

After Yang Fei got into the car, he sighed and said: "This life has passed so fast! Who would have thought that the once famous Tie Zhishu would have grown up like this!"

The mouse said: "Yes, I used to think that he still looks like a cadre, but seeing him today, he is no different from other old people in the village!"

Yang Fei said: "Time is not forgiving, with a flick of a finger, the streamer will throw people away!"

Come to the village.

Before Yang Fei entered the door, he heard the voices of people inside.

It turned out that Su Tong really had something to do in a meeting.

The village is full of villagers.

Yang Fei walked in and stood behind, listening to Su Tong's report.

Su Tong saw her right away, his face flushed with excitement.

She waved at Yang Fei.

Yang Fei nodded, motioning for her to continue.

Su Tong was preaching the spirit of the meeting in the town.

That is, creating a beautiful country.

The sanitation work in Taohua Village is considered to be the best in the town, even compared with the streets in the city, it is not inferior.

However, these cleansings are only superficial.

As for each villager's house, whether the sanitation work in front of and behind the house is in place, you have to go into their house to know.

Beautiful countryside, one is sanitation work, the other is the construction of spiritual civilization, both are indispensable.

Su Tong singled out those families in the village who didn't pay much attention to hygiene, as well as families whose words and deeds were not very civilized, and asked them to make rectifications.

These words were immediately opposed by these family members.

They said, why do we say that we are not hygienic?

Someone shouted again, where am I being uncivilized? I didn't run to your house to spit!

Regardless of the cries of these people, Su Tong finished the policy and distributed a pamphlet to everyone, stating repeatedly that the construction of the beautiful village is related to the honor of the entire Taohua Village. The public enemy of the village.

The meeting broke up with difficulty.

After the villagers dispersed, Yang Fei walked over.

Su Tong smiled and said, "Why are you back?"

Yang Fei didn't answer, but asked, "Are you done with your work?"

Su Tong tidied up the materials on the table and said, "Well, it's almost done. It's not easy to do work in this village! There are several families who don't pay attention to civilization or hygiene! A grain of mouse feces can spoil a pot of porridge ! There's nothing I can do with them!"

Yang Fei said: "This is easy. I will teach you a way to ensure that they are obedient. You don't need to supervise them, they will consciously talk about civility and hygiene!"

Su Tong raised his head sharply, his eyes sparkled: "Really? What method? Teach me!"

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