The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1714: The troubles of the girl Jiang Xiaojia

After a while, Yang Fei heard someone shouting: "Who turned off the electricity? I wonder if the boss is watching a movie here? Turn on the switch quickly!"

Call soon.

The screen in the auditorium also lit up immediately.

The movie continues.

Jiang Xiaojia lay in Yang Fei's arms, not daring to get up.

Yang Fei patted her with a smile and said, "Okay, it's all right."

"Something happened."

"What's up?"

"I am afraid."

"I'm afraid you still watch horror movies? Ye Gong loves dragons! Shall I ask them to change?"

"Don't change it, I want to see it."

And scared, but also to see.

This is the psychology of watching horror movies!

"Then what to do?"

"Look at it that way."


Yang Fei understood what she meant by just looking at it this way.

In other words, she was going to sit in his arms and watch a movie!

Yang Fei coughed lightly and said, "Sit down! Otherwise, I won't watch it."

That's a harsh word.

It's a pity that what he's facing right now is Jiang Xiaojia, not an employee of Meili Group, so no amount of dignity can affect her.

Yang Fei's dominance is Jiang Xiaojia's favorite.

Moreover, she has never cared about Yang Fei's dominance.

She couldn't get up in his arms, so she just lay down and watched a movie.

Yang Fei was also helpless.

He can't push her down, can he?

What the movie fears most is in the latter part.

Jiang Xiaojia was startled, screamed for a while, covered her face for a while, covered her face but opened her fingers again, and looked through the gap.

Yang Fei didn't feel it at all at first, but she made it sound a bit eerie when she exaggerated it like this.

After watching "The Old Corpse in the Mountain Village", Jiang Xiaojia repeatedly said, stop showing horror movies, and change to another movie!

Yang Fei chuckled, and told the screening staff to change to a light-hearted comedy.

He also told the projectionists to go back and rest.

The staff told Yang Fei how to change the film, and then left.

Yang Fei and Jiang Xiaojia watched an all-night movie in the cinema.

Until dawn, Jiang Xiaojia didn't feel sleepy at all.

"Brother Yang Fei, it's really beautiful! It's so enjoyable to watch!" Jiang Xiaojia stretched his waist and asked, "What time is it?"

"It's half past seven."


"if not?"

"No wonder I'm so hungry! Don't watch it, my butt hurts from sitting! Invite me to have breakfast!"

Yang Fei said hello, invited her to have breakfast, and then sent her home.

After driving for a while, Yang Fei saw from the rearview mirror that Jiang Xiaojia was lying on the back seat and fell asleep.

He couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

Back in the community, Yang Fei couldn't bear to wake her up, and carried her upstairs.

Jiang Ziqiang and Wan Aimin had big hearts. Their daughter was taken out by Yang Fei for one night, and they slept soundly at home.

Yang Fei rang the doorbell twice without waking them up.

Last night, Jiang Ziqiang and his wife didn't sleep until midnight!

Yang Fei had no choice but to carry Jiang Xiaojia into his room.

Su Tong woke up with a start, saw Yang Fei coming in with Jiang Xiaojia in his arms, and asked with a smile, "What's going on?"

Yang Fei said: "You will never guess again,

Where did I spend the night with her last night. "

"Where is it? You won't be sleeping on the street, right?"

"That's not true. I watched a movie with her all night! It's in our beautiful theater!"

"Hey, then you are so happy! Such a beautiful little girl, watching a movie with you all night! What a wonderful memory!"

"Hehe, you'll know what it's like after you go to the cinema for one night."

Su Tong pushed him: "Okay, you go to sleep too! Is she okay?"

"I don't know, the child nowadays is very strange, and I don't know what she is thinking all day long."

"This is the trouble of the girl Xiaojia!"

"Nonsense! I think she is too full to eat!"

"Okay, I won't tell you any more. You can sleep at home at ease, I have to go out for a while."

"where you go?"

"I made an appointment with my classmates from the chemistry school."

"That's your classmate, and I don't know them well. You go, I can't make it, my upper and lower eyelids are fighting."

"Do you want to have dinner with them?"

"You can figure it out! The appointment should be made at night, I must not have woken up at noon."

"Let's forget it. We'll invite them when we get married. Anyway, everyone knows that you are the richest man and you are very busy. They won't blame you."

Yang Fei waved his hands, yawned, and fell asleep as soon as he touched the pillow.

It was a good sleep. When I woke up, I checked the time. It was already three o'clock in the afternoon!

Jiang Xiaojia didn't know when, she had already run to his bed, nestled beside him, sleeping like a child.

Yang Fei smiled, knowing that she must have had a nightmare and was afraid, so she ran over.

Su Tong didn't come back.

She called Yang Fei twice, but Yang Fei was in a deep sleep and did not answer.

In addition, there were two phone calls from Jiang Ziqiang and Wan Aimin.

These calls were all made in the morning. Yang Fei was in a deep sleep and didn't hear any of them.

After waking up, he called Su Tong back.

Su Tong went to play with his classmates and laughed happily.

Yang Fei knew that she would definitely have a good time.

Because of Yang Fei, Su Tong has long become synonymous with rich women among her classmates.

Such people, no matter where they go, will listen to a lot of flattery.

Su Tong told Yang Fei that Sister Wan had called her, and that she had explained Jiang Xiaojia's whereabouts to Sister Wan, and that Jiang Ziqiang and Wan Aimin had gone out on business and might not come back until evening.

After hearing this, Yang Fei stopped calling Wan Aimin.

He put down his phone and looked at Jiang Xiaojia beside him.

Suddenly, he heard her say: "Brother Yang Fei, I want to be with you for the rest of my life!"

Yang Fei was taken aback.

Seeing that she hadn't woken up, I knew she was talking in sleep.

However, dream talk makes people feel more sincere!

It also made Yang Fei even more frightened!

Yang Fei gently stroked her forehead, his eyes were full of love and compassion.

He got dressed, and after washing up, he felt hungry, so he went downstairs to eat and packed another portion for Jiang Xiaojia.

Jiang Xiaojia was still sleeping.

Yang Fei closed the door tightly, turned on the TV, turned down the volume, and watched the news and advertisements for a while.

Thinking of Jiang Xiaojia, Yang Fei felt that if he got married, the little girl would naturally give up her thoughts.

Although he liked Jiang Xiaojia very much, he really didn't have that kind of thought.

Not to mention Jiang Xiaojia, not to mention Chu Xiu, Yang Fei would never provoke her again.

Thinking of the wedding, Yang Fei felt that the most urgent task was to find Chen Ruoling and go through the divorce procedures.

Although he has a contract in hand, he can prove that their marriage is just an agreement.

However, this is not a glorious thing after all.

And there was a fact between him and Chen Ruoling.

If someone with a heart goes to court and accuses him of bigamy, then his wedding day will become his calamity.

Yang Fei took out his mobile phone and called Chen Ruoling.

He didn't know how many times he had called Chen Ruoling's new number.

But never a pass.

He once suspected that the number given to him by Chen's family was fake.

However, this time, it was miraculously opened!

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