The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1,739 Jin Dabao’s fallacies

When Yang Fei arrived at the hotel, the fight was already over.

Xu Yiheng was sitting on a chair. His head was swollen and looked like a pig's head. There were scars everywhere on his forehead and face.

Jiang Wen and Jin Dabao sat on the other side, seemingly not suffering any loss.

Two against one, they still have the upper hand.

Even if a fight like this is reported to the police, it will be handled through mediation.

Both Xu Yiheng and Jiang Wen knew this, so both parties were very sensible and did not choose to call the police.

Seeing Yang Fei's arrival, Jin Dabao immediately stood up lively.

"Apologise to Mr. Fei!" Jin Dabao pointed at Xu Yiheng.

Xu Yiheng snorted coldly and muttered something. Because his face was swollen, it was impossible to hear what he said.

Yang Fei said calmly: "Forget it, let's fight. Don't blame each other for hurting each other! As for your slander against me, I won't pursue it anymore. Just go!"

Xu Yiheng covered his face and limped away.

Jin Dabao was furious: "Master Fei, you just let him go?"

Yang Fei said: "He has been beaten enough by you, what else do you want? You have to be merciful and merciful."

Jin Dabao said: "You are so magnanimous! If I were you, I wouldn't be able to spare him!"

Yang Fei said: "Forgiving people is not a fool, a fool will not forgive others."

He patted Jiang Wen on the shoulder and asked, "Mr. Jiang, are you okay?"

"Boss, I'm fine." Jiang Wen said with hurt at the corner of his mouth, "Xu Yiheng said bad things about you everywhere, otherwise, I wouldn't take action."

Yang Fei said: "Some people are of low quality, and we don't need to be familiar with them. Okay, it's okay, let's go and rest!"

After Jiang Wen left, Jin Dabao was still complaining, feeling that he had spared Xu Yiheng too easily.

Yang Fei said: "What else should we do? Will killing him relieve our anger? Moreover, what is the purpose of setting up a trap in the media? Have you forgotten? Isn't it just to cause a topic? When the topic comes up, there will definitely be disputes. There are positives and there will be negatives.


Jin Dabao said: "Are you going back to Shanghai tomorrow?"

Yang Fei said: "Let's stay for two more days. Tomorrow we will reveal the mystery and push Qiu Ying out. After returning to Shanghai, we will hold a press conference to announce Huayi's new drama "The Affair of First Love". The male lead has been finalized. Yet?"

"It's settled, Jimmy agrees to star."

"Okay, that's it."

Jin Dabao said: "You're all here, let's go play together?"

Yang Fei said: "Not in the mood."

Jin Dabao chuckled and asked, "Is Master Fei worried?"

Yang Fei hesitated for a moment and said, "Let's go have a drink! Find a place to sit."

Jin Dabao suddenly became happy: "This is right! Let's go! Go have a drink."

The two found a bar and ordered a few bottles of beer.

Each person takes one bottle, opens the cap, touches the bottle, and then drinks from each other.

"Master Fei is worried about women, right?" Jin Dabao asked with a smile.


"This is the crux of the matter. People without careers worry about working hard for their careers. People with successful careers worry about women. No matter what, we will all have worries."

Yang Fei smiled and said: "Then those who are unsuccessful don't worry about women?"

"If you can't even afford a wife, why bother worrying about which one to marry?"

"Haha, interesting."

"Master Fei, I'm a little older than you, so I have a few words that I think I can give you as a reference."


"Since ancient times, marriage has focused on being well-matched. As for feelings and love, these are not considered at all."

"That's why the New Youth Movement broke these stereotypes."

"In fairy tales, princesses eventually marry princes and live a happy life. If a fairy marries a mortal, the final result will be the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl. Why does the word "brother-in-law" exist in the world? It's because there are always men who want to outdo the woman. , the woman occupies the dominant position in the marriage. If she asks you to come to the door, you have to come to the door. This is the result of the wrong marriage. "

"In what age do you still believe this?"

"No matter what age, human nature will not change. In marriage, there will always be a strong party and a weak party."

"What do you want to tell me?" Yang Fei smiled.

"It's very simple. As a man, just choose what suits you best. Whether there is love or not, what does it matter? How many of those who fall in love and get married grow old together?"

"What you say is too pessimistic. I have seen many couples who grow old together."

"Are they free love? Not to mention our parents, even my generation, nine out of ten people know each other through blind dates. Free love will most likely be separated by parents due to differences in region, different places, customs, origins, etc. The elders break it up.”

Yang Fei said: "I don't think so. I think love is the foundation of marriage."

Jin Dabao said: "I have only heard people say that marriage is the tomb of love. Of course, some people say that without marriage, love will die without a burial place. However, they don't understand that if they don't marry their love partner, they will also die. They will marry other people. They can still have a happy life."

Yang Fei said: "That's ridiculous. I have experienced the pain of blind dates. In this life, I must find someone I love to get married."

"Are you married?"

"I got married in a dream. We met on a blind date, but the result was very unhappy."

"Do you love Mr. Su?"


"There are only two of us today. Let me be honest. Mr. Su is very good. But he is not worthy of you."

"In love, there is no question of who is worthy of whom."

"There is no such thing as unworthiness in love, but there is in marriage. Mr. Fei, believe me, if she marries you, she will be the one who feels uncomfortable and the one who suffers. If you really love her, just let her go."

"Haha, it would be weird if I believed you!"

"Don't disbelieve me. Because in your marriage, your relationship is seriously unequal. She has nothing, and the only thing she can rely on is your love for her. As long as you make her feel a little bit If it’s not safe, then she will be in pain.”

Yang Fei was startled.

He always thought it was funny what Jin Dabao said.

But these words spoke to Yang Fei's heart.

Because he had already felt this emotion in Su Tong.

"It's just because of the unequal status. In front of you, she has to endure her temper, hold back her anger, and control her emotions. You can pamper her, but your family will pamper her like you do. ? Does she have status in front of your family? She must live a careful life because she is afraid of annoying your family. If she doesn’t work, your family will think she is freeloading. If she works, your family will She says she doesn't care about her family. As long as your family says something bad about her, she will feel that your whole family despises her, and then she will feel that the sky is falling and her life will be difficult to continue."

Yang Fei frowned.

He thought of the beginning.

His family indeed looked down upon Su Tong!

It was his love that forced Su Tong into this family.

As for him, he was busy with his career and never cared about whether Su Tong was living happily at home!

Is she really happy?

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