The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1741 13 glasses of wine

On this day, Yang Fei went to Meifang Factory to inspect the work.

I solemnly followed Lao Yan to explore the European market. Meifang Factory now has several deputy general directors.

If nothing else happens, once this inspection period is over, it is very likely that he will be transferred from the Meifang Factory.

Who will be in charge of the future of Meifang Factory?

Yang Fei's inspection also had the meaning of considering the successor of the next boss.

After contacting and talking with several vice presidents, Yang Fei had the deepest impression of them.

Combined with the usual assessment results, he had an idea.

However, he will not announce this matter before solemnly and officially transferring him.

After inspecting the work, it was time for lunch.

Several vice presidents of Meifang Factory stayed with Yang Fei for dinner.

Yang Fei also wanted to take the opportunity to know more about them, so he agreed.

The luncheon was held at the hotel in front of the factory.

This restaurant mainly deals with the employees of Meifang Factory. The proprietress is also a family member of the employees. The prices are fair and the food and wine are very authentic.

Yang Fei originally wanted to eat in the cafeteria, but after hearing that it was a restaurant owned by his family, he agreed to come and take care of him.

The landlady was pleasantly surprised when she saw that all the vice presidents from the factory were present.

When she saw the vice presidents surrounding a handsome young man, she couldn't help but take a closer look and immediately came forward with a smile.

"Hey, when I woke up early in the morning, I heard magpies chirping outside the house. It turns out that there is a distinguished guest coming! This must be Boss Yang from Yushu Linfeng, who is more beautiful than Pan An!"

Yang Fei saw that she still had charm in her forties. If she were more than ten years younger, she would definitely be a beauty. He also saw that she spoke humorously, and couldn't help but feel happy: "Do you recognize me?"

"Look where are you talking? My husband works in the factory, and my daughter also works in the factory. If I don't even know Boss Yang, then wouldn't my life be in vain? Come on, Boss Yang, Please come inside. Bosses please."

The hotel only has two private rooms, one large and one small.

Yang Fei and the others entered the large private room.

The landlady was very knowledgeable and entertained us warmly throughout the whole process. She personally served the food and poured the wine, and also made jokes and jokes. The atmosphere of the banquet was always very happy and harmonious.

The dishes served in the restaurant are all home-cooked dishes with unique taste. Although they lack spiciness, they suit Yang Fei's appetite.

Of course, meals are time-consuming.

Yang Fei also intends to get in touch with the vice presidents more. Although he doesn't drink much, he can make other people drunk with a glass of wine.

Some people say that if you don't get drunk once in your life, you will regret it for the rest of your life; if you get drunk often in your life, you will regret it for the rest of your life!

Yang Fei took a mouthful of food and put it into his mouth, and said slowly: "We can't let the boss lady tell jokes all the time! Let's do this, everyone here will tell a joke. Have fun!"

The landlady said with a smile: "Then I also want to thank Boss Yang and listen to the bosses' jokes."

A certain vice president said: "If ordinary people don't drink, they won't have any happiness at all. If brothers don't drink, they won't have any affection at all. If men and women don't drink, they won't have any chance at all."

Yang Fei waved his hand and said: "This doesn't count. It has to have a plot."

The man smiled and told a joke:

"The story goes that one day, my husband went to buy underpants with his wife, and the salesperson brought the tube top and underpants together. The husband stared and said, I only bought underpants, what are you doing with the tube top? The salesperson said, this is a set Yes. My husband said, my wife doesn’t need a tube top!”

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then they realized and laughed.

The landlady giggled and said, "It turns out this man's wife is an airport!"

The joke was well told, funny enough, but without color.

When dining with a big boss, you need this kind of quality joke. It won't sound good without color, but if it is too color, it will make you look tacky.

The other bosses felt a lot of pressure and were thinking deeply.

A vice president took a sip of wine and said with a smile:

"Let me tell you something. It is said that Marshal Tianpeng will be sent to heaven for molesting Chang'e and will be reincarnated! At this time, Heaven has implemented automated management. Marshal Tianpeng came to the computer, and the computer prompted: What do you want to be reincarnated into? ?A: Thin but not cheesy; B: Fat and white! Marshal Canopy chose B! The computer asked again: What kind of life do you want to live? A: Self-reliance; B: Open your mouth to eat! Marshal Canopy chose B! The computer asked again: How many spouses do you want? A: One; B: The more the better! Marshal Canopy chose B again! Computer prompt: Congratulations, you will be reincarnated as a boar!"

"Hahaha!" This time, even Yang Fei couldn't help but laugh.

When everyone saw Yang Fei smiling, they naturally laughed even more happily.

The landlady smiled and said: "I must have seen this joke from the Internet. Boss Yang, can you tell me one too?"

Everyone started cheering: "Boss, come one! Boss, come one!"

Yang Fei chuckled and asked the proprietress: "There are quite a lot of types of rice in your restaurant."

The landlady was stunned and said: "Boss Yang, there is only one kind of rice in our store. Just this kind of white rice. There are dozens of kinds of dishes."

Yang Fei said: "No, there are raw ones, cooked ones, and half-cooked ones."

"Ah?" The landlady was dumbfounded, and her palms were so frightened that her palms were sweating, and she said in a confused voice, "Boss Yang, let me cook it again."

Yang Fei smiled and said, "I'm telling you a joke, do you take it seriously?"

"Hahaha!" Everyone was very nervous just now, but now they knew it was a joke, so they all laughed.

The landlady said: "Boss Yang, you are really extraordinary, you tell the best jokes!"

At this time, a sharp cry came from the door of the box: "Mom!"

The landlady looked outside: "Xiao Ya, why are you back?"

"Today the big boss came to inspect the work. The 5S in our workshop did the best. The director gave us half a day off! Do you think it's fun?"

Following the words, a beautiful woman appeared at the door.

When she suddenly saw the leaders at this table, she couldn't help but be startled, and subconsciously turned around to leave.

The landlady grabbed her and said with a smile: "Your big boss is here. Since you are here, come and propose a toast!"

Xiao Ya was ashamed and blushed. She walked in and shouted at the leader.

She finally fixed her eyes on Yang Fei, her big black eyes rolling around.

Yang Fei waved his hand and said: "Girl, you don't know how to drink, so don't do it."

"Who said I can't drink? I drink a lot!" Xiao Ya said unconvinced.

Someone laughed and said: "If you can really drink, just toast the boss three glasses, and we will believe you."

"Here's to you. As long as the boss is willing to drink, let alone three drinks, I'll drink thirteen!" Xiao Ya said with a flourish of her ponytail.

The landlady quickly held her hand: "Don't be so aggressive!"

Xiao Ya said: "When I was three months old, my grandfather held me and fed me wine! I have been growing up in wine jars since I was a child! Mom, I'm not afraid!"

Yang Fei was surprised.

The vice president next to him smiled and said, "Boss, this little girl is leading your army!"

Yang Fei glanced at Xiao Ya and thought about how such a natural beauty could come from a commoner family!

Xiao Ya took the wine glass and filled it with three glasses of wine. Regardless of whether Yang Fei answered or not, she picked it up, raised it above her eyebrows, and drank three glasses in a row.

This is half a liang of wine glass. Three glasses of wine are one and a half liang.

Yang Fei chuckled and said: "How generous!"

He thought she would stop there, but he didn't expect her to fill up three more glasses.

Yang Fei thought to himself, is it possible that she really plans to offer me thirteen glasses of wine?

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