The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1,748 You are finally out!

The kidnappers were horrified to find that there were more and more police officers and more and more media reporters.

As for the onlookers, the outside of the bank has already been crowded.

"What to do now?" the kidnapper asked Yang Fei.

Yang Fei chuckled and said: "You are a kidnapper, what do you ask me to do? Don't you think it's funny?"


"Keep kidnapping me!"

"Mr. Yang, I was wrong. I shouldn't have tied you up."

"To be a kidnapper, you should have the awareness of a kidnapper and not give up halfway!"

"Don't provoke me! Are you really not afraid of death?"

"I'm afraid of death. You're afraid of death too. You're more afraid of your girlfriend's death. Am I right?"

"My girlfriend!" The kidnapper was shocked to realize that his girlfriend was not around.

"Don't worry, she's safe."

"you you……"

"You guessed it right, I drove her away deliberately. At this moment, she should be controlled by my people."

"Your people? How do your people know where we are?"

"To tell you the truth, they already know where I am."

"how did you do it?"

"I still have a mobile phone with me." Yang Fei said, took out the mobile phone and waved it in front of him.

"You are so scary!" the kidnapper shouted, "I didn't expect you to have two mobile phones on you!"

Yang Fei smiled lightly: "Thank you. As long as you don't kill me, your girlfriend will be fine."

The kidnapper's hands were shaking.

Before it was because of nervousness.

Now it's because of fear!

Yes, he didn't dare to kill Yang Fei.

"You don't mean what you say!" the kidnapper said bitterly,

"You said you wouldn't call the police!"

"I'm not lying to you, I really didn't call the police. I didn't call the police."

The kidnapper's heart was bleeding.

The first kidnapping in his life was such a failure, just like his failed life!

On the contrary, Yang Fei was not anxious at all.

He held the tea cup in his hand and took a sip from time to time, as if the person next to him was not a kidnapper but his bodyguard.

As for the knife hanging on his neck, he didn't take it seriously at all!

If he was still afraid before, now that he has the kidnapper's girlfriend in his hands, what should he be afraid of?

The standoff between the kidnappers and the police lasted for half an hour.

The kidnapper's psychological endurance is also being worn away bit by bit.

Outside the VIP room, a voice suddenly shouted: "Yang Fei!"

Yang Fei's eyes suddenly lit up.

The person who was supposed to come finally came.

Hearing this clear cry, the kidnapper couldn't help but look up and look out the glass door.

I saw a delicate and beautiful woman standing outside with a face full of anxiety and worry.

She wore a pink short shawl coat, which highlighted her excellent figure, paired with a bright yellow velvet knee-length skirt, a pair of black high boots, and her dark hair with natural undulating arcs resting on her shoulders. Clear and bright pupils, curved willow eyebrows, long eyelashes trembling slightly, fair and flawless skin with a hint of red, and thin lips as delicate as rose petals.

The kidnapper was stunned and sighed that there was such a beautiful woman in the world.

Yang Fei saw her and smiled: "Chen Ruoling, you are finally out."

Yes, the visitor is none other than Chen Ruoling!

After Yang Fei was kidnapped, he also had an idea and wanted to take this opportunity to "scam" Chen Ruoling out.

Chen Ruoling pursed her lips and said coquettishly: "When is it now? Do you still have the heart to laugh?"

She said to the kidnapper: "Sir, do you want money? Everything is negotiable! Please don't hurt him."

The kidnapper shouted nervously: "I just want to leave safely!"

Yang Fei sighed: "Are you stupid? So many people have seen your appearance, do you still want to leave? Where can you go if you leave here?"

The kidnapper trembled: "Then what should I do?"

Yang Fei said: "If I were you, I would surrender."

The kidnapper said: "You, you lied to me again!"

Yang Fei suddenly kicked off his feet, and the chair beneath him slid backwards, and his men took the opportunity to pounce forward.

The kidnapper was frightened and subconsciously raised his knife to chop down.

The knife hit the back of the chair.

Yang Fei's people had already jumped to the door.

Several policemen swarmed up and restrained the kidnappers.

The onlookers all screamed in surprise!

Chen Ruoling hugged Yang Fei and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

Yang Fei shook his head slightly and said to Chen Ruoling: "If I hadn't been waiting for you to come, I would have caught him long ago."

Chen Ruoling turned around and left.

Yang Fei grabbed her and said with a smile, "What are you doing?"

Chen Ruoling said: "You don't take your life seriously! Do you know that you were in danger just now?"

Yang Fei said: "I know it's dangerous, but everything is under my control."

Chen Ruoling said: "You are kidding with your life!"

Yang Fei said: "In order to see you, I am willing to make this joke."

Chen Ruoling wanted to throw herself into his arms.

But there were many people here and there were people from the TV station, so she still didn't dare to make a mistake and said, "I'll wait for you outside."

"Go together."

"You won't accept interviews from the media? Such a great publicity opportunity!"

"Haha! Stop mocking me."

After the media reporters took pictures of the police heroically capturing the kidnapper, they immediately turned the camera around and wanted to interview Yang Fei.

Yang Fei and Chen Ruoling had already walked out of the bank.

The kidnapper screamed from behind: "Yang Fei, you lied to me!"

Yang Fei stopped, and after he was escorted over, he said in a deep voice: "You have kidnapped me, do I still want to be honest with you?"

The kidnapper's eyes widened with anger and he wanted to eat Yang Fei: "Kill me if you can! Otherwise, I will kidnap you when I get out of the cell!"

Yang Fei said: "Then it depends on your ability!"

The police forced the kidnappers away.

Outside the door, Mouse and others were there. When they saw Yang Fei coming out, they opened the car door.

After Yang Fei and Chen Ruoling got in the car, Mouzi quickly closed the door and blocked all the media reporters who were chasing him outside.

"Did you see my advertisement looking for you?" Yang Fei asked Chen Ruoling with a smile.

"What I'm curious about is, how do you know that I am the one in heaven and on earth?"

"Who else could it be besides you?" Yang Fei said, "You also sent clothes to little Susu, thank you."

"I just love Wujiwu, you don't have to thank me."



"You have been in Shanghai all the time, why don't you come to see me?"

"I haven't been in Shanghai all the time. I went to Africa for more than two months. I just came back the day before yesterday."


"Do I need to lie to you?"

"Then I'm really lucky! If you weren't in Shang Hai, then my kidnapping would be meaningless."

"What do you want to do when you find me? What can you do?"

"I have a lot to say to you. Let's talk about it when we get home!"

Chen Ruoling sat dignifiedly, tilting her head slightly to look at him.

Yang Fei reached out and held her hand.

She struggled hard, but couldn't break free, so she glared at him.

"Are you stupid? You want to find me instead of a young, beautiful and noble girl?"

"Who are you talking about?"

"Of course it's Li Juan. Otherwise, who do you think she is?"

"It turns out you also know Li Juan."

"Of course. I suggested to Li Yi that he introduce Li Juan to you."

Yang Fei was stunned: "You? Why do you do this?"

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