The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1,754 How could it be Enron?

After seeing off Tang Wenjie, Su Changqing said to Yang Fei cheerfully: "Boss Yang, you still have more face. With you here, the leader promised to give our village one to two million yuan as soon as he opened his mouth. In the past, I would have been so stubborn. How about the money?"

Yang Fei said: "It's not that I have a big reputation, but that the Taohua villagers have a big reputation! The reason why I asked everyone to greet him together and put up a banner welcoming Leader Tang back to the village is to impress his heart."

"That's it!" Su Changqing laughed, "Let me just say, with your status, there is no need to greet him!"

Yang Fei said: "When asking someone to do things, first, you must learn to flatter him. Once he is happy, everything will be easy to handle. Second, you must make good use of various emotions to kidnap him, set him up, and make him have to do something. I am so To do it is actually to comply with these two points.”

"High! It's so brilliant!" Su Changqing gave a thumbs up, "No wonder Boss Yang has achieved such great success. Your way of doing things has really benefited me a lot."

Yang Fei said: "Director Su, you are not an outsider. I can tell you these things, but you can't tell them outside!"

"I know, I understand, the law is not spread to the six ears!"

"Haha, that's the truth. Just like what we did today, if Tang Wenjie knew about it and found out that we were using the villagers' emotions to kidnap him, would he still be able to do things for us?"

"Not only will he not be able to do things, he will probably be very angry."

Yang Fei was sincere and taught Su Changqing his own methods. Of course, it was not just a whim.

He understands the difficulties of working at the grassroots level.

Although Su Tong became the party secretary, he was young and had little knowledge.

To put it bluntly, Su Tong only relied on Yang Fei's reputation to become the party secretary and to be able to enjoy his life.

Which team at the county and town levels didn't treat Su Tong as a treasure because of Yang Fei's favor?

Su Tong and Su Changqing team up, which is a great thing for her.

Because Su Changqing and Su Tong are from the same family, their personalities are more honest and easy to talk to.

However, a person who is too responsible and too talkative will not be lucky in his official career.

Therefore, Yang Fei wanted to try his best to teach Su Changqing some of the true meaning of greeting and getting along with his boss, so that he could better assist Su Tong.

Su Changqing is old now,

He is the second oldest child in the village, not to mention Su Tong's uncle. No matter how powerful he is, he can only serve as a foil to Su Tong and will not pose a threat.

Even Su Tong himself might not be able to understand Yang Fei's good intentions.

Xiao Yujuan took Xiao Junjun back to live in the provincial capital. When she was free on weekends, her family of three would drive to Taohua Village for vacation.

The reservoir villa is much cleaner.

In the evening, Yang Fei sat at the door of the yard and chatted with his grandfather.

Old man Yang Mingyi's body is stronger than before.

After living in Taohua Village, he ran to the mountains almost every day, looking for and digging tree roots. He also pondered tree roots at home.

Not to mention, the old man's technique and artistic vision for carving tree roots have become more and more proficient, and each of his works is more beautiful than the last.

In order to carve tree roots well, the old man joined many associations, including calligraphy, painting, root art, and agronomy associations. He held meetings with people every now and then to exchange ideas and techniques. Unknowingly, he made great progress.

Various associations, whether public or private, knew that the old man was Yang Fei's grandfather, and they were eager to find opportunities to make friends with him.

As a result, artists from all over the world often came to the old man for discussion, which also made the old man's skills greatly improve.

After chatting until eleven o'clock in the evening, Yang Fei went upstairs to rest.

Su Tong went to take a shower.

Yang Fei's cell phone was almost out of battery and he was looking for a charger everywhere.

He opened the drawer of the dressing table and wanted to use Su Tong's charger.

The two of them used the same mobile phone and the charger was universal.

Suddenly, Yang Fei was stunned.

He didn't find the charger on the table, but he found a few photos.

It was actually a photo of Yang Fei and Chen Mo together!

A photo of two people walking along the Huangpu River, and it was a very intimate moment!

Yang Fei's eyelids were twitching, and then he realized that what Su Tong said about his "bad things" before was actually true!

He didn't pick up the photo and look at it, but pushed the drawer.

Who gave this to Su Tong?

Did she ask someone to secretly photograph her?

Or did someone secretly take a photo of her?

Why didn't Su Tong mention this to me?

Her mood swings before were related to this?

She knew all these nonsense, but she agreed to get married at the end of the year?

Do you want to confess to her?

If she didn't say anything, was she just waiting for Yang Fei to confess?

Can you confess this kind of thing?

Yang Feirao has two lifetimes of soul and knowledge, but he is at a loss at this moment and doesn't know what to do.

"What's wrong with you?" Yang Fei didn't know when Su Tong came to him!

"I was thinking about Tie Lianping." Yang Fei flattered him calmly, "I didn't expect that the old party secretary who was once so strong would suddenly become like this."

"There is nothing we can do about this kind of thing. Everyone is born, old, sick and die."


"Don't think about it. Go to sleep."


Little Susu was taken to bed by Wu Suying and Sang Yezi at night.

Yang Fei and Su Tong can live a comfortable life as two people.


Su Tong nestled comfortably in Yang Fei's arms, squinting her eyes and rubbing his chest.

Yang Fei stroked her hair, thinking about something on his mind and saying nothing.

He decided not to say anything.

If we don’t talk about it, maybe it will just pass.

Because saying it is unclear will only make it more confusing.

Some things are fine if you don't explain them, but once you explain them, you will reveal your guilt and shame.

Just when Yang Fei thought she was asleep, she suddenly said:

"Sister Wan has been promoted. I originally planned to go to the provincial capital in two days to congratulate her. Now that you are back, it is up to you to decide whether you want to go or not?"

"Of course you go!" Yang Fei said, "Sister Wan has been promoted again? I didn't know."

Su Tong said: "She said you were very busy, so she shouldn't disturb you. She also said that if I go, it will be the same as if you went."

Yang Fei said: "Then let's go together."

Su Tong said: "Tomorrow?"

Yang Fei said: "Okay."

Su Tong said: "Why did An Ran come back? Why didn't you keep her in the company?"

"If you keep her, you can't keep her. The supervisory department is actually very suitable for her."

"You really don't know why she left you?"


"There's something I haven't told you."

"What's up?"

Su Tong got up, got down on the ground with bare feet, and opened the drawer of the dressing table.

Yang Fei clenched his fists involuntarily, and then slowly released them.

As expected, Su Tong took out the photos and showed them to Yang Fei.

"You take a look at this first."

"What?" Yang Fei asked knowingly, with a calm look on his face.


Yang Fei had no choice but to take it, look at it pretendingly, and said with a smile: "Where did you get it? You don't doubt that Chen Mo and I have something, right?"

"you guess!"

Yang Fei is a smart man.

He thought that Su Tong had mentioned An Ran just now, and then took out these photos to show him.

"An Ran?" Yang Fei asked uncertainly.

He said in his heart: It can't be Enron, how could it be Enron?

Su Tong said: "Yes! It was given to me by An Ran. She came to Taohua Village once and handed it to me personally."

Her expression and her tone were as indifferent and calm!

She wasn't nervous, but Yang Fei was nervous!

What exactly is going on?

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