The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1,795 Please catch the thief

The emergence of super-concentrated laundry detergent has achieved the vitality of the past28.

Vitality 28 has become a leader in the domestic daily chemical industry with its ultra-concentrated laundry detergent.

If it hadn't been for its subsequent decline, the legend would have continued.

Later, Yang Fei proposed the concept of natural soap powder and brought Beauty Group to a new championship.

A few years later, Yang Fei once again used laundry detergent, an epoch-making product, to defend his championship status, which has never been shaken.

Over the past eight years, Yang Fei has led the industry trend and set industry standards again and again, allowing others to follow in his footsteps.

This kind of foresight that is one step ahead of others in everything has made Yang Fei, the richest man, and also the Beautiful Group.

What about the next eight years?

What amazing moves will Yang Fei and Meili Group make?

The conservatism and pioneering innovation of enterprises are a double-edged sword.

In specific operations, business owners are most likely to go to two extremes.

One is that it is too conservative and lacks the ability to innovate. As competitors upgrade, it will eventually be eliminated by the market.

The second is over-radicalization, continuous innovation, mergers and acquisitions, too big a business, and weak control ability, which consumes all the capital, and ultimately becomes insolvent and fails.

When Yang Fei formulated the group's development strategy, he paid great attention to avoiding these two minefields.

While innovating and developing, we do not expand blindly.

In every field that Yang Fei ventures into, he invests only after he sees it right. Every branch factory and branch is built only after he sees it right.

If there is a problem in a certain store or branch factory, Yang Fei will conduct accounting alone, eliminate what should be eliminated, sell what should be sold, and stop losses in time without mercy.

For entrepreneurs, the most important thing is funds, not which factory or store.

Factories closed down, stores closed, and the worst case scenario was starting from scratch.

This is also the reason why Yang Fei cut off his strength, shut down the Nanhua Chemical Plant, and sold the 666 Company.

As long as the funds are there, you can make a comeback at any time.

On the other hand, if all the funds are used up and the company clings to a failing factory, what will be the future?

Despite leading the industry for many years, Yang Fei still does not forget to innovate and develops new products again and again.

This time, Yang Fei came up with "Super Concentrated Laundry Detergent", which is enough to amaze the world!

Wei Xinyuan and others are all big shots in the daily chemical industry. Of course they know how much impact this technology will have on the industry.

Beauty Group conducts market research every year.

The group has a huge customer base and randomly selects a number of consumers for questionnaire surveys every year. It also provides sales feedback to front-line salespeople.

By comprehensively summarizing the survey data and analyzing it through big data, the conclusions drawn are relatively reliable.

Yang Fei not only relied on these data, he could also use the experience of later generations to test these findings.

After many comparisons, Yang Fei determined that environmental protection and concentration of products are the trends for future development.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

With the upgrading of consumer demand, daily chemical washing products will develop in the direction of green, concentrated, functional and personalized.

Yang Fei invested money,

Super concentrated laundry detergent was developed.

More convenient to store, less usage, cleaner and more environmentally friendly.

These are the advantages of super concentrated laundry detergent.

After Yang Fei explained, everyone in the venue could feel that this product would definitely be a bestseller again!

The emergence of ultra-concentrated super-coat powder, although it has not completely replaced ordinary powder, has occupied most of the market.

Especially in the mid-to-high-end market, urban consumers have a preference for super-concentrated laundry detergent.

After the emergence of super concentrated laundry detergent, it can wash two to three times more clothes with the same capacity. It is far more cost-effective and convenient than ordinary laundry detergent.

It is foreseeable that this new product will also be loved by urban consumers after it is launched.

Jiang Wen listened very carefully, and he had to sigh with emotion, Yang Fei is really a genius!

Many things that his colleagues couldn't think of or couldn't do, but Yang Fei was able to develop them again and again!

I thought laundry tablets were a genius creation, but I didn’t expect Yang Fei to come up with super concentrated laundry detergent!

Before that, Jiang Wen was Yang Fei's military advisor and a senior executive of the group, but he didn't know anything about it!

This shows how strict the Meili Group’s confidentiality mechanism is.

If Jiang Wen hadn't seen the previous laundry tablet technology by accident, how could he have acquired such excellent technology?

The meeting lasted for more than an hour before it ended.

After the meeting, Jiang Wen followed Yang Fei into the office.

"Boss, the company's R\u0026D department is really awesome!" Jiang Wen said with a smile, "It has developed so many high-tech, industry-leading technologies all at once. This time, it will surely greatly dampen the arrogance of its competitors!"

Yang Fei chuckled: "Toothpaste needs to be squeezed out bit by bit. Technology also needs to be introduced bit by bit. It's like a software, even if it can be done in one step, it can't do this. You have to update it every few days. First, solve some known problems, so that users will feel your sincerity, your innovation, and your ability to solve problems.”

After hearing this, Jiang Wen felt as if he was enlightened and suddenly said: "Good advice! No wonder the boss can be so successful. Your thinking is really superior to others."

Yang Fei said: "I'd like to pay you a visit to the Rili Chemical Factory. You must find out! Where did their technology come from? Who is the boss behind the scenes?"

Jiang Wendao: "Don't worry, boss, I will try my best. In fact, I still have the same view. Laundry tablets are a new thing, and we can compete with Rili Chemical Factory for the world."

Yang Fei said: "Let's talk about it later!"

Jiang Wen did not dare to say more and said goodbye.

Chen Mo came in and handed a copy of the printed meeting minutes to Yang Fei.

She watched Jiang Wen leave and couldn't help but said: "You know that this person is from Gao Yi, but you still leave such an important thing to him?"

Yang Fei said calmly: "The laundry tablet technology was stolen by Jiang Wen."

"Ah? You know? Then you still ask the thief to catch the thief?"

“Not only do I know he stole the technology, I also know who he gave the technology to!”

"Did you arrange this on purpose?"

"That's right! Although I set up a trap, flies don't bite the eggs that are not perfect!"

"Why did you do this? What's the benefit? Just to find out Jiang Wen's undercover identity? The price is too high, right? We have to pay for the technology of laundry tablets!"

Yang Fei laughed and said: "It's not as exaggerated as you think. I know Jiang Wen is an undercover agent, so I deliberately used him to contain the SARS company. The laundry tablet project is very deceptive!"

Chen Mo was confused and was about to ask him when he heard Yang Fei's cell phone ringing.

Yang Fei answered the phone.

For a moment, his expression turned serious.

Putting down his phone, Yang Fei said to Chen Mo: "Something bad happened!"

Chen Mo asked hurriedly: "What's wrong?"

Yang Fei said: "I have an informant at the SARS company. He just told me that the SARS company does not produce laundry tablets, and there is no news about the launch of the laundry tablet project!"

Chen Mo said: "So, Jiang Wen didn't sell the technology to SARS? Or, did he not steal our technology at all? Is it really a coincidence that Rili Chemical Factory produces laundry tablets?"

Yang Fei couldn't answer these questions, his handsome eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and he fell into deep thought.

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