The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1800 Defeated by Yang Fei’s momentum

Yang Fei wanted to take a picture of this Qianlong Jade Seal, but he was not in a hurry to raise his sign.

After the bidding started, people kept raising signs to raise prices.

The price of the Qianlong Jade Seal has soared from a low price of 1 million to a high price of 1.5 million.

Fu Heng whispered: "Boss, you can bid."

Yang Fei smiled slightly: "Don't worry."

There were five or six people participating in the bidding on the spot.

A few minutes later, the price of the Qianlong Jade Seal reached 2 million.

The price was already quite high, and there were only two people bidding.

Fu Heng glanced at Yang Fei, who was still as determined as ever and had no intention of raising a bid at all.

Although the boss is young, he is the best at keeping his temper!

When the bidding reached 2.3 million, the other bidder finally gave up.

Fu Heng thought to himself, should Yang Fei raise his sign?

However, Yang Fei still did not raise his sign.

The auctioneer shouted loudly: "Qianlong Jade Seal, 2.3 million yuan, first time!"

Fu Heng sweated: The boss won't change his mind and doesn't plan to bid for this collection, right?

That would be such a pity!

Everyone in the audience believed that the Qianlong Jade Seal would definitely be sold for 2.3 million.

The auctioneer shouted: "Qianlong Jade Seal, 2.3 million yuan, first time!"

When he shouted for the first time, he also scanned the audience with expectant eyes.

After shouting the second time, he no longer had any hope.

But out of professional practice, he still paused for a moment before making the final decision, and then slowly raised the hammer in his hand.

At this time, a clear shout sounded:

"2.5 million!"

The whole place was in an uproar.

Everyone looked towards the source of the sound.

Soon, someone recognized him and shouted in surprise:

"Isn't that the richest man Yang Fei?"

"It's really Boss Yang! I didn't expect that Boss Yang would also speculate on articles for fun!"

“Rich people play with antiques!”

"Boss Yang is very wealthy. Once he makes a move, he must be determined to win!"

"That's for sure."

The last bidder was a middle-aged man. He originally wanted to continue bidding, but when he heard that this bidder turned out to be the richest man Yang Fei, he couldn't help but be stunned.

For Yang Fei to become the richest man, there must be something special about him.

There are many smart people in the world, many people with backgrounds, and even more people with resources. However, only Yang Fei has become the richest man.

It can be seen that this person is so powerful that he must be better than others!

It is of course easy for you to bid with Yang Fei for something he likes.

After all, this is an open, fair and impartial auction, and anyone can increase their bid before the final hammer falls.

However, you also have to think carefully. If you raise the price infinitely for the antiques Yang Fei wants to buy, when you bid, Yang Fei will also raise the price infinitely.

It's obvious that Yang Fei's wealth and ability are far beyond those of ordinary people. How many people have a chance of winning in competition with him?

Moreover, if Yang Fei is a small-minded person,

If he loses to you in this auction because he doesn't want to raise the price, if he gets revenge in the future and stabs you secretly a few times, it will be enough for you!

Of course, these are just this person's imagination.

But people who often walk in the world will inevitably have more minds and their thoughts will be more complicated than ordinary people.

Just when he was thinking like this, he missed the opportunity to raise the sign.

When he recovered, he heard the auctioneer's hammer drop:

"Congratulations to Mr. Yang Fei for bidding on this Qianlong Jade Seal at a price of 2.5 million yuan!"

Yang Fei stood up and hugged the previous bidder, expressing his gratitude for the offer.

The bidder smiled bitterly, shook his head, and murmured in a low voice: "2.5 million, Yang Fei got a big deal by buying this treasure! Ten years later, this treasure will be worth at least 10 million!"

The person next to him couldn't help laughing after hearing this: "Wei Kewu, then why don't you bid?"

"What a fool! You may not believe it when I tell you. I was stunned by the aura of the richest man Yang Fei! I wanted to bid, but my hands didn't obey me and I couldn't lift them up. !" Wei Kewu laughed.

"Hahaha!" Everyone next to him laughed.

Someone said: "2.5 million will appreciate to 10 million in ten years. It seems like a lot. In fact, if you invest in other industries, you can also achieve this income."

Wei Kewu shook his head and said: "It's difficult! The main reason is that I'm not good at managing money. If I had Yang Fei's ability and learned how to make money from money, then I wouldn't need to speculate on this antique."

Someone said: "Yang Fei knows how to make money with money, and he is still investing in antiques! In my opinion, antiques are the real value-added industry! You will definitely make money without losing money!"

Wei Kewu said: "It's true. It all depends on how much you earn. It also tests people's discernment! If you have good discernment, you can become a billionaire by flipping antiques once."

"It was possible before, but now it's very difficult. There are too many people playing with antiques, and most of the goods that can be collected by the private sector have been collected by others. It's very difficult to make a fortune by detecting leaks!"

"No more chatting, it's time to bid again."

The auction this time is for a painting of a lady.

Yang Fei asked Fu Heng: "Mr. Fu, what do you think of this picture?"

Fu Heng said: "This is a painting of a lady from the Ming Dynasty, signed by an unknown painter."

Yang Fei asked: "How about the style and color and ink of the painting?"

Fu Heng said: "The use of ink and color is superior to others, and has the style of Qiu Shizhou. If you don't look at the signature and just look at the painting, you can almost mistake it for the real one. It looks like it is Qiu Shizhou's painting!"

Yang Fei said: "Really? Is this painting okay?"

Fu Heng said: "There is nothing to say about the painting. It is a pity that it is not an authentic work of Qiu Shizhou. If it is, then this painting is worth at least two to three million."

Yang Fei said: "Don't paintings by other painters have much collection value?"

Fu Heng said with a smile: "As the saying goes, the name of a person is like the shadow of a tree. Even if a master paints a few strokes, he will be praised for making flowers. But no matter how exquisite the ordinary people's paintings are, who will buy them? There were many in the Ming Dynasty. A professional painter who makes a living by selling paintings, Qiu Ying is also such a person, so his paintings are extremely skillful, especially the paintings of ladies, which are beautiful and gorgeous, free and elegant. "Slim and powdery."

Yang Fei asked: "How does it compare to Tang Bohu?"

Fu Heng said: "Tang Yin, Wen Zhengming, Shen Zhou and others are not only good at painting, but also good at other things. This is because most of them are young men from scholarly families."

Yang Fei smiled and said: "These are all famous Jiangnan talents!"

Fu Hengdao: "But Qiu Ying is different. He comes from a low background and relies on selling paintings for a living. He can only paint, but this also makes Qiu Ying's paintings of ladies a masterpiece, as famous as Tang Bohu. Because of this, so There are many people who learn from him. The author of this painting must also be a fan of Qiu Shizhou. He is so sophisticated that he can make a living by painting fake paintings of Qiu Ying!"

Yang Fei nodded.

At this time, the picture of the lady entered the bidding stage.

Yang Fei carefully studied the painting. The layout of the entire painting is spread out horizontally. The exquisite Ming Dynasty architectural furniture and retro Tang Dynasty clothing complement each other, forming a very wonderful fairyland scene. The ladies in the painting are lifelike and pretty.

Yang Fei lowered his voice and asked Fu Heng: "I like this painting very much and I want to take a photo of it. How much do you think is appropriate?"

Fu Heng pondered for a moment and said, "Less than five hundred thousand! Anything more is not worth it."

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