The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1806: Fan seepage

Yang Fei's curiosity was aroused by Fu Heng's words, and he came over to take a look.

In the crystal jade, there seem to be balls of lint!

The shape of the wadding is like rice grains.

The whole piece of jade is like a pot of thin white rice porridge, frozen and solidified, and lumped together.

Crystal clear, the rice grains inside seem to be suspended in jade.

Yang Fei didn't understand what it was and asked, "Mr. Fu, what's going on? Is this jade impure?"

Fu Heng laughed and said: "Boss, congratulations! Congratulations!"

Yang Fei looked confused: "Mr. Fu, what's going on?"

Fu Heng said: "This is called rice penetration!"

"Fan seepage?" Yang Fei was puzzled.

Tieniu chuckled and said, "Whose family dumped the leftovers and seeped into the rocks?"

This sentence immediately made everyone laugh.

Fu Heng said: "Although what Tieniu said is rough, it is not unreasonable. This rice seepage is also a manifestation of Qin. Jade has high hardness and is buried in the soil for many years. It is not completely Qin, but it is not completely Qin. Qin. The soft ones are chicken bone white, and the hard parts are porcelain white. The parts that are exposed to Qin and the windows are all showing signs of aging. They are not as white as before. This is not a disease, but the result of the unearthed ancient jade. feature."

Yang Fei said: "Is this an unearthed ancient jade?"

Fu Heng said: "If it weren't for Gu Yu, there wouldn't be such a good meal!"

Yang Fei said: "Then what age is this jade probably from?"

Fu Heng muttered: "This mutton-fat white jade has rice infiltration in its muscles. It is difficult for future generations to imitate and can only be made naturally. The green and white jade in the Ming and Qing Dynasties does not have rice infiltration. A conservative estimate is that this should be Han jade, or even Earlier than the Han Dynasty!”

At this time, there were many people watching.

Everyone was surprised when they heard that the stone Yang Fei bought was actually Han jade.

Needless to say, the value of Han jade.

What's more, this is still a piece of mutton-fat jade!

It’s still so big!

And there is also very rare and rare rice seedlings!

Yang Fei spent 350,000 yuan to buy a stone, but it turned out to be a treasure?

This person's luck is too good, right?

Yang Fei laughed and said: "Han jade! Haha! How much is it worth?"

Fu Heng said: "How much? It's hard to say now. Such a large and oozing Han jade is priceless!"

Yang Fei couldn't help being happy.

Chen Mo said: "Isn't that strange? Since it is such a good jade, why is it treated as a stone?"

Fu Heng said: "Look, there is a layer of stone skin on the outside of this jade, which means that this jade has not been carved and used. The previous owner may have known that this was a precious jade, so it was used as a burial object, but As time goes by, the appearance of this jade becomes more deceptive. Coupled with the inscriptions on it, collectors' attention is attracted by these tadpole inscriptions. For fear of damaging these inscriptions, they dare not cut open the stone at will. On the contrary, it makes everything perfect. Got this piece of beautiful jade!”

Yang Fei smiled and said, "Isn't this 880,000 in vain?"

Fu Heng said: "I dare not say it is too much, but this jade is definitely worth tens of millions."

Yang Fei patted Tieniu on the shoulder: "Okay, you have done a great job! If you hadn't dropped it this time, I wouldn't have dared to cut it!"

Tieniu smiled naively, then let go of the collar of the person he collided with, and stretched out his hand to help the other person smooth it out, and said with a smile: "Brother, it's okay! It's okay!"

Everyone in the auction house was amazed and amazed.

Yang Fei bought these four lots for a total of just over three million, and this piece of jade is worth tens of millions!

Make a lot of money!

This is something I missed at a regular auction!

Everyone can see it,

Yang Fei didn't understand antiques, let alone appraisals, but he was so lucky that he was able to pick up this mistake!

Are you angry?

Luo Yuxi and Luo Sheng looked at this scene and looked at each other.

Luo Sheng pouted and said dissatisfiedly: "Yang Fei's luck is a little too good, isn't it? Sister, we also took a rock, why don't we break it open and take a look?"

Luo Yuxi pursed her lips and smiled: "Stop thinking nonsense! Is this kind of good fortune available to everyone?"

Luo Sheng said: "Then why does he get it?"

Luo Yuxi glanced at Yang Fei, who was walking towards the door, and said, "His fortune is about to begin!"

Luo Sheng said: "Sister, what should I do with the pictures of ladies? Will he sell them to us?"

Luo Yuxi said: "I don't know."

Luo Sheng said: "He doesn't really want to sell it for 100 million, does he?"

Luo Yuxi said: "Even if it's 100 million, do you think he can't come up with it? He's not short of 100 million!"

Luo Sheng said: "No, I have to stop him and argue with him! We must buy this picture back!"

Before Luo Yuxi could speak, Luo Sheng had already ran over.

"Yang Fei!" Luo Sheng jumped in front of Yang Fei, stretched out his hands, and blocked him.

Yang Fei said: "Little girl, why is it you again? Go home quickly! Your parents should be worried about you!"

Luo Sheng said: "I'm not a child! I want you to worry! Hum, let me ask you, will you sell the pictures of ladies to us?"

"I said, I'll sell it to you for 100 million."

"It's too expensive! Make it cheaper!"

"Want it to be cheaper? That's fine too."

"Is it really okay?"

"Well, I'll tell you a riddle. If you guess it, I'll give you 10 million cheaper and only sell it to you for 90 million."

"Riddle?" Luo Sheng rolled his eyes and said, "I like to guess riddles the most. Please tell me!"

Yang Fei said: "White jade is flawless, guess the word!"

Luo Sheng tilted his head, supported his forehead with his hands, thought for a while, and said, "Jade!"

Yang Fei shook his head: "Wrong."

Luo Sheng said: "I'll guess again!"

Yang Fei said: "That won't work, you only have one chance."

Luo Sheng said: "Hey, you didn't say it was only once!"

Luo Yuxi said: "It's the word "emperor". The emperor's emperor. The white jade is flawless, that is, the little bit missing the word "jade", doesn't it mean the word "emperor"?

Yang Fei glanced at her and said, "You guessed it right, but it doesn't count."

Luo Sheng said: "Then come up with another question!"

Yang Fei said: "No time."

After that, he led everyone and left.

Luo Sheng said: "Sister, I'm so stupid! Why didn't I think it was the title of emperor?"

Luo Yuxi said: "It's no use guessing right. It's still 90 million! Forget it, I'll ask him out another day and talk to him again!"

Let's talk about Yang Fei and the others returning to the company.

Yang Fei hung up the picture of the lady to admire.

"Mr. Fu, the Luo sisters have tried so hard to get this painting back. What do you think is so strange about this painting?"

Fu Heng looked at the painting and said: "The brushwork is learned from Qiu Shizhou, and the brushwork is also very sophisticated. It can almost look fake! But as for the strangeness, I really haven't seen it."

Yang Fei said: "I don't understand antiques, but I understand people's hearts! There must be a reason why the Luo sisters care so much about this painting. What they said was an ancestral thing is just an excuse. The more they say this, the more I feel There’s something weird about this painting!”

He then pondered: "Also, they kept bidding with me, but then gave up. It's not that they can't afford the bid, but they are afraid that the bid is too high and will be suspicious!"

Fu Heng picked up the magnifying glass and looked at the painting while saying: "It makes sense. Why do they have to buy this painting back? What is so wonderful about this painting? I will study it carefully."

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