The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1808 Someone actually did this!

Fu Heng's magical operation dazzled Yang Fei, and at the same time he was filled with admiration.

I saw him wet the signature area with water, and after a few minutes, he lightly picked it with a knife.

Yang Fei saw that as Fu Heng raised the knife and dropped it, a small piece of paper fell to the ground!

"Mr. Fu, what's going on?" Yang Fei asked in shock, "Is this a fake painting?"

Fu Heng pointed at the painting and said: "Boss, this is not a fake painting, only the piece of paper is fake. Come and see, the real author of this painting is here."

Yang Fei bent down and took a look. There were two seals on the painting, both of which were engraved with seal characters.

One is a gourd-shaped Zhuwen seal with only two characters.

The other is a Yin square seal with four characters engraved on it.

Fortunately, these words are easy to identify.

"Shizhou?" Yang Fei asked in surprise, "Seal of Qiu Ying?"

He stood up suddenly and said, "Mr. Fu, is this a painting by Qiu Ying?"

Fu Heng said: "I have always doubted whether this painting belongs to Qiu Ying. After all, it is not signed by Qiu Ying. Apart from the very similar painting style, there is no trace of Qiu Ying in the whole painting. Now I should be able to confirm that this is Qiu Ying's painting!" "

Yang Fei said: "What's going on? Why was it overwritten and signed?"

Fu Hengdao: "There are many ways to fake ancient calligraphy and painting works. For example, after unscrupulous merchants got their hands on Ming and Qing calligraphy and painting, they removed the original author's signature and replaced it with the signature of a painter from the Song and Yuan Dynasties. It's hard to believe If you distinguish between true and false, you can sell it at a higher price."

Yang Fei smiled bitterly and said: "It's like a mountain across the street! Fortunately, I have Mr. Fu to help me. Otherwise, how could I dare to open a museum? If I go to collect antiques, I will probably take back a bunch of fakes! What other fakes are there in the world? Fu Laoyi, please teach me the methods!"

Fu Heng smiled slightly and said: "If there are people who dig money, there will be people who add money."

Yang Fei said: "It's easy to understand how to make money and make fake money. What's the reason for adding money?"

Fu Hengdao: "Some works are not signed by calligraphers and painters after they are completed. This is called a work without a signature. Others are only signed without seals. Or only with seals and no signatures. After the businessman gets it, he will add some at the same time. A painter’s stamp from a period or earlier period to enhance the value of the work.”

Yang Fei said: "That's it! This man will do anything to make money."

He pondered: "But how can we explain a situation like this? Who covered up Qiu Ying's signature?"

Fu Heng said: "This is quite puzzling. Logically speaking, people tend to rely on famous painters for unknown paintings, but this painting does the opposite! It covers Qiu Ying's name , but instead uses the name of an unknown painter. It’s really puzzling.”

Yang Fei asked: "Is there a possibility that the collector of this painting doesn't want people to know that this is Qiu Ying's painting, so he deliberately concealed it?"

Fu Hengdao: "This possibility cannot be ruled out. In the late Ming and Qing dynasties, there were frequent wars. If it were a painting by Qiu Ying, there would definitely be many people who would covet it, either by robbery or theft, making it difficult to guard against it. In order to protect the paintings, collectors indeed have Maybe. During the war, some parents were afraid that their daughters would be killed, so they dressed them in rags and deliberately blackened their faces with pot ashes. This is the same as protecting paintings of famous people."

Yang Fei smiled and said: "Fortunately! Mr. Fu, you have a sharp eye and can see through it at a glance! Otherwise, we would have missed a good painting!"

Fu Heng said: "The signature of this painting is relatively low, and the color of this area is also very dark. It is too easy to fake it. You only need to take a small piece of paper and render it the same color as the painting. , then paste it on, and then render it several times, so that no one can distinguish the traces.”

Yang Fei said: "It is indeed a very clever method! Mr. Fu,

So how much is this painting worth? "

Fu Heng looked at the painting and said, "The auction prices for Qiu Ying's paintings are quite high. This painting costs at least tens of millions. If it is collected for a few years, it will still increase, and it will go up to 100 million!"

Yang Fei laughed loudly and could hardly believe his ears!

Oh my gosh!

I bought a stone from an unknown dynasty for 350,000 yuan, but it turned out mutton-fat jade!

I bought a painting by an unknown Ming Dynasty painter for 880,000 yuan, and it turned out to be an authentic work by Qiu Ying!

Yang Fei couldn't believe that he was really so lucky?

Such a once-in-a-lifetime good thing, it's great to see it once, but how can it happen a second time?

Fu Heng exclaimed: "It's still the same painting. Just because the author is different, the value is very different. The difference is more than a hundred times?"

Yang Fei said: "What does this mean? The same person, dressed more sloppily, can't even enter the door of a five-star hotel, but if he changes his clothes, the doorman will open the door for you immediately!"

Fu Heng shook his head helplessly and said with a smile: "Boss, congratulations! You made another big mistake!"

Yang Fei couldn't help but said with joy: "I was worried that after the museum opened, there would be no treasures for the museum. No, I will get two treasures right away! Mr. Fu, I will definitely reward you heavily."

Fu Heng said: "This is all my responsibility, there is no need to reward me."

Yang Fei admires his down-to-earth approach to work and his attitude of not being greedy or asking for anything.

But the more this kind of person is, the more rewards Yang Fei will give him.

Fu Heng said: "Did the Luo sisters have seen this a long time ago, so they did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to buy this painting from you?"

Yang Fei said: "It's very possible!"

Fu Heng said: "It is precisely because they saw through the secret of this painting that they did not dare to raise the price too much during the bidding, because there were many experts at the time. If the price was raised too high, someone would definitely suspect that there was something wrong with the painting. You Experts like us can always figure out this secret if we think more!"

Yang Fei said: "But how did they see through this secret?"

Fu Heng said: "This batch of auction items will be displayed before the official auction. It is estimated that they saw this painting at that time and figured out the secret of this painting."

Yang Fei said: "If this is really the case, then there must be an expert guiding them behind the scenes of the Luo sisters? Mr. Fu, the antique circle is not big. Do you know who is guiding them behind the scenes?"

Fu Heng thought for a moment and said, "The ones named Luo? Let me think about it! Are they Luo Ning's daughters?"

Yang Fei said: "Who is Luo Ning?"

Fu Hengdao: "Luo Ning is not a person in the antiques circle, but he is a wealthy local businessman in Shanghai. Before liberation, the Luo family escaped trouble and went abroad to develop, and came back to China after the reform and opening up. Luo Ning's generation is very low-key. He makes a fortune in silence, never shows up in public, and doesn’t like to attend large group gatherings.”

Yang Fei said: "No wonder I haven't heard of this person's name."

Fu Heng said: "Although you don't know him as a person, you must know their products."

Yang Fei said: "Really? What product?"

Fu Hengdao: "The Luo family has many industries, all of which are industrial. The largest local soy sauce brand is theirs, which is sold in Meili Shopping Mall."

Yang Fei was surprised: "It turns out it's his family's property! What my family eats is his family's soy sauce!"

Fu Heng said: "As for who is guiding the Luo sisters behind their backs, I really don't know. There are many masters in the industry. As the saying goes, there are people outside the world, and there is heaven outside the world!"

Yang Fei waved his hand and said: "Never mind. This painting is in my hands. No one can take it away from me! Not even the Luo family!"

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