The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1814 Homecoming Guide?

That night, Yang Fei was invited to have dinner with Luo Yuxi.

After Luo Yuxi returned home yesterday, she discussed it with her brother Luo Zhihao for a long time, and then called her parents and second brother Luo Tianhao who were abroad to discuss it.

The Luo family expressed their powerlessness against Yang Fei's strength.

Yang Fei bought the painting and he has the right to dispose of it. What can others do?

Our country does not know how many cultural relics have been lost abroad. With the power of the country, we cannot beg for them or buy them back!

The result of the Luo family's discussion was to send Luo Yuxi to negotiate with Yang Fei, to use emotion and reason to find a way to get the treasure map back.

Therefore, Luo Yuxi was particularly respectful to Yang Fei during dinner.

It’s still February and the chill is approaching.

Luo Yuxi, however, wore a goose-yellow floral dress and a white coat. With her long black hair and rosy face, she was as delicate and bright as cauliflower in early spring.

Luo Sheng wears twin tails and is pretty and charming.

Luo Yuxi offered Yang Fei a glass of wine and said with a gentle smile: "Mr. Yang, my family and I have discussed that we still have to buy the painting. As for the silk painting, we are willing to bid an additional one million. Mr. Yang, what do you think?"

Yang Fei originally thought that as long as she asked for it, he would sell her the silk paintings together. After all, there was no use keeping it himself.

The reason why I didn't sell it to her during the day was that I wanted to spend more time studying the silk paintings to see if there was any mystery in them, and I didn't want the other party to get it so easily. When Tang Monk learned the scriptures, Buddha still had to set up ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties! Are the good things in the world so easy to get?

At this moment, Yang Fei couldn't help but be a little surprised when he heard her offer a high price of one million.

You know, the Ming Dynasty painting that Yang Fei photographed only cost 880,000 yuan!

Is an ordinary meticulous painting painted by someone in the folk period more expensive than the work of a Ming Dynasty painter?

This is impossible!

Yang Fei thought about it and smiled: "Miss Luo, I studied that silk painting carefully and found that there is a big secret hidden in it!"

Luo Sheng was young after all. After hearing Yang Fei's words, he was immediately surprised and said: "Did you also see that it was a treasure map?"

Yang Fei didn't know that the painting was a treasure map. He said he had a big secret, but he just wanted to deceive him. Unexpectedly, Luo Sheng was so innocent that he revealed the mystery straight away!

Luo Yuxi glared at her sister, blaming her for talking too much.

Luo Sheng also knew that he had said the wrong thing and stuck out his tongue.

Yang Fei laughed and said: "Don't blame her, anyone who sees that painting will know that it is a treasure map!"

After all, Luo Yuxi didn't know what the treasure maps drawn by her elders looked like. Was it clearly marked like a map? Let people know it at a glance? Or is it just covered in clouds and mountains, left to anyone’s guess?

Therefore, when she heard Yang Fei say that the map was a treasure map, she could tell at a glance that it was a treasure map, and she believed it.

Luo Yuxi is worried that if Yang Fei really sees that it is a treasure map, then things will be even more troublesome!

She continued the conversation and said with a smile: "Mr. Yang, don't listen to my sister's nonsense. It's not like making a movie. Where did the treasure map come from? It's just a map of our hometown."

Yang Fei said: "The map of your hometown? Is there any need to hide it so deeply?"

Luo Yuxi said: "That silk painting was painted by our elders before we went abroad. We are afraid that our younger generations will no longer know the way to our hometown after we return."

Yang Fei laughed and said: "Miss Luo, your explanation is too far-fetched. Since I am afraid that you will forget your way home, then this silk painting should be taken out of the country by you. Why is it hidden in the painting instead?" Woolen cloth?"

"This?" Luo Yuxi couldn't tell the lie, and her face turned red with embarrassment.

Yang Fei said: "Even if it is as you said,

That is indeed your guide to returning home, but now that you have returned home, it is of no use to you. Why should you go to all the trouble to buy it back? "

Luo Yuxi pursed her lips and couldn't answer.

Yang Fei said: "Miss Luo, I am very interested. I will look for your hometown according to that painting! Maybe I can find some treasures? Do you think so?"

Luo Yuxi's beauty turned pale, but she didn't know what to do.

Luo Sheng picked up the wine bottle, filled a glass of wine for Yang Fei, and said: "Yang Fei, you are too domineering! My sister is such a gentle and lovely woman, can't you be nicer to her? If you are a man, respect me Sister, have a drink!"

Yang Fei said calmly: "I'm not familiar with you, so I can't be gentle to you."

Luo Yuxi picked up the cup and said, "Mr. Yang, I'd like to toast you. To be honest, that silk painting is indeed a treasure map. Before my parents went abroad, they buried a collection of antiques at home in a place. , I was afraid that future generations would forget it, so I drew a picture to remember it. It’s just that God is not as good as man, but I didn’t expect that the picture of the lady was still lost!”

Yang Fei thought to himself, she finally told the truth!

This statement should be credible!

Luo Yuxi drank all the wine in one gulp.

Luo Sheng filled her glass again: "Sister, give Yang Fei another glass! Please give us back the silk painting!"

Luo Yuxi lightly tapped the corner of her mouth, wiped away a drop of residual wine, picked up the cup again, and said: "Mr. Yang, I shouldn't have lied to you before. It was my fault. I apologize to you. I will drink this glass of wine myself." Punishment.”

As she said that, she drained the glass of wine in another gulp.

Luo Sheng took the opportunity to say: "Yang Fei, my sister has had two drinks, and you don't drink one? You are so unmanly!"

Yang Fei sneered: "No need for you to provoke me!"

Luo Sheng snorted.

Luo Yuxi filled a cup for herself, picked up the cup, and paid three respects to Yang Fei: "Mr. Yang, those treasures are of great significance to our family. My family has encountered difficulties recently and needs a large amount of capital turnover, so I want to retrieve them as soon as possible. The treasure of our ancestors. I beg you, sell me the silk painting!"

After three glasses of wine, Luo Yuxi was already drunk.

She held her hands on the edge of the table, her face as sweet as the peach blossoms in spring.

Yang Fei pondered slightly. He didn't know it was a treasure map before, but now that he knew it, there was no reason to return it to them for nothing.

Treasure map!

Yang Fei spent money to buy this, and it should be his own.

Why should the Luo family take it back?

Yang Fei picked up the wine glass, took two sips, and said, "Miss Luo, I believe what you say. However, I will not sell the silk painting to you."

Luo Yuxi pursed her lips and sighed silently.

Yang Fei drank a glass of wine, looked at the time, and said, "It's getting late, I should go back, let's go!"

This hotel was decided by Luo Yuxi.

They were sitting in the box on the second floor, while Mo Zi and Ma Feng were waiting outside.

Yang Fei got up and left.

Luo Sheng said anxiously: "Sister, are you just going to let him go? Silk painting will never come back!"

Luo Yuxi said helplessly: "Otherwise? What else can we do?"

Luo Sheng said: "Sister, there is only one way now!"

Luo Yuxi instantly understood what method she was talking about and waved her hand: "No! If you want to use a honey trap, go ahead! I don't want it!"

Luo Sheng said: "I'll go, I'll go!"

Luo Sheng was surprised and said: "You are crazy! How old are you? You are still a child!"

The corners of Luo Sheng's lips curled up slightly and he said with a smile: "That's even better. If he sleeps with me and doesn't hand over the silk painting, he will commit a crime and be sentenced to three years in prison, and he will inevitably sit there!"


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