The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1886 Someone started a trade war!

Since Meili Group entered the international market, it has quickly opened up the U.S. market using its two brands: Whitening and Beauty.

Cheap and high-quality products have won the favor of overseas users.

However, the sales of Meili Group's products have also touched the interests of some people.

On the night Yang Fei arrived in the United States, he received a call from Sean.

Sean knew that Yang Fei was coming to the United States. After the call was connected, he asked Yang Fei if he had arrived.

Yang Fei smiled and said he had arrived and was staying in the villa.

Sean said: "There is something very important. Let me talk to you in person."

Yang Fei groaned: "Is it convenient for you?"

Sean said: "It should be fine."

Yang Fei said: "Then come over."

Half an hour later, Sean came to the villa.

Yang Fei and others were having barbecue in the garden of the villa.

Linda and Fu Ying are responsible for the barbecue, while Chen Mo and Ning Xin are responsible for the skewers.

A few big men are of course responsible for waiting for the meal.

Rat and Ma Feng each have their own tasks. Rat is responsible for residential security and Ma Feng is responsible for access control security.

There is a servant's room on the first floor of the villa, where Mo Zi and Ma Feng live, making it easier to patrol at night.

Ma Feng had been notified, and as soon as he saw Sean's car approaching, he opened the door of the villa to let him go.

When Linda saw her father arriving, she stood up happily and rushed over: "Dad!"

Sean hugged his daughter gently, and then greeted Yang Fei and the others.

Seeing so many people there, Sean hesitated slightly, wondering whether he should talk about that.

Yang Fei smiled and said: "These people are all my good friends, Mr. Sean, if you have anything to say, it doesn't hurt to say it."

Sean nodded and then said: "Mr. Yang, I have received reliable information that they are going to sue you for dumping."

Yang Fei knew the "them" he was talking about,

Who is referring to.

"Sue me for dumping?" Yang Fei said with a smile, "Isn't this right? Where did I commit the crime of dumping? They don't know the definition of dumping, right?"

Chen Mo said: "Yes, anti-dumping refers to the measures taken to resist the dumping of foreign goods in the domestic market. We have our own factories in the United States. If we sell things produced in American factories to Americans, this does not fall into the category of import and export." Product, why is it guilty of dumping?”

Ning Xin snorted coldly and said, "You really want to incriminate yourself, why bother without words?"

Yang Fei pondered: "Products made in my country are often subject to anti-dumping rulings by the United States. As far as I know, at the beginning of this year, many products have been subject to anti-dumping prosecutions, including chemical whitening agents, galvanized steel wires, steel wheels, Photovoltaic cells and other products. As the trade friction between the two countries intensifies, it is possible that someone wants to take the opportunity to bite others."

Chen Mo said: "At the beginning, we were afraid of US anti-dumping, so we came to the United States to open a factory. This way they can't fight back even if they want to."

Sean shrugged, spread his hands, and said, "They said that although Meili Group has factories in the United States, some of its products still rely on imports. Moreover, more than half of the raw materials for the products you produce in the United States are They are imported. Because of this, the prices of Meili Group's products are relatively low, and you can remain invincible in the competition with the domestic chemical industry in the United States."

Yang Fei said: "This is really something that came out of nothing!"

Sean said: "They are just a bunch of unreasonable people. If they were reasonable, they wouldn't sue you for dumping."

Yang Fei said: "Sean, have they sued?"

Sean said: "I just got the news today. It was decided by their senior management and they should take action soon. Mr. Yang, you should respond as soon as possible."

Yang Fei smiled bitterly and said: "This is the United States, what can I do? They want to file a lawsuit, and I can only fight with them."

Sean said: "You can't pin your hopes of winning the case on the federal court. You must save yourself. The federal court and business officials will definitely help P\u0026G."

Yang Fei frowned.

This was the first time he encountered such a thing.

Anti-dumping is a commonly used method in trade wars to sanction opponents.

If Meili Group wants to enter the world, it will definitely encounter the anti-dumping strategies of many countries.

Yang Fei has a factory in the United States, so he thought he could sit back and relax here.

He still underestimated the enemy's arrogance and unreasonableness!

When the commercial war cannot defeat you, the other party shamelessly resorts to trade war tactics!

How to deal with such an emergency?

Yang Fei asked: "What if, I mean if, they win the case, what will happen to us? What kind of sanctions will we get?"

Sean said: "The biggest possibility is to impose more additional taxes, which are anti-dumping duties."

Chen Mo said: "Why? It's not imported! We produce the products here! Even if this lawsuit goes to the United Nations, we are not afraid!"

Sean said: "One thing is true, Meili Group does import a lot of raw materials."

Chen Mo said: "Those are raw materials, but the products are produced by our American company. They can't impose additional taxes on our products, right?"

Sean smiled: "They can impose tariffs on some imported raw materials, which can also achieve the purpose of increasing your production costs."


"How shameless!"

Chen Mo and Ning Xin were aggrieved.

After the outbreak of the global financial crisis, due to the rapid shrinkage of international market demand, companies from all over the world are facing dual pressures to compete for international and domestic markets.

In order to support and protect their own industries and prevent trade diversion caused by shrinking international markets, many countries have introduced various trade protection measures.

It can be said that in the United States, as long as a large local company sues, the U.S. business agency will accept the case, and then there will be a long lawsuit.

This kind of international lawsuit usually lasts for a year or even several years.

Whether the defense can win or not is difficult to predict.

In the process of litigating a lawsuit, companies have to spend a lot of manpower, material and financial resources.

If we can win, that's fine. If we lose, the additional tariffs will be frighteningly high.

The additional tariffs levied are entirely dictated by the other side. It is common to impose additional tariffs of 30% or 50%, and some even reach 85% or more!

High tariffs will inevitably cause a chain reaction. If the cost of your raw materials is high, the cost of your products will be high, and the selling price will inevitably increase. Then your price advantage will be gone.

Soaring prices will definitely cause many consumers to abandon their products, and the final result will be that companies will struggle to survive.

Of course, Yang Fei knew how powerful it was, so he was worried.

The global strategy has just begun, but it has encountered strong counterattack!

Linda was still a student and didn't know much about the dangers of society. She grilled a handful of beef skewers, handed them to Yang Fei, and said with a smile: "Eat full first, and then think of a solution!"

Yang Fei was thinking about countermeasures, but he didn't react for a moment, so he didn't answer him.

Linda smiled and handed a bunch of beef to his mouth and fed it to him: "Yang Fei, what are you thinking about? Why are you ignoring me?"

Seeing this scene, Chen Mo and Ning Xin looked at each other.

Ning Xin pursed her lips and smiled, raised her heels and stamped on Yang Fei's toes.

Yang Fei groaned and came back from his thoughts.

Ning Xin said: "Idiot! There is a beautiful woman feeding you meat! Eat it quickly!"

Yang Fei opened his mouth and just bit the beef on Linda's hand.

Everyone laughed...

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