The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1891: Picking up foreigners’ mistakes

Yang Fei started bidding at US$8 million, and each time he raised the price by US$500,000!

It has increased all the way to the current US$9.5 million!

This rainbow-like momentum is both breathtaking and impressive.

At the very least, everyone present, whether they knew Yang Fei or not, they all saw it: This guy is rich!

Only when you have money can you be so willful, so chic, and so calm!

After Yang Fei shouted out $9.5 million, the expression on his face was cold, even dismissive!

Everyone in the audience looked at Yang Fei, and then looked at the European aristocratic man.

The aristocratic man actually didn't discuss it with the people around him, but just sat still with an attitude of "I'm just so handsome, you can look at me however you like!"

The auctioneer boasted again, and then tried another trick.

Finally, he found that no one was bidding with Yang Fei anymore, so he announced again and again in a sharp tenor:

"Shang Pan Fang Lei, 9.5 million for the first time! Does anyone else bid?"

No one answered.

When he shouted for the second time, the whole place suddenly became quiet.

Everyone seems to be waiting, waiting for the most handsome boy to come out and defeat Yang Fei.

However, they were disappointed.

The most handsome boy in the audience is undoubtedly Yang Fei!

"Shang Panfang Lei, 9.5 million for the third time! Thank you to this gentleman for taking the photo of Pan Fang Lei! Thank you!"

The whole audience burst into applause.

The European aristocratic man gave Yang Fei a thumbs up.

Liang Chao and others cheered like a mountain and a tsunami.

Yang Fei sat calmly, with a slight smile on his lips: "This is where the bag is settled!"

Chen Mo said: "9.5 million U.S. dollars! That's a lot of money!"

Yang Fei smiled and said: "Compared with the value of Dan Fang Lei,

What’s $9.5 million? "

Chen Mo said: "Then how much do you think this Fang Lei is worth?"

Yang Fei said: "Forty million dollars!"

Chen Mo said: "Is it really worth so much? Then if you auction it in the future, won't you make a lot of money?"

Yang Fei said: "I will never auction this artifact!"

Fu Heng asked: "Boss, how much did you originally plan to get it for?"

Yang Fei said: "I don't know. I think it will cost at least about 10 million US dollars! The current price does not exceed my expectations."

Fu Heng smiled and said, "Do you have any money left over to take pictures of other items?"

Yang Fei said: "Then it depends on what kind of treasure it is and whether it is worth photographing."

Fu Heng took the auction album, turned to one of the pages, pointed to a picture on it, and said, "You can have this."

Yang Fei took a look and asked, "Is this the armor of an ancient European knight?"

Fu Heng said: "Yes, and this armor has an extraordinary origin. It is the equipment of the French King."

Yang Fei chuckled and said: "The equipment of the King of France? Is this possible?"

Fu Heng said: "Then do you think it is impossible for the utensils used by the emperor of our country to be auctioned outside?"

Yang Fei was startled and said: "Mr. Fu, however, there is no indication in this booklet which king of France wore this. It only said that it was armor from the Capetian period. Logically speaking, if this is true, It's the armor of a certain king, so they should explain it, because it can increase its auction price."

Fu Heng said: "That's what I say, but many things have been circulated outside for too long, and the world has lost the research on it. They only know which dynasty it came from, but they can't figure out who it once served."

Yang Fei said: "In that case, how did you see it?"

Fu Heng smiled and said: "I just told you that I once studied in Europe and visited local collectors. The purpose was to broaden my horizons and gain knowledge. I once saw in a collector's treasure room He wore an identical piece of armor. And that armor was also a battle helmet worn by King Louis IX during the Capetian period of France."

"Louis IX? I have no idea about European history and kings. What era does this correspond to in our country?"

"In 1214, Louis IX succeeded to the throne of France. At that time, our country was in the Song Dynasty, during the Jiading period of Emperor Ningzong of the Song Dynasty."

Yang Fei exclaimed: "What kind of person is this Louis IX?"

"This guy is old and powerful. He inherited the throne at the age of 12. Louis IX is a famous virtuous and benevolent king in French history. He has a perfect personality and charm. Later generations will honor him as Saint Louis."

"That's St. Louis!"

"Louis IX was diligent and loved the people, which made France's economy prosperous, the French people had no worries about food and clothing, and France's status in Europe was unprecedentedly improved. He also participated in the Seventh and Eighth Crusades and recovered the Arab territories. Territory invaded by people. This is a king who spent his whole life in the military, so he has a lot of armor, which is also very valuable for collection."

Yang Fei pondered: "Mr. Fu, I trust your judgment. However, don't there are so many collectors and antiques in Europe and the United States recognize the origin of this armor?"

Fu Hengdao: "They can tell that this armor comes from the Capetian period, but they are not sure that it is the armor worn by Saint Louis. Because this armor is very different from other imperial armors of the Capetian dynasty."

Yang Fei said: "I think this armor does not have a strong European flavor, but it has some oriental flavor in it."

Fu Heng said approvingly: "Boss, your vision is getting better and better. You are right, this armor does incorporate a lot of oriental elements. This is due to the accessibility of the Silk Road. The Silk Road, It allows Westerners to see the silks of the East, and it also allows them to taste our tea, use our exquisite porcelain, and appreciate our country’s unique traditional Chinese paintings.”

Yang Fei smiled and said: "This is why our country's antiques are particularly famous for porcelain, calligraphy and painting. Because Westerners recognize our antiques from the bottom of their hearts."

Fu Hengdao: "In ancient Europe, only nobles could enjoy the things passed down from our country. Western nobles treating guests to drink tea is as grand and noble as us modern people treating guests to drink Maotai."

Yang Fei said: "So, our exquisite porcelain, calligraphy and painting have left a deep imprint on the inheritance of Westerners."

Fu Hengdao: "This armor is made by integrating the artistic charm of oriental clothing. Their craftsmen refer to Song paintings from our country. They absorb craft nutrients from Song paintings and then mix them with European styles." Armor manufacturing process. Henceforth, there is such a form of armor. Unfortunately, modern Westerners do not know these circumstances, so they do not agree that this is the armor worn by King St. Louis of France."

Yang Fei said: "Modern Westerners are extremely arrogant. If they are asked to admit that their ancient kings once wore oriental-style armor, I guess they can't accept it, right?"

Fu Heng smiled and said: "There may be such factors in it."

Yang Fei said: "In Mr. Fu's opinion, how much is this armor worth?"

Fu Heng said: "It's hard to say how much it's worth. But today's auction price, I don't think, will exceed one million US dollars, and its actual value is at least three to ten times that price!"

Yang Fei was shocked when he heard this. He could make a lot of money by taking a photo and selling it!

This is a trap for foreigners!

Why not?

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