The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1895: Learn to refuse, but refusal also requires confidence!

Yang Fei ignored the thief outside and swung the golf club in his hand again, hitting the thief on the head.

The mouse also swept his legs and kicked the thief in the lower body.

The thief fell down at the sound.

After Yang Fei and Moazi defeated the two thieves who broke into the house, they both jumped out the door.

As expected, Ma Feng has already taken action.

Ma Feng made a surprise move and hit a thief in the back of the head with a sap while he was unaware.

He was merciless and used all his strength. When the stick hit him, the thief fell down.

After Ma Feng succeeded, he swung his stick and knocked the gun out of the other thief's hand.

At this moment, Yang Fei and Mo Zi ran out, and the three of them beat two thieves.

Although the two thieves had guns in their hands, they had no time to fire them and were knocked to the ground by Mouse and the others.

These thieves all had hoods on their heads.

Yang Fei pulled off the hood of one of them and sneered: "They must have people who are cooperating outside, Mouse, Ma Feng, you put on your hoods, pretend to be their people, and catch the people cooperating outside."

Ma Feng and Mo Zi took the orders.

They first found ropes and tied up the five thieves before going out.

Outside the wall, there was indeed a small truck parked.

The truck's lights were off, but people in the truck could be seen smoking, with cigarette butts flickering on and off.

Ma Feng and Mo Zi walked over.

After approaching the vehicle, the two separated and approached the doors on both sides.

They were wearing hoods. It was dark, and the people in the car didn't pay attention. They thought they were one of their own, so they stuck their heads out and asked something.

Ma Feng didn't understand and didn't talk nonsense. He grabbed the opponent's neck fiercely, twisted it hard, and hit the opponent's face with another elbow.

The man didn't even have time to hum before his head drooped and he lay limply on the car window, motionless.

There was only one person in the car.

The mouse laughed and said: "These few stupid thieves still want to come and steal things from us!"

Ma Feng said: "What should I do? Should I call the police?"

Mouse sneered and said: "Why should we call the police? They failed to rob, and they won't be locked up for long before they are released to commit crimes. In my opinion, we might as well take out the ones inside, throw them into the car together, and then drive." Just go to the beach, put the car into neutral, and push the car into the sea. No one will notice it! No one will trace it anyway."

Ma Feng said with a smile: "I'm afraid Fei Shao won't agree to this, he will definitely call the police."

The two entered the house laughing and talking, and told Yang Fei about the situation outside.

Yang Fei groaned: "It's better to call the police!"

Ma Feng and Mo Zi looked at each other, meaning: Look, am I right?

Mouse said: "Master Fei, even if this matter is reported to the police, I'm afraid it may not be able to be solved. It's better..."

Yang Fei waved his hand and said: "We are in the United States, of course we must abide by the laws here and cannot commit murder or illegal things. They were originally the ones who broke into the house and robbed them, but if we killed someone, it would be our fault!"

He then ordered Chen Mo: "Call the police."

Chen Mo and others had already woken up and were currently surrounding Yang Fei.

Fu Heng, Wang Yuanzhi and others also agreed to call the police.

After hearing Yang Fei's order, Chen Mo immediately called the police.

The police came over and took away the five people.

The American policemen were all amazed when they saw five armed gangsters breaking into a Chinese house and being restrained by a few Chinese.

Yang Fei thought to himself, now, the rumors that the Chinese are good at martial arts are becoming increasingly unclear, right?

The facts are clear, Yang Fei and the others will not cause any trouble. It is already 4:30 in the morning after helping to record the confession.

Yang Fei was not sleepy at all, so he opened two bottles of wine. Everyone drank and chatted for a while, and it was dawn.

Chen Mo said to Yang Fei: "Why don't you go and get some sleep? You have to meet with George W. Bush today, so don't lose your energy by then."

Ning Xin said: "It's already past six o'clock, why are you still sleeping? Just wash up and prepare for the meeting."

Yang Fei said: "It's okay, he came to New York to see me. It takes more than an hour to fly from Washington! Don't be in a hurry. Our appointment is at half past ten in the morning."

"Where shall we meet?" Ning Xin asked.

"United Nations Headquarters."

"Wow, you look so tall."


Fu Heng said: "Boss, the news that you paid a lot of money to take pictures of Pan Fang Lei has probably spread throughout the United States. I'm afraid many black hands will target you. My opinion is to transfer Pan Fang Lei back to China as soon as possible to avoid long nights and dreams." "

Yang Fei said: "Let's do this. I will meet with George W. Bush in the morning and return to China in the afternoon."

Ning Xin thought she could go to the United States and have some fun!

Unexpectedly, I just came here to participate in an auction and will be returning to China soon.

But after what happened last night, although she was reluctant, she didn't dare to say anything more.

Chen Mo smiled and said: "Then I will arrange the voyage."

Yang Fei said: "After the arrangements have been made, you will first transfer Danfang Lei to the airport. After I finish talking with George W. Bush, I will go straight to the airport. I will have lunch at the airport and then take a flight back to China."

Ning Xin smiled and said, "Won't George W. Bush invite you to dinner?"

Yang Fei said: "Even if he invites me, I won't eat it. What's so delicious about the American dinner? I might as well go back to China early and eat a plate of chili fried pork!"

Ning Xin chuckled and said, "Only you dare to be so arrogant! Even the President of the United States invites you to dinner, and you dare to say you won't eat!"

Yang Fei said: "What's the point? The most important thing for a person is not to learn to accept, but to learn to refuse!"

Ning Xin said: "Reject? You have to be as powerful as you!"

Fu Heng said: "Then let's pack the antiques now."

Chen Mo said: "Yang Fei, have you forgotten something important?"

Yang Fei said: "Are you talking about the American company suing us for dumping?"

Chen Mo said: "Yes. This is a big deal."

Yang Fei said: "Haha, I will reach an agreement with George W. Bush. If we can't reach an agreement with George W. Bush, then there is no need to talk anymore. We will have to let them sue. Then we can play it safe."

Chen Mo said: "It's impossible for George W. Bush to help you for no reason, right? He is an American, so of course he helps American companies."

Ning Xin said: "Will he take the opportunity to threaten you and ask you to invest in the United States again?"

Yang Fei said: "Haha, investment? Of course you can. The premise is that I can't suffer a loss!"

Everyone laughed.

Yang Fei took a nap and got up at nine o'clock.

As soon as he was ready, he received a call from George W. Bush's secretary. The other party said that President Bush had arrived in New York and asked Yang Fei when it would be convenient to meet him.

In fact, we have already made an appointment. The other person asked just to confirm.

Yang Fei responded calmly, saying that he was ready and was on his way to the United Nations Building. He mentioned the armed robbery incident that happened last night, saying that it was because of this incident that he wasted time, otherwise , he had arrived at the meeting place long ago and was waiting. He asked President Bush for his forgiveness for missing the mark.

Bush's secretary was deeply surprised when he heard this and said many words of condolences to Yang Fei.

Yang Fei hung up the phone and took only Mouse and Chen Mo with him, while Ma Feng, Ning Xin and the others stayed behind to sort out the antiques and transport them to the airport.

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